Minutes of the 13th National Convention of the Young Socialist Alliance, Chicago, Illinois (12-28-73/01-01-74)

Appendix 1: Convention Schedule
Appendix 2: Credentials Report
Appendix 3: Other Messages Sent
    To the United Farm Workers (AFL-CIO)
Appendix 4: Messages Received
    1. From the International Marxist Group, British Section of the Fourth International, by Bob Pennington, National Secretary of the IMG
    2. From the Revolutionary Marxist Group, Irish Sympathizing Organization of the Fourth International,  by Robert Dorn, General Secretary of the RMG
    3. From the Gruppe Revolutionaire Marxisten, Austrian Section of the Fourth International, from the Central Committee of the GRM
    4. From the Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores of Uruguay
    5. From the Grupo Punto de Partida of Brazil
    6. From the National Committee to Free Los Tres del Barrio of Los Angeles
    7. From a Representative of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
    8. Representatives from the following groups also spoke and/or gave greetings to the convention:
        Young Socialists/Ligue de Jeunes Socialists (Canada)
        Socialist Youth Alliance (Australia)
        Juventud Socialista de Avanzada (Argentina)
        Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores (Venezuela)
        Grupo Comunista Internacionalista (Mexico)
        Liga Socialista (Mexico)
        Gruppe Internationale Marxisten (Germany)
        Editorial Board of Rouge (France)
        United Farm Workers (AFL-CIO)

Young Socialist Alliance Constitution, as amended by the Thirteenth National YSA Convention, December 1973


Minutes of the Plenum of the National Committee of the Young Socialist Alliance, Chicago, Illinois (01-01-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 1 (01-11-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 2 (01-15-74)

Letter to Andrew Pulley, YSA National Office, from John Holton, Alternate YSA NC Member, Internationalist Tendency, Madison (01-10-74)
Letter to John Holton from Rich Finkel, for the YSA NEC  (01-17-74)
Letter to Andrew Pulley, YSA National Office, from John Holton (01-14-74)
Letter to John Holton from Rich Finkel, for the NEC (01-23-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers and Financial Directors [re: Spring Fund Drive] (01-15-74)

Cover letter by Delpfine Welch, YSA Financial Director
Proposed Quotas - Spring 1974 Fund Drive

To All [YSA] Organizers, Sales Directors, and At-Large Members [re: Spring Sales Drive] (01-15-74)

Cover letter by Rich Finkel, YSA National Secretary, and Ginny Hildebrand, YS Business Manager
Spring YS Sales Goal Acceptance Form
Proposed Goals - YS 11,000 Spring Sales Campaign

To [YSA] members from Delpfine Welch, YSA Financial Director [re: Fall Financial Campaign] (01-16-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 3 (01-28-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers, from Jim Little, YSA National Office [re: Spring YS Teams] (01-30-74)

"Join the Young Scoialist Alliance," YSA recruitment brochure (01-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 4 (02-01-74)

Letter to Rich Finkel, YSA National Office, from John Holton, Madison, WI (01-27-74)
Letter to John Holton from Rich Finkel, for the National Executive Committee (02-01-74)

To [YSA] Members from Delpfine Welch, YSA Financial Director [re: Spring Financial Campaign] (02-05-74)

To All [YSA] Regional Organizers [re: YS Regional Teams] (02-06-74)

Cover letter by Jim Little, YSA National Office
Young Socialist Teams Handbook - Spring 1974

To all [YSA] At-Large Members from Sally Whicker, YSA Women's Liberation Director [re: Coalition of Labor Union Women] (02-06-74)

To All [YSA] Regional Local Organizers, from Steve Clark, YSA National Office [re: Pathfinder Books] (02-07-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers, from Rich Finkel, YSA National Secretary [re: National organizational and Financial tours] (02-07-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers, from Jerry Freiwirth, YSA National Office [re: Committee for Artistic and Intellectual Freedom in Iran] (02-13-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 5 (02-26-74)

To All [YSA] Regional Organizers, from Delpfine Welch, YSA Financial Director [re: Spring Financial Campaign] (03-05-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 6 (03-05-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers, from Malik Miah, YSA National Office [re: Committee Against Racism] (03-20-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 7 (04-02-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 8 (04-12-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers [re: Defense of Soviet and East European Dissidents] (04-17-74)

Cover Letter by Rich Finkel, YSA National Office
Press Release from the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation Ltd., signed by Pavel Litvinov, on behalf of the Soviet Initiative Group for Human Rights; Ken Coates and Chris Farley, on behalf of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation; Jiri Pelikan, for the collective of Listy, the journal of the Czechoslovak Socialist Opposition; Andrei Sakharov

To All [YSA] Regional and Local Organizers, from Jim Little, YSA National Office [re: regional work] (04-17-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers, from Steve Clark, YSA National Office [re: Pathfinder pamphlet "Secret Documents Exposed: FBI Plot Against the Black Movement"] (04-25-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers and National Committee Members [re: YSA Puerto Rico team] (04-25-74)

Cover letter by José G. Pérez, YSA National Office
Puerto Rican Team Report, by Selva Nebbia

To All [YSA] Organizers and Black Work Directors from Malik Miah, YSA National Office [re: African Liberation Support Committee] (04-25-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 9 (04-29-74)

To [YSA] Members from Ginny Hildebrand, Young Socialist Business Manager [re: Spring YS Sales Dive] (04-30-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers [re: High School work] (05-01-74)

Cover letter by Rich Finkel, YSA National Secretary
Philadelphia High School Work, by Valerie Libby (04-24-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 10 (05-01-74)

Letter to the National Executive Committee from Glenda H., YSA Organizer, San Jose, and Tom T., Regional Organizer, Northern California [re: Jack Kurzweil critical support] (04-05-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 11 (05-06-74)

To [YSA] Members from Ginny Hildebrand, Young Socialist Business Manager [re: Spring YS Sales Dive] (05-07-74)

Spring YS Sales Drive Scoreboard: Final April Figures

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 12 (05-10-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 13 (05-21-74)

To All [YSA] At-Large Members (06-01-74)

Cover letter by Rich Finkel, YSA National Secretary
"Declaration of the YSA Majority Faction," by Malik Miah, Lower Manhattan YSA Local; Geoff Mirelowitz, Brooklyn YSA Local; Andrew Pulley, Lower Manhattan YSA Local; Delpfine Welch, Brooklyn YSA Local  (05-31-74)

To [YSA] National Committee Members (06-01-74)

Cover letter by Rich Finkel, YSA National Secretary
Letter to the National Executive Committee from Peter Graumann, San Francisco (05-10-74)
Letter to Peter Graumann from Rich Finkel, YSA National Secretary (05-18-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 14 (06-04-74)

To [YSA] Members from Delpfine Welch, YSA Financial Director [ re: Spring Fund Drive] (06-06-74)

Letter to the [YSA] National Executive Committee from Cathy Matson for the YSA Internationalist Tendency (06-11-74)

"In Reply to the Call for a YSA Majority Faction," by Rich Mitten, YSA National Committee, New York City; Mark Lause, Alternate YSA National Committee, St. Louis; John Holton, Alternate YSA National Committee, Madison, WI; Cathy Matson, YSA IT National Coordinator, Chicago

YSA Membership Statistics (05-13-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 15 (06-14-74)

To All YSA Sales Directors from Ginny Hildebrand, YS Sales Manager (06-18-74)

Spring YS Sales Scoreboard

To [YSA] Members from Delpfine Welch, YSA Financial Director [ re: Spring Fund Drive] (06-19-74)

Final Spring Fund Drive Scoreboard (06-19-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 16 (06-29-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 17 (06-30-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 18 (07-02-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 19 (07-04-74)

[YSA] National Committee Plenum (07-04/07-74)

Proposed Plenum Schedule
Organization of the Plenum
Proposed Majority Faction Agenda and Schedule

National Committee Plenum Minutes - Young Socialist Alliance (7-04/07-74)

Organization of the Plenum
Proposed Plenum Schedule
Call for the Fourteenth National Convention of the Young Socialist Alliance

[YSA] Young Socialist and Pathfinder Press Sales Statistics (07-74)

Performance on Keeping Current with the Young Socialist for the First Five Issues of 1974: Center Locals
Performance on Keeping Current with the Young Socialist for the First Five Issues of 1974: Regional Locals
Debts to the Young Socialist, Comparative Standings - June 4, 1973; December 18, 1973; and June 1, 1974; Debts to the National Office, Comparative Standings - June 4, 1973; December 18, 1973; and June 1, 1974; Debts to the Speakers' Bureau - June 1, 1974 : Center Locals
Debts to the Young Socialist, Comparative Standings - June 4, 1973; December 18, 1973; and June 1, 1974; Debts to the National Office, Comparative Standings - June 4, 1973; December 18, 1973; and June 1, 1974: Regional Locals
 Debts to National Departments, Comparative Standings - June 1, 1973 and June 1, 1974: Regional Locals
Total Debts to the YS, YSA NO, Speakers Bureau and Local Debts, June 1, 1974: Center Locals
Total DEbts to All National Departments, YS, YSA NO, Comparative Standings - June 1, 1973 and June 1, 1974: Regional Locals
Average Weekly Per Capita Sustainers and Average Per Capita Fund Drive Pledges: Center Locals
Young Socialist Sales Comparison -  Fall 1973-Spring 1974: Center Locals
Young Socialist Sales Comparison -  Fall 1973-Spring 1974: Regional Locals
YSA Sales of Pathfinder Literature, January 1, 1974 - May 31, 1974: Center Locals
YSA Sales of Pathfinder Literature, January 1, 1974 - May 31, 1974: Regional Locals
Total Sales of 1974 Books and Pamphlets (to June 30)
Pathfinder and Monad Publishing the Following Books During the Last Half of 1974

To All [YSA] Members, from Andrew Pulley, National Chairman, for the YSA National Executive Committee [re: Expulsion of the Internationalist Tendency] (07-04-74)

Letter to the National Executive Committee of the Young Socialist Alliance, from Cathy Matson, National Coordinator of the YSA Internationalist Tendency (07-17-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 20 (07-19-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers, from Delpfine Welch, YSA National Organizational Secretary [re: Financial standing of Internationalist Tendency members] (07-24-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers and Financial Directors (07-24-74)

Cover letter by Delpfine Welch, YSA Financial Director
Financial Report: July 4-7, 1974 National Committee Plenum, by Delpfine Welch

To All [YSA] Organizers and At-Large Members from Steve Clark, YSA National Office [re: USLA Chile actions] (07-25-74)

Call for September 11 Actions on Chile

To All [YSA] Comrades [re: Convention call] (07-25-74)

Cover letter by Delpfine Welch, YSA National Organization Secretary
Call for the Fourteenth National Convention of the Young Socialist Alliance, by the National Committe, Young Socialist Alliance (07-07-74)

"Join the Young Socialist Alliance" brochure (08-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 21 (08-08-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers and Financial Directors [re: Fall fund drive] (08-08-74)

Cover letter by Delpfine Welch, YSA Financial Director
Proposed Quotas: Fall 1974 Fund Drive

To YSA Majority Faction Coordinators (08-09-74)

Cover letter by Andrew Pulley
Letter to Socialist Workers Party Headquarters, NYC, from Jim Collins, for four members of the Revolutionary Marxist Committee (Berkeley-San Francisco) (07-09-74)
Letter to the Revolutionary Marxist Committee from Barry Sheppard, Organization Secretary, Socialist Workers Party (07-29-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers and Financial Directors [re: Fall YSA speaking tours] (08-09-74)

Cover letter by Rich Finkel, YSA National Secretary
Proposed Schedules for Fall YSA National Speaking Tours

To All [YSA] Organizers from Delpfine Welch, National Organization Secretary [re: Fall Young Socialist teams] (08-09-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 23 (09-05-74)

To All [YSA] Majority Faction NC Members and Coordinators (09-06-74)

Cover letter by Malik Miah, Majority Faction Coordinator
YSA Majority Faction Minutes (07-04-74)
YSA Majority Faction Minutes (07-05-74)
YSA Majority Faction Minutes (08-18-74)

To All [YSA] Members from Rich Finkel, YSA National Secretary [re: YSA Majority Faction] (09-06-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers and NC Members [re: Fall YS teams] (09-06-74)

Cover letter by Jude Coren, YSA National Office
Young Socialist Teams Handbook - Fall 1974

To All Organizers and At-Large Members [re: Amnesty for Draft Resisters] (09-06-74)

Cover letter by Steve Clark, YSA National Office
"American Exile Communiqué," from Americans Exiled in Canada (08-23-74)
"Black Veterans: The Forgotten Victims of Vietnam," by Peter Bailey, from Ebony (09-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 24 (09-09-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers and National Committee Members from Malik Miah, YSA National Office [re: Political repression in South Korea] (09-11-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 25 (09-16-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 26 (09-20-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 27 (09-23-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers and Financial Directors [re: Fall Fund Drive] (09-24-74)

Cover letter by Delpfine Welch, YSA Financial Director
Fall Fund Drive Scoreboard (09-24-74)
Fund Drive Progress

To All [YSA] Organizers [re: Pre-convention discussion] (09-25-74)

Cover letter by Rich Finkel, YSA National Secretary
To All Members, from Rich Finkel (09-25-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers and Sales Directors, from Steve Wattenmaker, Young Socialist Business Manager [re: Fall sales drive] (09-25-74)

"Our Civic Election Campaign," by George Addison, report to the Political Committee of the League for Socialist Action/Ligue Socialiste Ouvrière [Canada] (09-30-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 28 (10-07-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers [re: Election campaign work] (10-08-74)

Cover letter by Jude Coren, YSA National Office
Campaign Work in the New York Region, by Jane Roland (10-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 30 (10-16-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers [re: FBI Surveillance] (10-29-74)

Cover letter by Steve Clark
"Socialists Seek Injunction Against FBI Surveilance," Sample news article (10-29-74)
"Fact Sheet on 10-29-74 Motion for a Preliminary Injunction to Stop FBI Surveillance of Convention of the Young Socialist Alliance," from the Political Rights Defense Fund
Statement by Delpfine Welch, Young Socialist Alliance National Organization Secretary, to News Conference on October 29, 1974, Press release
Statement of Syd Stapleton, National Secretary, PRDF, to News Conference, October 29, 1974, Press release

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 31 (10-30-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers and At-Large Members [re: Steve Wattenmaker case] (11-05-74)

Cover letter by Delpfine Welch, YSA National Organization Secretary
"Attoney General's List Still in Use: Civil Liberties Group Challenges Ongoing Use of Attorney General's List," press release from the Political Rights Defense Fund (11-07-74)
"Subject: Notice of Action to Determine Your Suitability for Retention in the Army," Letter to Steve Wattenmaker from Richard H. Smith, Maj, TC, Chief, Removal and Transfer Branch, PAD, Department of the Army (10-18-74)
Statement of Steven Wattenmaker (11-04-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers from Malik Miah, YSA National Office [re: Pre-convention discussion] (11-06-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 32 (11-08-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers and At-Large Members [re: FBI Surveillance] (11-12-74)

Cover letter by Malik Miah, YSA National Office
Editorial from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch (10-31-74)
Letter to Nashville Young Socialist Alliance from the Tennessee Valley Socialists (11-03-74)

To All [YSA] Members from Ginny Hildebrand, for the National Executive Committee [re: December 14 National March Against Racism] (11-16-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers, from Jude Coren, YSA National Office [re: Discussion Bulletin] (11-16-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 34 (11-20-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 35 (11-26-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers and At-Large Members, from Malik Miah, YSA National Office [re: FBI Surveillance] (11-26-74)

[Attachments missing]

To All [YSA] Members [re: National Student Teach-in Against Racism] (11-27-74)

Cover letter by Ginny Hildebrand, YSA National Office
"Proposal for a National Teach-in to Build Student Support for the December 14th March Against Racism"

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 36 (12-05-74)

14th Young Socialist National Convention: Tentative Convention Schedule

Report on the Illinois-Iowa Section Convention of the Young Workers Liberation League, by Val (12-06-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers [re: Election of Delegates] (12-06-74)

Cover letter by Malik Miah, YSA National Office
NEC Proposal for Composition of Nominating Commission
Proportional Representation

Letter to the National Executive Committee of the YSA from Cathy Matson for the Internationalist Tendency of the YSA (12-10-74)

Letter to the National Executive Committee of the YSA from Cathy Matson for the Internationalist Tendency of the YSA (07-17-74)
"Statement of the Political Committee of the Internationalist Tendency of the Socialist Workers Party and the Young Socialist Alliance," signed by the Political Committee of the IT: John Barzman, John Hutton, Bill Massey, Cathy Matson, Pat Quinn (07-05-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers and At-Large Members [re: YSA Convention] (12-11-74)

Cover letter by Jude Coren, YSA National Office
14th Young Socialist National Convention: Tentative Convention Schedule

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 37 (12-15-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 38 (12-17-74)

To All [YSA] Organizers and At-Large Members, from Steve Wattenmaker, YSA National Office [re: FBI Surveillance] (12-18-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 39 (12-20-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 40 (12-22-74)

To All [YSA Convention] Delegates and Educational Directors [re: Study guide] (12-23-74)

Cover letter by Ginny Hildebrand, YSA National Office
Basic Program and Concepts of Socialism: Ten Classes [Study guide] (12-74)

National Committee Plenum - Young Socialist Alliance, St. Louis, Mo. (12-28-74)

Minutes of the 14th National Convention of the Young Socialist Alliance, St. Louis, Missouri (12-28-74/01-01-75)

Credentials Report - 14th National YSA Convention
Messages Received:
    Revolutionary Marxist Party, Ceylon (Sri Lanka) Section of the Fourth International
    Internationalist Communist Party of Greece, Sympathizing Organization of the Fourth International
    Revolutionary Marxist Group, Austrian Section of the Fourth International
    Sattar League, Iranian Sympathizing Organization of the Fourth International
    Revolutionary Workers League, Belgian Section of the Fourth International
    League of Revolutionary Marxists, Swedish Section of the Fourth International
    Young Socialists of New Zealand
    Matzpen-Marxist, Israeli Section of the Fourth International
    Socialist Youth Alliance of Australia
    Revolutionary Communist Youth of China
    Liga Comunista, Spanish Symphathizing Organization of the Fourth International
    Andre Cirkelis, Field Organizer, Local 888, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, San Francisco, CA
14th Young Socialist Alliance National Convention Schedule
Proposed Organization of the Convention
Proposed Convention Schedule

Fall 1974 Young Socialist Teams (12-74)

Young Socialist Sales Statistics (12-74)

Center Locals
Regional Locals
Totals for Regional and Center Locals

Proposed Quotas - Spring 1975 [YSA] National Fund Drive (12-74)


[YSA] National Committee Plenum Minutes - St. Louis (01-01-75)

Selected Items from New Solidarity, newspaper of the National Caucus of Labor Committees (01-75?)

Introductory note by Doug Jenness

LSA/LSO Internal Information Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 1 (01-75)

"The Outlook for Revolutionary Propaganda in 1975," presented by John Riddell, adopted by the December 28-30, 1974 Plenum of the Central Committee of the LSA/LSO

LSA/LSO Internal Information Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 2 (01-75)

"Building Strong Branches: The Next Steps Forward," presented by Joan Newbigging, adopted by the December 28-30, 1974 Plenum of the Central Committee of the LSA/LSO

Political Bureau Meeting No. 20 (01-02-75)

Letter to the members of the International Control Commission, from Mary-Alice Waters for the SWP Political Committee (01-02-75)
Letter to the United Secretariat from Jack Barnes, National Secretary (01-02-75)
Letter to Ernest Mandel from Mary-Alice Waters (01-03-75)
"On the OCI's Proposal to Discuss Differences," Statement by the Political Bureau of the Socialist Workers Party ()1-02-75)
Letter to Joseph Hansen from Ernest Mandel (12-09-74)
Letter to Ernest Mandel from Joseph Hansen (12-22-75)
Letter to Pierre Lambert, Informations Ouvrières, from Joseph Hansen (12-22-75)
Letter to Charles [Michaloux?] from Jack Barnes (01-02-75)

"Boston: The Meaning of the Struggle - Exclusive for Rouge," by Caroline Lund (01-02-75)

To All Members [re: National Gathering] from Doug Jenness, SWP National Office (01-09-75)

Letter to the Socialist Workers Party from Jim Collins, on behalf of the Revolutionary Marxist Collective [Bay Area] applicants for membership in the SWP (01-10-75)

To all Organizers and Trade Union Directors (01-10-75)

Cover Letter by Frank Lovell, SWP Trade Union Director
Letter to Walter Lippman [Los Angeles] from Frank Lovell (12-20-74)
Letter to Frank Lovell from Walter Lippman (12-02-74)
"Dear Fellow Employees," by Social Services Union Local 535, SEIU, AFL-CIO, San Diego Chapter
Letter to Frank Lovell from Paula Reimers [Detroit] (12-05-74)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 1 (01-10-75)

To All [YSA] Organizers and National Committee Members [re: Young Workers Liberation League convention] (01-10-75)

Cover letter by José G. Pérez
Main Political Report - YWLL Convention

Meeting of Members of the National Committee Resident in New York No. 1 (01-11-75)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 21 (01-13-75)

Report on Coalition of Labor Union Women, by Linda Jenness (01-13-75)
Letter to Denver Area CLUW Organizing Committee, from Joyce Newell, National Coordinating Committee member, National Education Association (12-31-74)
Letter to Olga Madar, President, Coalition of Labor Union Women, from Joyce Newell (12-31-74)
Letter to Joyce Newell from Olga M. Madar (01-08-75)
Letter to Olga M. Madar  from Joyce Newell (01-11-75)

To All [YSA] Members [re: Dissolution of the Democratic Centralist Tendency] (01-15-75)

Cover letter by Steve Clark, YSA National Office
Letter to the National Executive Committee, YSA, from Kurt Hill for the former members of the Democratic Centralist Tendency (01-03-75)

To All [YSA] Organizers, Recruitment and Education Directors (01-15-75)

Cover letter by Ginny Hildebrand, YSA National Office
Study Guide - The Struggle Against Racism: A Four-Class Series

To All [YSA] Organizers, Boston Work Directors and At-Large Members, from Ginny Hildebrand, YSA National Office [re: National Student Conference Against Racism] (01-15-75)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 2 (01-16-75)

To All SWP Organizers, from Barry Sheppard, SWP National Office [re: Feb. 14-16 National Student Conference Against Racism] (01-17-75)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 22 (01-18-75)

Report on Several Responses to Economic Situation, by Doug Jenness

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 3 (01-20-75)

Letter to Jack Barnes from Milt Alvin, Los Angeles (01-21-75)

To All Branch Organizers and Sales Directors, from Les Evans, International Socialist Review editor [re: ISR] (01-22-75)

To All [YSA] Organizers and At-Large Members (01-22-75)

Cover letter by Jude Coren, YSA National Office
YSA Constitution, as amended by the fourteenth National YSA Convention, December 1974

Hand-Written Notes by Gus Horowitz from Political Bureau Meeting [re: Election Laws] (01-75?)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 4 (01-23-75)

To CoDEL Chapters (01-23-75)

Cover letter by Nancy Cole
Summary of Legal Status of Challenges to Disclosure Laws on Behalf of the Socialist Workers Campaign Committees
"Socialist Workers Question Common Cause," from Common Cause Report from Washington (01-75)
"Too Much Disclosure?," editorial from Des Moines Tribune (12-09-74)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 23 (01-24-75)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 24 (01-24-75)

To All Organizers and National Committee Members (01-24-75)

Minutes of the Steering Committee, National Committee for Justice to Latin American Political Prisoners (USLA) (01-18-75)

To All [YSA] Organizers, Boston Work Directors and At-Large Members, from Ginny Hildbrand, YSA National Office [re: National Student Conference Against Racism] (01-25-75)

To All [YSA] Organizers and Regional Organizers [re: YS regional teams] (01-28-75)

Cover letter by Rick Berman, YSA National Office
Young Socialist Teams Handbook - Spring 1975

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 5 (01-29-75)

To All [YSA] Organizers and At-Large Members, from Jude Coren, YSA Women's Liberation Director [re: International Women's Day] (01-29-75)

To All Organizers and National Committee Members [re: CLUW] (01-29-75)

Cover letter by Linda Jenness, National Office
Report on CLUW Steering Committee meeting (01-17-75)
Program and Activities Committee Report, as amended and adopted January 19, 1975, by the National Coordinating Committee of the Coalition of Labor Union Women

To Campaign Directors and Supporters, from Doug Jenness, National Campaign Director [re. "A Bill of Rights for Working People"] (01-30-75)

To All Organizers and Education Directors, from Fred Feldman, National Education Department (02-05-75)

To All [YSA] Organizers and Regional Organizers [re: YS regional teams] (02-05-75)

Cover letter by Rick Berman, YS Teams Coordinator
Excerpts from Reional Taskas and Perspectives Report to Cleveland YSA, by Chris Rayson

To All [YSA] Organizers [re: "Assembly to Save the Peace Accords"] (02-05-75)

Cover letter by Malik Miah, YSA National Office
Letter to YSA National Office from Mark Ugolini, Washington, DC YSA Organizer (01-28-75)

To All [YSA] Organizers and Black Work Directors, from Nan Bailey, YSA National Office [re: "Afrikan Women's Conference"] (02-05-75)

To All [YSA] Organizers, Black Work Directors and At-Large Members, from Nan Bailey, YSA National Office [re: "February 1st Movement"] (02-05-75)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 6 (02-06-75)

To All Organizers and National Committee Members from Doug Jenness, National Office [re: PRDF suit] (02-07-75)

"FBI Counterintelligence is Under GAO Scrutiny," from the New York Times (01-30-75)
"Files of FBI Show It Harassed Teacher," from the New York Times (01-29-75)
"Documents Reveal FBI Campaign to Get Professor Fired," from the Washington Post (02-03-75)
"Poison-Pen Police," editorial from the New York Times (05-05-75)
"Undercover Work," Herblock cartoon from the Washington Post (01-31-75)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 7 (02-08-75)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 8 (02-11-75)

Correspondence Concerning the Internationalist Tendency (02-12/05-04-75)

Letter to SWP National Office from Stu Singer, Houston (02-12-75)
Statement by Betsy Farley, Houston (01-31-75)
Letter to Jim White, Organizer, Houston YSA, from Houston IT Steering Committee (02-08-75)
Letter to Barry Sheppard, SW National Office, from Barbara Mutnick, St. Louis Branch Organizer (04-18-75)
"Socialism for the '70s" class series flyer
Letter to The Militant Business Office from Danny Laird for the Houston Internationalist Tendency (04-29-75)
Letter to Andrea Morell, Socialist Workers 1976 National Campaign Committee, from John Barzman, Internationalist Tendency (New Faction) (05-04-75)

To All [YSA] At-Large Members [re: National Fund Drive] (02-12-75)

Cover letter by Sheila Ostrow, YSA National Office
Spring 1975 National Fund Drive

To All Branch Organizers and Sales Directors, from Jack Barnes, National Secretary [re: International Socialist Review] (02-13-75)

Editorial to appear in International Socialist Review

To All Branch Organizers, Education Directors, and Education Committees, from Fred Feldman, National Education Director (02-13-75)

Material Related to the Case of Morris Starsky (02-19-75)

Letter from Catherine Perkus, Political Rights Defense Fund (02-19-75)
"AAUP Condemns FBI Harassment of Professor as 'Sleazy,'" from Higher Education Daily, Vol. 3, No 27 (02-07-75)
"FBI Letter Hit: 'Contemptible,' says AAUP Chief," from Chronicle of Higher Education (02-10-75)
Statement by William Van Alstyne, President of the American Association of University Professors (02-03-75)
Letter to William Saxbe, Attorney General, from William Van Alstyne, President of the American Association of University Professors (02-02-75)

Two Articles from the Bay Area About Evelyn Reed (02-75)

"A Forecast of Women's Destiny," by Mildred Hamilton, from the San Francisco Examiner (02-20-75)
"When Women Were the Bosses," by Joan McKinney, from the Oakland Tribune (02-21-75)

To All Branch Organizers (02-20-75)

Cover letter by Barry Sheppard
Letter to Political Committee, Internationalist Tendency from Peter Gellert (02-15-75)

To All National Committee Members, Organizers and PRDF Directors, from Doug Jenness, SWP National Office [re: government harassment] (02-20-75)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 9 (02-21-75)

To All National Committee Members [re: India National Question] (02-25-75)

Cover Letter by Gus Horowitz
Letter to S., India, from Gus Horowitz (09-19-74)

Political Committee Meeting No. 14 (02-25-75)

Letter to Milt Alvin, Los Angeles, from Jack Barnes (02-25-75)

To all Organizers, from Barry Sheppard, National Organization Secretary [re: right-wing threats] (02-26-75)

To All [YSA] Organizers, Boston Work Directors and At-Large Members [re: NSCAR Conference] (02-26-75)

To Political Committee Members [re: Cannon publishing project] (02-27-75)

Cover letter by Jack Barnes
Proposal on the Cannon Project, by George Breitman and Les Evans (02-25-75)
Addendum to the Cannon Proposal

To All Branch Organizers and Education Directors (02-28-75)

Cover letter by Fred Feldman, National Education Department
Study guide for "'Left-Wing' Communism: An Infantile Disorder"
Study guide for "The State and Revolution"

To All Organizers and Boston Work Directors, from Barry Sheppard, SWP National Office [re: May 17 march] (02-29-75)

To All Organizers, Boston Work Directors and At-Large Members, from Ginny Hildebrand, YSA National Office (02-26-75)

To All Organizers and Boston Work Directors, from Barry Sheppard, National Organization Secretary [re: NSCAR] (02-29-75)

"YSA Dominate in Boston, " article by The Committee for Justice, from Kingsman, official student newspaper of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn College (02-21-75)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 10 (03-04-75)

To All [YSA] Organizers and National Committee Members (03-05-75)

Cover letter by Olga Rodriguez, YSA National Office
Presentation on the Puerto Rican Struggle in the US, by José G. Perez

Correspondence Related to the Internationalist Tendency (03-10-75)

Letter to Barry Sheppard, Political Committee, SWP, from John Barzman for the Political Committee, Internationalist Tendency (03-10-75)
Internationalist Tendency Newsletter (03-08-75)
Letter to Peter Ge. from John Barzman for the Political Committee, Internationalist Tendency (03-10-75)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 25 (03-10-75)

Report on Defense Efforts for Dr. Edelin, by Linda Jenness
Letter to Political Committee, Internationalist Tendency from Diane Rupp, SWP National Office (02-29-75)
Letter to Barry Sheppard, Political Committee, SWP, from John Barzman for the Political Committee of the Internationalist Tendency (02-28-75)
Letter to John Barzman, Internationalist Tendency, from Diane Rupp, SWP National Office (03-04-75)
Letter to John Barzman, Political Committee, Internationalist Tendency, from Barry Sheppard, National Organization Secretary (03-10-75)

Letter to Barry Sheppard from Milton Alvin, Los Angeles (03-10-75)

Letter to the PC or PB from George Breitman (03-10-75)

To All [YSA] Organizers and Recruitment Directors (03-12-75)

Cover letter by Rick Berman, YSA National Office
Suggestions on Recruitment, by Michigan/Indiana YS Team (03-06-75)

To All [YSA] Organizers and Boston Work Directors, from Geoff Mirelowitz, YSA National Office [ re: NAACP endorsement of May 17 March on Boston] (03-12-75)

Correspondence Between the International Majority Tendency and the Internationalist Tendency (03-19-75)

Letter to John Barzman, Internationalist Tendency, from Aubin [Charles Michaloux] for the IMT Bureau (03-19-75)
Letter to the Political Committee of the Internationalist Tendency from the Enlarged Bureau of the IMT (03-19-75)

Letter from Joe Young, Pathfinder Press Canada, to all Vanguard Bookstore Managers and [LSA/LSO] Organizers (03-21-75)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 26 (03-22-75)

Developments in the SWP and YSA Suit, Report to the Political Bureau by Syd Stapleton (03-22-75)
"National Student Conference and the Struggle Against Racism," from Daily World (03-13/14-75)
To All Organizers and Trade Union Directors, from Frank Lovell, Trade Union Director [re: April 26 "Rally for Jobs Now"] (03-24-75)
To all Organizers and Financial Directors, from Barbara Matson, National Financial Director, and Barry Sheppard, National Organization Secretary (03-25-75)

The Voorhis Act (Undated)

Political Committee Meeting No. 15 (03-24-75)

To All Organizers, from Barry Sheppard, National Organization Secretary [re: Los Angeles bombing] (03-25-75)

"'76 Strategy," from Unity-Struggle, newspaper of the Congress of Afrikan People, Vol. 4, No. 5 (04-75)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 28 (04-05-75)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 29 (04-14-75)

Letter to SWP National Office from Nan Baily [re: Australia/New Zealand tour] (04-14-75)

To All Organizers and National Committee Members (04-15-75)

Cover letter by Barry Sheppard, National Organization Secretary
"Draft Main Political Resolution for the 21st National Convention, Communist Party USA"

Political Bureau Meeting No. 30 (04-16-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 15 (04-16-75)

To All Organizers (04-16-75)

Cover Letter by Doug Jenness, SWP National Office
"Statement by Coordinators of the National Peace Action Coalition, Organizers of Massive Anit-Vietnam War Marches on Washington on April 24, 1971 and January 20, 1973" (04-16-75)

"An Open Letter to Mayor Bradley" [re: Right-wing attacks in Los Angeles] (04-75)

Letter to the Political Committee of the SWP from Kayne for the Revolutionary Marxist Group [Canada] Political Committee (04-17-75)

Two Letters to the Political Committee from Milton Alvin, Los Angeles [re: Affirmative Action] (04-75)

Letter to the Political Committee from Milton Alvin (04-16-75)
Letter to the Political Committee from Milton Alvin (04-21-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 16 (04-22-75)

To Members of the Political Committee [re: Tim Wohlforth] (04-28-75)

Cover letter from the National Office
Letter to Joseph Hansen from Tim Wohlforth (04-19-75)
Letter to Tim Wohlforth from Joseph Hansen (04-28-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 18 (04-29-75)

Letter to the Political Committee from Milt Alvin, Los Angeles (04-16-75)
Letter to the Political Committee from Milt Alvin, Los Angeles (04-21-75)
Letter to Milt Alvin from Linda Jenness, for the Political Committee (04-29-75)
Letter to the Political Committee from Rich Feigenberg, Denver (04-23-75)

May 1975 National Committee Plenum (05-01/04-75)

National Committee Plenum Schedule
Political Committee Procedural Recommendations to the 1975 National Committee Plenum
Members of the National Committee elected by the 1973 Convention
Alternate Members of the National Committee
Advisory Members of the National Committee
Members Elected by the 1973 Convention to the National Control Commission
Regular Members of the Political Committee
Consultative Members of the Political Committee
Members of the Political Bureau
Call for the Twenty-Seventh National Convention of the Socialist Workers Party (05-04-75)
Concerning the Method Used to Determine Proportional Representation in the Election of Branch Delegates to the Convention, by Barry Sheppard
Progress on Raising National Office Per-Capita Sustainer Pledge
National Debt Retirement Campaign: Branch Debts April 1, 1975
National Debt Retirement Campaign: Comparative Branch Standings - April 1, 1973; June 1, 1974; and April 1, 1975
Branch Performance on Keeping Current with the National Office and Departments: Number of Months Current During the Twelve Months from April 1974 to March 1975
Pathfinder/Monad New Books and Editions Projected for 1975
Branch Literature Distribution and Finances, January through March 1975 (except as indicated)
Evelyn Reed Tour Summary, January-April 1975
Report to Los Angeles Central-East Branch on Reed Tour (February 23-March 1, 1975), by Evelyn Sell
YSA Membership Statistics (as of April 14, 1975)
Size of YSA Center Locals
Size of YSA Regional Locals as of April 1975
PRDF Financial Summary
National Campaign Media Statistics as of April 25, 1975
Distribution of "Bill of Rights for Working people" and "Youth and the '76 Elections"
Total Campaign Materials Ordered by Campaign Committees, Spring 1975
Inquiries Received by National Campaign Committee: January 1, 1975 - April 24, 1975
Contributions to National Campaign from Coupons, Endorsers, etc.
St. Louis Rally Collection Through April 24, 1975
Bills Paid and Outstanding to the National Campaign Committee as of April 24, 1975
Report on The Militant's Circulation in 1974
1972-1974 Comparison of Militant Bundle, Sales and Percent Sold
Comparison of Membership Participation and Per-Capita Sales in 1974, 1973 and 1972
Breakdown of Weekly Average Sales in 1974
Branch Financial Performance
Branch Debt Retirement to the Militant for 1972, 1973, 1974
Comparison of Militant Subscriptions for Last Issue of 1974 and 1973
New Militant Subscriptions as a Result of the Merger with the ISR (as of April 1975)
Comparison of Subscription Renewal Rates for The Militant
Comparison of Average Weekly Paid Circulation Figures

Call for the Twenty-Seventh National Convention of the Socialist Workers Party (05-04-75)

Concerning the Method Used to Determine Proportional Representation in the Election of Branch Delegates to the Convention, by Barry Sheppard
Political Committee Procedural Recommendations to the 1975 National Committee Plenum
National Committee Plenum Schedule (05-01/04-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 19 (05-15-75)

To Branch Organizers, Trade Union Directors, and CLUW Activists (05-19-75)

Cover letter by Frank Lovell, National Office
"Resolution on Discriminatory Layoffs and New Attacks on Affirmative Action Programs," Draft Resolution for CLUW NCC Meeting (05-30-75)
"Protection for Workers: Seniority Principles Affirmed as Basic to Labor Movement," adopted by the Executive Council of the AFL-CIO (05-06-75)

To Branch Organizers and Trade Union Directors [re: Reports on local union activities] (05-21-75)

Cover letter by Frank Lovell, National Office
    Social Services Union Local 535 (04-25-75)
    Hotel, Restaurant Employess & Bartenders International, Local 9, San Francisco, CA (04-25-75)
    UAW Local 72, Kenosha, WI (04-18-75)
    AFSCME Local 1644, Atlanta (04-29-75)
    AFSCME Local 1164, Twin Cities (05-01-75)
    Twin Cities CLUW Chapter (04-21-75)
    AFSCME Local 590, Philadelphia (03-25-75)
    Houston Teachers Association, Houston (05-07-75)
    American Federation of Government Employees, Seattle (05-01-75)
    Washington Teachers Union, AFT, Washington, DC (04-30-75)
    Michigan Federation of Teachers, Detroit (05-11-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 20 (05-23-75)

To All Organizers, from José Pérez, SWP National Office [re. UFW Gallo/grape boycott] (05-23-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 21 (05-23-75)

Letter to Jack Barnes, SWP National Office, from Susan LaMont, Boston (03-28-75)
Letter to Susan LaMont from Jack Barnes (04-08-75)
Letter to Susan LaMon from Jack Barnes, National Secretary, for the Political Committee (05-23-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 22 (05-29-75)

To All Organizers and National Committee Members [re: Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee] (05-30-75)

Cover letter by Barry Sheppard
Report on "Debs-Thomas Dinner" Held May 10, 1975, by Fred Feldman

Political Committee Meeting No. 23 (06-06-75)

To National Committee Members and Branch Organizers from Doug Jenness, National Office [re. upcoming convention] (06-09-75)
Proposed Schedule for Twenty-Seventh National SWP Convention (to be submitted to the National Committee
Proposed Fraction Meetings and Workshops at SWP Convention
Classes Following SWP Convention
Letter to Barry Sheppard, Political Committee, from Milt Alvin, Los Angeles (05-31-75)
Letter to Milt Alvin from Barry Sheppard (06-06-75)
To All Organizers from Barry Sheppard, National Organization Secretary [re. submissions to Discussion Bulletin] (06-06-75)

Correspondence Between Ernest Mandel and Jack Barnes (06-06/10-75)

Letter to Jack Barnes from Ernest Mandel (06-06-75)
Letter to Ernest Mandel from Jack Barnes (06-10-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 24 (06-10-75)

To Organizers and National Committee Members (06-10-75)

Cover letter by Jack Barnes, National Secretary
"United States District Court, Southern District of New York: Socialist Workers Party, et. al., Plaintiffs, against Attorney General of the United States of America, et. al., Defendants - Plaintiffs' Supplemental Answers to Interrogatories, 73 CIV. 3160 (TPG)"
"Rightists Seize on SLA Kidnap, Attempt to Revive Witch-Hunt," from The Militant (04-05-75)
The Voorhis Act

To National Committee Members [re: CLUW National Coordinating Committee] (06-16-75)

Cover letter by Linda Jenness, National Office
"Resolution on Discriminatory Layoffs," introduced by Jean Tussey
"Affirmative Action and Seniority," introduced by Connie Kopelov
"Proposed Madison-Janesville, WI CLUW position on Seniority and Layoffs" (05-75)
"Proposal on Undocumented Workers for Consideration by NCC"
Letter to Linda Jenness from Debby Leonard, Houston (05-29-75)
Proposed resolution on affirmative action and discriminatory layoffs

Political Committee Meeting No. 25 (06-18-75)

Letter to the United Secretariat from Mary-Alice Waters for the SWP Political Committee [re: David Keil contribution to international discussion] (06-18-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 26 (06-20-75)

Letter to the Political Committee from Bitsy Myers, Upper Westside Branch, NYC [re: readmission of John Singleterry] (06-17-75)

To All Comrades [re: Argentina] (07-03-75)

Cover letter by Jack Barnes, National Secretary
"Argentine Terrorist Ring Broken Up," by Hon. Larry McDonald of Georgia, from Congressional Record (06-27-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 27 (07-04-75)

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Appeal, by Robert Meeropol & Michael Meeropol
"What Are They Afraid of? Open the Files in the Rosenberg Case"
Letter to the Political Committee from Don Gurewitz, Boston [re: absentee ballots] (06-11-75)
Letter to Jack Barnes from Nancy Fields & Tim Wohlforth (06-24-75)
Letter to Nancy Fields & Tim Wohlforth from Barry Sheppard, National Organization Secretary (07-07-75)
Letter to the United Secretariat from Barry Sheppard, for the Political Committee of the SWP (06-30-75)
Message to the Memorial Meeting for Bob Chester, by Jack Barnes, for the Political Committee of the SWP (07-01-95)

Political Committee Meeting No. 28 (07-05-75)

To All Branch Organizers [re: Progressive Labor] (07-07-75)

Cover letter by Barry Sheppard, SWP National Office
Letter to Socialist Workers Party, NYC, New York from Rich Stuart, San Francisco (06-25-75)

To All [YSA Majority] Faction Coordinators, from Malik Miah, Faction Coordinator (07-12-74)

To All [YSA Majority] Faction Members, from Malik Miah, Faction Coordinator (07-12-74)

To All [YSA] Members, from Rich Finkel, YSA National Secretary [re: YSA Majority Faction] (07-12-74)

Correspondence re: Japanese-Americans (07-14/16-75)

Letter to Barry Sheppard, SWP National Office, from Patti Iiyama, Santa Monica (07-14-75)
Letter to Patti Iiyama from Tony Thomas (07-16-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 29 (07-18-75)

Correspondence between Milton Alvin and SWP Political Committee (07-16/8-06-75)

Letter to the National Office, SWP, from Milton Alvin, Central-East Branch, Los Angeles Local (07-16-75)
Letter to the National Office from Milton Alvin (07-18-75)
Letter to Milton Alvin from Jack Barnes for the Political Committee, SWP (07-29-75)
Letter to Jack Barnes from Milton Alvin (08-06-75)
"A Proposed Amendment to the National Committee Draft Political Resolution," by Milton Alvin, Central-East Branch, Los Angeles Local (07-16-75)

Correspondence Between Chicago SWP and Rich Mitten (07-28-75)

Letter to Rich Mitten from Joel Britten for the Chicago branch EC (07-28-75)
Letter to Diana from Rich Mitten

Letter to Doug Jenness from Fred Halstead, Los Angeles [re: "Opponent Organizations"] (07-29-75)

Correspondence Between the Internationalist Tendency and the Socialist Workers Party (07-27-75)

Letter to Barry Sheppard, SWP Political Bureau, from John Barzman
Internationalist Tendency Newsletter (06-30-75)
Internationalist Tendency Newsletter (06-14-75) [Missing]

"Facts on August 10 Carson Beach Incident," by Maceo Dixon (08-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 31 (08-08-75)

Proposed Motions for Organization of the Convention
Conference Schedule

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 30 (08-09-75)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 31 (10-13-75)

Militant Circulation Figures (08-75)

Branch Sales - Jan. through June 1975
Branches and Locals Current to The Militant (07-31-75)
The Militant's Average Weekly Circulation Jan-June 1975
The Militant's Subscription Base (08-75)
Summary of Prepaid Subscription Cards (08-01-75)

Constitution of the Socialist Workers Party [As ratified by the Twenty-Fourth Convention, 1971] (08-75)

"A Proposed Amendment to the National Committee Draft Resolution on the Black Struggle," by David Keil, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local (08-75)

"A Proposed Amendment to the Draft Political Resolution," by Steve Beren, Upper West Side Branch, New York Local; and Sandy Knoll, Detroit Branch [re: Gay Liberation] (08-75)

Hand-Written Notes on 1975 Convention by Gus Horowitz (8-75)


To All Delegates [re: OCRFI] (08-75)

Cover letter by Mary-Alice Waters, SWP National Office
Letter to Joseph Hansen from Pierre Lambert for the OCI [Organisation Communiste Internationaliste] Political Bureau (undated)
Letter to Pierre Lambert from Joseph Hansen (06-05-75)
Letter to Joseph Hansen from Pierre Lambert (06-16-75)
Letter to Pierre Lambert from Joseph Hansen (08-01-75)
Letter to the Executive Committee of the SWP from Alain Krivine for the Political Bureau of the Ligue Communiste Revolutionaire, French Section of the Fourth International (06-29-75)
Letter to the Executive Committee of the SWP from the Central Committee of the Ligue Communiste Revolutionaire (06-29-75)
Letter to the Central Committee of the Ligue Communiste Revolutionaire, from Mary-Alice Waters for the Political Committee, SWP (07-28-75)

Minutes of National Committee Plenum (08-16-75)

Conference Schedule

To All Delegates [re: Ralph Levitt Appeal] (08-19-75)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, SWP National Office
Letter to Ralph Levitt from Doug Jenness for the National Committee of the SWP (08-16-75)
Letter to the Political Committee, SWP, from Ralph Levitt (08-07-75)
Letter to SWP National Office from Jeff Powers, Oakland-Berkeley Branch (10-15-74)
Letter to Ralph Levitt from Jeff Powers, Oakland-Berkeley Branch (10-15-74)
Letter to Barry [Sheppard] from Jeff Powers, Oakland-Berkeley Branch (10-22-74)
Letter to Executive Committee, Oakland-Berkeley Branch, from Ralph Levitt (10-18-74)
Letter to Barry Sheppard from Jeff Powers, Oakland-Berkeley Branch Organizer (10-22-74)

Constitution of the Socialist Workers Party, as Ratified by the Twenty-Seventh National Convention (08-75)

Minutes Of National Committee Plenum (08-21-75)

[YSA] National Committee Plenum Minutes, Oberlin, OH (08-23-75)

To All Branch Organizers and CLUW Work Directors (09-03-75)

Cover letter by Linda Jenness, National Office
Affrirmative Action and Seniority, introduced by Connie Kopelev and adopted by CLUW NCC
Resolution on Discriminatory Layoffs, introduced by Jean Tussey
Affirmative Action Resolution, passed at AFSCME International Executive Board meeting (06-30-75)

To All Organizers and National Committee Members [re: Murry & Myra Tanner Weiss] (09-09-75)

Cover letter by Jack Barnes, National Secretary
Letter to members of the Socialist Workers Party and editors of The Militant and Intercontinental Press, by Murry Weiss & Myra Tanner Weiss (08-30-75)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 32 (09-11-75)

Pledges: 1969-1975

Weekly Per Capita Pledged to Branches 1969-1975
Monthly Per Capita Pledge to National Office 1969-1975

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 33 (09-12-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 32 (09-12-75)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 34 (09-18-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 33 (09-19-75)

To all Members, from Barry Sheppard, National Organization Secretary [re: Portuguese Revolution] (09-02-75)
Letter to Barry Sheppard from Betsey Stone [re: John G./Toledo] (09-09-75)
Letter to Betsey Stone from Doug Jenness for the Political Committee [re: John G./Toledo] (09-20-75

To All Organizers and National Committee Members (09-19-75)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, SWP National Office
Report on People's Party Convention, by Cindy Burke
Report on the National Convention of the Socialist Party USA, by Pam Burchett and Bob Schwartz

Letters from the Organisation Communiste Internationaliste [France] to the SWP (09-23/25-75)

Letter to Jack Barnes, National Secretary, SWP, from Pierre Lambert for the Central Committee of the OCI (09-23-75)
Letter to Jack Barnes, National Secretary, SWP, from Pierre Lambert (09-23-75)
Letter to "Comrade" from François (09-25-75)

Pathfinder Press Fall 1975 Titles /Sales Summary (Fall 75)

Keeping Current with Pathfinder: August 1974 to July 1975
Back Debt Payments to Pathfinder: August 1974 to July 1975
Sales of Pathfinder Books and Pamphlets Published December 1974 to July 1975
"Woman's Evolution" Sales Summary (to August 1975)
Number of Copies of "Woman's Evolution" placed in bookstores by sales representatives
Campus Literature Tables Sales January Through June 1975

Correspondence Between Ernest Mandel and Jack Barnes (09-24/10-02-75)

Letter  to Jack Barnes from Ernest Mandel (09-24-75)
Letter to Ernest Mandel from Jack Barnes (10-02-75)

To All [YSA] Organizers and Antiracist Work Directors, from Nan Bailey, YSA National Office [re: Second National Student Conference Against Racism] (09-24-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 3 (09-26-75)

To All National Committee Members and Organizers [re: Nation of Islam] from Doug Jenness, National Office (09-30-75)
Letter to Barry Sheppard from Melissa Singler, Cleveland Branch Organizer [re: NOI] (09-22-75)
Report from Bucky Kahn, Cleveland SWP [re: NOI] (09-27-75)
Letter to Ken Shilman, Seattle, from Doug Jenness, SWP National Office [re: Pat Bethard campaign] (09-30-75)

To All Branch Organizers and Trade Union Directors (10-01-75)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, National Office
Letter to Political Committee, Socialist Workers Party from Jeff Mackler, Oakland-Berkeley Branch (09-75)
Resolution Supporting Desegregation, adopted by Washington, DC Teachers Union (09-22-75)
Draft Resolution for National AFT/NEA Committees Against Segregated Schools

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 37 (10-04-75)

To All Branch Organizers [re: Hugo Blanco visa denial] (10-07-75)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, SWP National Office
"Kissinger Bans Blanco," letter to USLA coordinators from Mike Kelly, USLA staff (10-03-75)
Endorsers of Hugo Blanco's Right to Travel to the US (Partial List)
Proposed Tour Schedule for Mike Kelly and Proposed Tour Quotas

Political Committee Meeting No. 4 (10-09-75)

Letter to Pierre Lambert from Jack Barnes for the Political Committee of the Socialist Workers Party (10-09-75)
Letter to Jack Barnes, National Secretary, SWP, from Pierre Lambert for the Central Committee of the Organisation Communiste Internationaliste [France] (09-23-75)
Letter to Jack Barnes, National Secretary, SWP, from Pierre Lambert (09-23-75)
To All National Committee Members from Barry Sheppard [re: NC meeting] (10-09-75)

To the Political Committee (10-6/14-75)

Letter to Jack Barnes from Ernest Mandel (10-06-75)
Letter to Ernest Mandel from Jack Barnes (10-14-75)

To All National Committee Members and Organizers (10-15-75)

Cover letter by Jack Barnes, National Secretary
"The 1975 SWP Convention and International Questions," from the Internationalist Tendency Newsletter (09-24-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 5 (10-16-75)

"To the Political Bureaus of the Sections and Sympathizing Organizations of the Fourth International," by Paulo for the Executive Committee of the Liga Comunista Internacionalista, Sympathizing Organization of the Fourth International [Portugal] (10-17-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 6 (10-20-75)

Report on NSCAR Conference and November Action Perspectives, by Malik Miah (10-20-75)
Report on CLUW, by Linda Jenness (10-20-75)

To All National Committee Members and Organizers (10-21-75)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, SWP National Office
"SWP Calls on Secret Service," editorial from Workers World (10-10-75)
Letter to Editor, Workers World, from Andrea Morell, Socialist Workers 1976 National Campaign Committee (10-21-75)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 39 (10-21-75)

To All National Committee Members (10-23-75)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, SWP National Office
Letter to Murry & Myra Tanner Weiss from Pierre Frank (10-06-75)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 40 (10-23-75)

Letter to John Barzman, Chicago, from Peter Gellert, Houston (10-23-75)

"Portugal," letter to the Editor, Economic and Political Weekly, by Tariq Ali (10-25-75)

To All Organizers from Doug Jenness, SWP Natioonal Office [re: Militant circulation] (10-31-75)

To Political Committee Members from Doug Jenness (11-01-75)

Letter to Stu Singer, Houston, from Doug Jenness
Letter to the Political Committee from Peter Gellert, Houston (10-23-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 7 (11-06-75)

Report on CLUW NCC Meeting and Preparations for the Convention, by Linda Jenness (11-06-75)
Alternate Agenda Proposal [for CLUW NCC Meeting], by Linn McDonald, Chairperson, Houston CLUW, ITU, and Debbie Leonard, member, Steering Committee, CLUW, Houston Chapter, CLUW, OCAW
Report on NOW Convention, by Linda Jenness (11-06-75)
Letter to the Political Committee from Peter Gellert, Houston, TX (10-23-75)
Letter to Stu Singer, Houston, from Doug Jenness for the Political Committee (11-06-75)

[YSA] National Exectutive Committee Minutes, No. 41 (11-07-75)

Report on NOW Convention, by Nancy Brown (11-07-75)

Letter to Reba and Joseph Hansen from Vagn Rasmussen [Denmark] (11-10-75)

[YSA] National Exectutive Committee Minutes, No. 42 (11-10-75)

To Branch Organizers and CLUW Work Directors (11-11-75)

Cover letter by Linda Jenness, National Office
"To Members of the Coalition of Labor Union Women," from Lynn McDonald, CLUW NCC, Houston CLUW Chairperson, ITU and Debby Leonard, CLUW NCC, CLUW Steering Committee, Houston CLUW, OCAW

To All [YSA] Organizers and Women's Liberation Directors, from Nancy Brown, Women's Liberation Director [re: ERA] (11-12-75)

To Organizers and Anti-Racist Work Directors [re: NAACP] (11-14-75)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, SWP National Office
Letter to SWP National Office from Delpfine Welch, Antiracist Work Director, Milwaukee Branch (11-05-75)
Report on Wisconsin NAACP Fall State Conference
Report on the Western Regional NAACP Conference Held in Asilomar, California September 19-21, by John Votava

Political Committee Meeting No. 8 (11-14-75)

To Branch Organizers and Trade Union Directors, from Frank Lovell, National Office (11-15-75)
"Dear Friend," from Ed Sadlowski, District Director, District 31, United Steelworkers of America (undated)
"Dear Friend," from Victor Reuther (undated)
Steelworkers Fight Back mailing (undated)
"A New Power in Labor," by John Herling, from Washington Post (11-23-74)
"Steelers vs. Split Try," by Mike Bayer, from People's World (11-09-75)
"Steel Victory," by Rank and File Steelworker, from People's World (11-09-75)

To Organizers and CLUW Work Directors (11-16-75)

Cover letter by Linda Jenness, CLUW Work Director
"CLUW Calls Second National Convention," from The Call (11-75)
"CLUW Plans for Second Convention," by Barbara Winslow, from Workers' Power (11-07-75)

Letter to the Political Committee from Diana Tasciotti for Chicago W/N Branch [re: Sam Langer readmittance] (11-17-75)

To SWP Political Committee, from Froben Lozada [Oakland-Berkeley Branch] Re: Jewish History in Ethnic Studies (undated, 75?)

Political Committee Meeting No. 9 (11-18-75)

To All Organizers and National Committee Members [Re: NCLC Harassment Campaign] (11-21-75)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, SWP National Office
"Editorial: Operation Amsterdam," from New Solidarity (11-13-75)
"Now Nelson Rockefeller Runs the SWP and CPUSA," by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., US Labor Party Presidential Candidate,  from New Solidarity (11-10-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 10 (11-28-75)

To All Branch Organizers, from Frank Lovell, SWP National Office (11-26-75)
To: SWP Branch Organizers, Trade Union Directors, AFT comrades, NEA comrades From: Jeff Mackler, Oakland-Berkeley Branch (11-21-75)
"Desegregation and Equality in Education," Statement by the AFT Committee on Desegregation and Equality in Education
Letter to William Simons, President, Washington Teachers Union, AFT Local 6, AFL-CIO, from Jeff  Mackler, Organizer, AFT 1423, Hayward [CA], Coordinator, AFT Committee on Desegregation and Equality in Education (11-21-75)
Letter to Doug Jenness from Mark Ugolini, Washington, DC organizer (11-24-75)
Letter to Michael Pennock, Richmond, VA, from Doug Jenness, SWP National Office (11-28-75)
Letter to Peter Camejo from Jan Tucker, Los Angeles Chairperson, Peace & Freedom Party (10-23-75)
Letter to Jan Tucker from Doug Jenness, Campaign Director, Socialist Workers '76 National Campaign Committee (11-28-75)

"The YSA on Veterans," from The Vietnam Vet, published by the Vietnam Veterans Union at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (11-75?)

For PC Members (Undated - 11-75?)

Report on Black Work in Atlanta, by James Harris

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 45 (12-01-75)

NEC Proposal for Composition of Nominating Commission

To All [YSA] Organizers and National Committee Members [re: Revolutionary Student Brigade] (12-03-75)

Cover letter by Ilona Gersh, YSA National Office
Report on the October 8-10, 1975 National Convention of the Revolutionary Student Brigade
Excerpts from "RSB New Student Group of Party," from Revolution, publication of the Revolutionary Communist Party (11-15-75)

To All [YSA] Organizers, Puerto Rican and Antiracist Work Directors [re: FUSP] (12-03-75)

Cover letter by Olga Rodriguez, YSA National Office
Report on the YSA's Relations with the FUSP, by Mike Taber, North-West Chicago YSA (11-21-75)

To Members of the Political Committee (12-04-75)

Cover letter by Mary-Alice Waters
Letter to a Canadian comrade [John Steele?] from a member of the Argentine PST in Portugal (12-04-75)

For the Political Committee (12-04-75)

Letter to Doug Jenness, National Office, from Janice Lynn, Upper West Side SWP Organizer (12-04-75)
Letter of Resignation from Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee, from Alan F. Fogelquist (12-03-75)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes (12-05-75)

For the Political Committee (12-06-75)

Report on Robert Allen  and Ron Karenga Meetings, by Malik Miah

Political Committee Meeting No. 11 (12-09-75)

Report on Upcoming Actions for the Equal Rights Amendment, by Cindy Jaquith (12-09-75)
Proposal to Philadelphia NOW Board, Passed Unanimously (12-02-75)

For the PC (12-10-75)

"An Ex-FBI Exec Gets a Warning," by Margaret Gentry, from the New York Post (12-10-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 12 (12-12-75)

Letter to SWP National Office from Mike Alewitz, Cleveland Branch [re: Brother Love X/NOI] (12-12-75)

To Branch Organizers, Trade Union Directors, and CLUW Directors (12-13-75)

Cover letter by Frank Lovell and Cindy Jaquith, SWP National Office
Report on Steelworkers Caucus at CLUW Convention (12-09-75)
Rough draft of Steelworkers resolution on affirmative action

Political Committee Meeting No. 13 (12-16-75)

To Branch Organizers [re: NCLC Harassment] (12-19-75)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, SWP National Office
"FBI Runs Candidate for President," US Labor Party leaflet

Political Committee Meeting No. 14 (12-19-75)

Letter to the Socialist Workers Party from the Revolutionary Marxist Organizing Committee (10-27-75)
Excerpt from the Internationalist Tendency (New Faction) Newsletter of November 28, 1975 concerning the Revolutionary Marxist Organizing Committee

To Members of the National Committee (12-19-75)

Cover letter by Mary-Alice Waters
To the Steering Committee of the Leninist Trotskyist Faction, from Mary-Alice Waters for the Coordinating Committee (11-28-75)
"To the Comrades of the Leninist-Trotskyist Faction," by the Political Bureau of the Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores, Argentina (11-05-75)
Letter to the Political Bureau of the Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores from Joseph Hansen (11-25-75)
Report on the November 23-24, 1975 United Secretariat Meeting, by Galois [Gus Horowitz] (12-03-75)
Minutes of  the November 23-24, 1975 Meeting of the United Secretariat
Letter to Ernest Mandel from Mary-Alice Waters (12-16-75)
Letter to the Political Committee of the league for Socialist Action/Ligue Socialiste Ouvrière from Walter [Ernest Mandel] (12-12-75)
Letter to the United Secretariat from Art Young for the LSA/LSO Political Committee (12-18-75)
Report on the October 4-5, 1975 United Secretariat Meeting, by Galois [Gus Horowitz]

To National Committee Members [re: Portugal statement] (12-20-75)

Cover letter by Barry Sheppard
National Committee Statement on Portugal, Political Committee Draft

To Political Committee Members [re: charges against Debby Leonard] (12-23-75)

Cover letter by National Office
Statement by Debby Leonard to the Houston Trial Committee (12-17-75)

Letter to Joseph Hansen from Ernest [Mandel], Alain [Krivine], Charles [Michaloux], Charles-André [Udry], John, Livio [Maitan], Pierre [Frank], Tariq [Ali], Vergeat [Gerard de Verbizier] [re: Healy slander campaign] (12-26-75)

For the Political Committee (12-75)

Introductory note by Andy Rose
"Egalitarianism: Threat to a Free Market," from Business Week (12-01-75)
"Egalitarianism: Mechanisms for Redistributing Income," from Business Week (12-08-75)
"Egalitarianism: The Corporation as Villain," from Business Week (12-15-75)

For the Political Committee (12-75)

Summary of Fall 1975 Sales Campaign
Analysis of Source of New Subscribers

Inquiries Received by National Campaign Committee During 1975 (12-75)

Pathfinder Books and Pamphlets Planned for Publication in 1976 (12-75)


"A Bill of Rights for Working People," 1976 SWP Campaign Brochure (76)

"The Socialist Workers Candidates for '76," 1976 SWP Campaign Brochure (76)

"Desegregate the Schools! Vote Socialist Workers," 1976 SWP Campaign Poster (76)

"Neo-Stalinism: The Achilles Heel of the Peace Movement and the American Left," by Julius Jacobson, from New Politics (Winter 76)

To Political Committee Members (01-76?)

Cover letter by Mary-Alice Waters
Resolution prepared by the Political Bureau of the Ligue Communiste Revolutionaire [France] (12-19-75?)

January 1976 National Committee Plenum (76-01)

Proposed Organization of the Plenum
Motion on Provisional Membership
Proposed Plenum Schedule
Minutes of National Committee Plenum
Election of the Political Committee, Report by Jack Barnes

Miscellaneous Statistics from the January 1976 National Committee Plenum

Statistics on Party Growth
Inquiries Received by National Campaign Committee Since 1975
The Militant's Average Weekly Circulation 1975
The Militant's Subscription Base
Comparison of Militant Sales, Membership Participation, and Per Capita Sales - Fall 1975 Sales Campaign
Breakdown of Weekly Militant Sales by Location
Changes in Total Monthly Sustainer Pledged to National Office Since December 1974
Monthly Per Capita Pledged to National Office 1969-1975
National Office Per Capita Sustainer Pledge - December 1974, August 1975 and November 1975
Percentage of Branches Current to All Departments in 1974 and 1975
Branch Performance on Keeping Current with the National Office and Departments: Number of Months Current During the Eleven Months from January 1975 through November 1975
Total Branch Debts to National Office and Departments
National Debt Retirement Campaign Comparative Branch Standings - April 1, 1975, July 1, 1975 and December 1, 1975

Camejo-Reid Campaign Statistics from the January 1976 Plenum

Campaign Literature, Collections, Tour Fees, & Miscellaneous Standings of Local Committees with National Campaign (12-18-75)
Contributions to National Campaign from Coupons, Ads, Letters, etc., Jan.-Dec. 15, 1975
Total Campaign Materians Ordered by Campaign Committees Since Launching of Campaign Through December 1, 1975
National Campaign Media Statistics from December 1974 Launching to December 1975

New [Pathfinder] Books and New Editions Projected for 1976 (01-76)

Party Growth and Financial Perspectives: Excerpts from Transcript of Report to National Committee Plenum, by Barry Sheppard (01-76)

For members of the Political Committee (01-06-76)

Letter to Caroline Lund from Becky [France] (01-06-76)

Correspondence Regarding the Workers' Socialist League and Blick-Jenkins Group [Britain] (01-07-76)

Letter to the Political Committee of the SWP from Alan Jones [John Ross] for the Executive Bureau of the International Marxist Group [Britain] (01-07-76)
Letter to Jack Barnes from Alan Jones [John Ross] (01-12-76)
Letter to the Workers' Socialist League from [Brian] Grogan, for the IMG (01-12-76)

To Members of the National Committee (01-09-76)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness
"To the January 1976 Plenum of the National Committee of the Socialist Workers Party," by Aubin [Charles Michaloux] for the IMT Steering Committee (12-23-75)
Letter to Jack Barnes from Walter [Ernest Mandel] (12-23-75)
Letter to the leadership of the League for Socialist Action/Ligue Socialiste Ouvrière from Walter [Ernest Mandel] for the United Secretariat (12-23-75)
Letter to the Central Committee of the Organisation Communiste Internationaliste from E. Germain [Ernest Mandel] for the United Secretariat (12-23-75)
Letter to Jack Barnes from Alan Jones (received 12-30-75)
Resolution of the IMG Political Committee (12-11-75)
Letter to Brian Grogan from Caroline Lund, SWP National Office (12-22-75)
Letter to Lutte Ouvrière from Caroline Lund, SWP National Office (12-22-75)
Letter to François Massot from Caroline Lund, SWP National Office (12-22-75)
Letter to Alan Thornett & Tony Richardson from Caroline Lund, SWP National Office (12-22-75)
Letter to Robin Blick from Caroline Lund, SWP National Office (12-22-75)
Letter to Mark Jenkins from Caroline Lund, SWP National Office (12-22-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 15 (01-09-76)

Letter to Ligue Communiste Révolutionaire [France], Workers Socialist League [Britain], Lutte Ouvrière [France] [re: Michel Varga inquiry] (01-09-76)
Letter to Lutte Ouvrière from Barry Sheppard for the SWP Political Committee (01-20-76)
Letter to Lique Internationale de Reconstruction de la Qatrième Internationale, Ligue Communiste Revolutionaire, Spartacist League, Workers Socialist League, from Lutte Ouvrière (11-17-75)
Statement proposed by LIRQI
Statement proposed by Lutte Ouvrière

Letter to Jack Barnes from Tim Wohlforth (01-11-76)

To Branch Organizers, Trade Union Directors, and Steelworker Members [re: Sadlowski campaign] (01-13-76)

Cover note by Doug Jenness, SWP National Office
Letter to Frank Lovell from a Los Angeles SWP Steelworker (12-01-75)
Letter to Los Angeles SWP Steelworker from Frank Lovell (01-08-76)

To Branch Organizers, Trade Union Directors, and Teacher Members [ re: AFT Committee on Desegregation and Equality in Education] (01-13-74)

Cover letter by Frank Lovell, SWP National Office
Letter to Teacher Fraction, Branch Organizers and Trade Union Directors, from Jeff Mackler, Oakland-Berkeley Branch (12-26-75)
Statement of Support, AFT Committee on Desegregation and Equality in Education
Partial list of endorsers, AFT Committee on Desegregation and Equality in Education

To Members of the PC [re: Party expansion in Richmond and Ohio] (01-14-76) 

Letter to Doug Jenness from Mike Alewitz, Cleveland Organizer (01-14-76)
Report on political Opportunities for Party-Building in Richmond, by Jim Gotesky, Diane Prokipchak and Toba Singer

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 1 (01-15-76)

To National Committee Members, Organizers, and Trade Union Directors (01-16-76)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, SWP National Office
"The City Will Have a Labor Party Mayor," by Sidney Lens, from Chicago magazine (09-75)

Political Committee Meeting No. 16 (01-16-76)

To All SWP members  from Doug Jenness, for the Political Committee [re: Party Builder discussion] (01-16-76)

Documentation Regarding National City (California) Electoral Campaign (01-16-76)

Letter to Political Committee from Jessica Star for the Executive Committee, San Diego Branch (01-16-76)
"Racial Tensions Cited as Underlying Recall Bid," from San Diego Evening Tribune (01-01-76)
"Ramirez, Cañedo in Race," from National City Star-News (12-25-75)
"City Blamed For Error," from National City Star-News (01-11-76)
"Minority Leaders Vie in School Race," from National City Star-News (12-28-75)
"Ramirez, Cañedo File for Council," from National City Star-News (12-28-75)
"Recall Petitions Filed Against Three Officials," from National City Star-News (01-01-76)
"Chicano Slate: 1st for NC," from National City Star-News (undated)

Letter to the Political Committee of the SWP from Roman, for the Political Bureau of the Ligue Communiste Revolutionaire [France] (01-20-76)

To All [YSA] Organizers and Antiracist Work Directors, from Nan Bailey, YSA National Office [re: NSCAR National Steering Committee] (01-21-76)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 2 (01-22-76)

To All Organizers and Educational Directors (01-22-76)

Cover letter by Fred Feldman, National Education Department
Outline for "Prospects for Socialism in America" (01-76)

Notes on Discussion with Mario [PST?] at Jan. 24-25 United Secretariat Meeting, by ? (01-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 16 (01-23-76)

Letter to Political Committee from Jessica Star for the Executive Committee, San Diego Branch [re: National City electoral campaign] (01-16-76)
Letter to Jessica Star from Doug Jenness, for the Political Committee (01-27-76)
Report on Equal Rights Amendment Support Actions, by Cindy Jaquith (01-23-76)
Report on Hands Off Angola Campaign, by Malik Miah (01-23-76)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 3 (01-26-76)

To All Organizers and National Committee Members (01-28-76)

Cover letter by Malik Miah, SWP National Office
Letter to Mlaik Miah from Joel Britton [re: Bilalian News, Chicago Defender] (01-15-76)
Letter to SWP National Office from Mike Alewitz [re: Cleveland NOI] (12-12-75)
Letter to Brother Love X, Cleveland NOI, from Mike Alewitz, Cleveland SWP Branch Organizer (12-12-75)
Letter to Doug Jenness from Bob Rowand [re: Seattle NOI] (11-03-75)

To Organizers and Antiracist Work Directors [re: National Black Assembly] (01-28-76)

Cover letter by Malik MIah, SWP National Office
"'76 Black Political Convention Plans Set," press release from the National Black Political Assembly (01-09-76)
"Blacks Urge Julian Bond as President," by Thomas A. Johnson, article from the New York Times (01-22-76)

To All Organizers and Education Directors, from Fred Feldman, SWP National Office (01-28-76)

Documents on the Trial of Debby Leonard (01-28-76)

Letter to the Political Committee from Stu Singer, Houston Branch Organizer (01-28-76)
Report to Houston Branch on Trial of Debbie [sp] Leonard, by Tom Vernier (12-21-75 [misdated "12-21-76"])

Political Committee Meeting No. 17 (01-30-76)

Letter to Editor, Socialist Press [Britain], from Tim Wohlforth [re: James P. Cannon] (01-31-76)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 4 (02-04-76)

To All Organizers [re: Party Growth] (02-04-76)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, SWP National Office (02-04-76)
Monthly Recruitment Report Form

To National Committee Members and Organizers (02-04-76)

Cover letter by Olga Rodriguez
"Raza Unida - How the Air We Breathe Concerns Us All," Speech on the 1976 Elections by José Angel Gutierrez [Translation]. From Caracol, published in San Antonio, Texas (01-76)
Report on Colorado Chicano Conference, by Olga Rodriguez (01-30-76)

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: YWLL] (02-04-76)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, SWP National Office
Report on Young Workers Liberation League Forum in Baltimore, by Ollie Bivens

Peng Shu-Tse letter to the International Executive Committee (02-04-76)

Letter to Jack Barnes from Peng Shu-Tse (02-04-76)
Letter to members of the International Executive Committee from Peng Shu-Tse (02-04-76)

To Branch Organizers [re: CLUW] (02-04-76)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, SWP National Office
"AFT Plays Major Role: CLUW Reaffirms Action Program at First Constitutional Convention," by Sheli Lukin, AFT Womens' Rights Committee, from American Teacher (01-76)
Telegram to Olga M. Madar, President, Coalition of Labor Union Women, from George Meany, President, AFL-CIO

Report on the Daily World 1976 Circulation and Fund Drive (02-05-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 18 (02-06-76)

Material Related to Debby Leonard Appeal
    Charge by Jill Fein (12-14-75)
    Minutes of Trial of Debby L. On Charges Brought Before the Houston Branch by Jill (12-17-75)
    Statement by Debby Leonard on the Houston Trial Committee (12-17-75)
    Section from Houston Branch Minutes (12-21-75)
    Report to Houston Branch on Trial of Debby Leonard by Tom Vernier (12-21-76)
    Appeal from Debby Leonard to Political Committee (01-13-76)
    Letter from Doug Jenness to Debby Leonard (01-24-76)
    Letter From Doug Jenness to Houston Branch Organizer (01-24-76)
    Letter from Houston Branch Organizer to Political Committee (01-28-76)
Report on "Hard Times" Conference, by Betsey Stone (02-06-76)
Material Related to Milwaukee Critical Support Proposal [re: Michael McGee Campaign]
    Letter to Political Committee from Bob Schwarz, Milwaukee Branch (02-03-76)
    Leaflet for Michael McGee Campaign
    Leaflet for Michael McGee Campaign (08-75)
    Letter to Bob Schwarz, Milwaukee, from Doug Jenness for the Political Committee (02-10-76)

Letter to the Socialist Workers Party from Spark (02-08-76)

"Putting an End to the Crumbling of the Trotskyist Movement," statement of Spark [US], Lutte Ouvrière [France], Combat Ouvrier [Antilles] and Union Africaine des Travailleurs Communistes Internationalistes [Africa]

To City and Branch Organizers [re: Springfield ERA actions], from Cindy Jaquith, SWP National office (02-10-76)

To All Branch and City Organizers (02-10-76)

Cover Letter by Doug Jenness, SWP National Office
Letter to Malik Miah from Lisa Potash, Portland SWP Antiwar Director [re: NOI/Angola] (02-02-76)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 5 (02-12-76)

To All [YSA] Organizers and At-Large Members [re: Anti-CIA Protests] (02-13-76)

Cover letter by Brian Williams, YSA National Office
Report on YSA's Campaign Against CIA, by Brian Williams

Minutes of the February 1976 Meeting of the United Secretariat (02-15-76)

Letter to the United Secretariat from Ricardo Hernandez, for the Political Committee of the Liga Socialista [Mexico] (undated)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 6 (02-19-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 19 (02-20-76)

"Final Edition," from Workers Press (02-14-76)
"The Workers Press Goes Down Fighting," from The Sunday Times (02-15-76)
Report on May 16 National ERA Demonstration, by Cindy Jaquith (02-20-76)
Letter to John Studer, City-wide NY SWP, from Fred Halstead, Los Angeles [re. Dave McReynolds] (02-09-76)
Letter to Fred Halstead from Dave McReynolds, War Resisters League (02-04-75)

To P.C. Members (02-23-76)

Introductory note by Mary-Alice Waters
"PSU: What Kind of Unity with Revolutionaries?," from Rouge (02-13-76)

To P.C. Members (undated)

Letter to Political Bureau, SWP, from John Barzman (02-26-76)
Letter to John Barzman from Doug Jenness (03-01-76)

Letter to the Socialist Workers Party from Ed Clarkson for the New York Spartacist League [re: Healyite slander campaign] (02-23-76)

Documentation Concerning United Farm Workers/Texas Farm Workers Split (02-25-76)

Letter to Harry Ring and Miguel Pendas, Los Angeles from Olga Rodriguez, SWP National Office (02-25-76)
Letter to Stu Singer, Houston, from Olga Rodriguez (02-24-76)
"Chavez Facing Removal of Friend," from Houston Post (02-14-76)
Letters released by Gilberto Padilla (Secretary-Treasurer of the UFW) in the Texas Valley by order of the Board of Directors and Cesar Chavez, without signature or date. Translations from Caracol (02-76)
    Letter from Padilla - Proposals
    Letter from Padilla - Demands
Translation of portions of an interview with leaders of the Texas Farm Workers union on 01-18-76. From Caracol (02-76)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 7 (02-26-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 20 (02-27-76)

Report on Boston Desegregation Campaign, by Maceo Dixon (02-27-76)
Report on Angola and Southern Africa Work, by Malik Miah (02-28-76)
"We Challenge Peter Camejo: Workers League Political Committee Statement," from the Bulletin (02-24-76)
"The Renegade Sklavos: Statement by the International Committee of the Fourth International, January 25, 1976," from the Bulletin (02-20-76)
"Statement of Peter Camejo Before the House Select Committee on Intelligence, November 18, 1975," from the United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation (11-28-75)

To All Organizers and Trade Union Directors [re: Teamsters for a Decent Contract] (02-28-76)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, SWP National Office
Letter to Stacey Seigle from Frank Lovell (02-11-76)
"Background Information on Teamsters for a Decent Contract (TDC)"
Press release from TDC (01-09-76)

To National Committee Members, Organizers, and Trade Union Directors [re: AFT Committee on Desegregation and Equality in Education] (03-01-76)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, SWP National Office
Letter sent to 250 AFT locals east of the Mississippi from William H. Simons, Washington Teachers' Union (02-07-76)
"From the President," by William Simons, President, WTU, from Washington DC Teacher (11-75)

For the PC (03-03-76)

Letter to Doug Jenness from Pearl Chertov, New Orleans (03-03-76)
"Normal Surveillance," from The Louisiana Weekly (02-26-76)

To All Organizers and Antiracist Work Directors [re: National Black Political Convention] (03-04-76)

Cover letter by Malik Miah, SWP National Office
Schedule of Activities
Convention Basics

A Summary of Branch Educational Activity (Undated - 76?)

Political Committee Meeting No. 21 (03-05-76)

To the PC (03-06-76)

Cover note by Jack Barnes
Report on Socialist Forum, by Fred Feldman

For PC members: Material from Socialist Forum Group (03-76?)

"Physical Violence and Political Struggle," from Socialist Forum (Winter 73/74)
"Perspective: A Monthly Newsletter of Socialist Political Commentary Published by Socialist Forum," Vol. 1, No. 1 (01-76)
"Perspective: A Monthly Newsletter of Socialist Political Commentary Published by Socialist Forum," Vol. 1, No. 2 (02-76)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 8 (03-11-76)

To Organizers and Antiracist Work Directors [re: April 24 mass march] (03-11-75)

Cover letter by Malik Miah, SWP Black Work Director
Letter to NSCAR chapters and activists from Maceo Dixon, NSCAR Coordinator (03-09-76)

Letter to the United Secretariat from Joseph Hansen, editor, Intercontinental Press (03-12-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 22 (03-12-76)

Report on Discussions with Spark, by Larry Seigle (03-12-76)
Letter to the United Secretariat from Lutte Ouvrière [France], Spark [US], Combat Ouvrièr [Antilles] and Union Africaine des Travailleurs Communistes Internationalistes [Africa] (02-16-76)
Letter to the Socialist Workers Party from André Frys for Lutte Ouvrière (02-16-76)
Letter to Lutte Ouvrière from Jack Barnes, National Secretary, SWP (03-15-76)
Report on CLUW National Executive Board Meeting, March 6-7, 1976, by Sarah Lovell
Report on Socialist Forum, by Fred Feldman (03-12-76)
Report on Coming United States Tour by Leonid Plyushch, by David Frankel (03-12-76)
Letter to Leonid Plyushch from Gerry Foley (03-05-76)
"A Statement on the Slanders Circulated by the Healy Group Against Hansen, Novack and the Socialist Workers Party"

Letter to Joseph Hansen from Pierre Frank, Livio Maitan and Ernest Mandel (03-16-76)

To All Organizers and Antiracist Work Directors [re: Nation of Islam] (03-16-76)

Cover letter by Malik Miah, SWP Black Work Director
Four Reports on the Nation of Islam
    Report from Denver, by Rich Feigenberg (02-16-76)
    Report from Philadelphia, by Terry Hardy (02-26-76)
    Excerpt from New York Local Executive Committee Minutes, by Little
    Report from Chicago, by Suzanne Haig (03-03-76)

"New Trotskyist Daily in Britain," from The Bulletin (03-16-76)

Letter to Ernest Mandel, Bureau of the Steering Committee of the International Majority Tendency, from Joseph Hansen, editor, Intercontinental Press (03-17-76)

To All Organizers and Antiracist Work Directors, from Malik Miah, SWP Black Work Director [re: April 24 Boston March and Rally] (03-17-76)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 9 (03-20-76)

To All [YSA] Organizers and National Committee Members, from Chuck Petrin, YSA National Office [re: YSA National Committee Plenum] (03-20-76)

"Split With SWP Threatens Fourth International," by Representative Larry McDonald (R-Georgia), from the Congressional Record (03-23-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 23 (03-26-76)

Progress Report on April 24 Boston March and Rally, by Malik Miah (03-26-76)

Letter from Expelled/Suspended/Resigned Members of the Partido Revolucionario de los Trabalhadores [Portugal] (03-26-76)

To All Organizers, Trade Union, CLUW, and Women's Liberation Directors, from Cindy Jaquith, SWP National Office [re: Role of CLUW in ERA Work] (03-27-76)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 10 (03-29-76)

To All Organizers and Women's Liberation Directors [re: NEA Human Rights Conference] (03-30-76)

Cover Note by Cindy Jaquith, SWP National Office
Report on NEA Conference on Civil and Human Rights in Education

To All [YSA] Organizers and At-Large Members (04-03-76)

Cover Letter by Chuck Petrin, YSA National Office
Progress Report on April 24 Boston March and Rally, by Malik Miah (03-26-76)
Report on Pueblo Chicano Student Conference, by Mike Zárate (04-01-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 24 (04-05-76)

Letter to SWP Political Committee from K. Kihara, for Political Bureau, Japan Revolutionary Communist League (03-23-76)
Letter to Political Bureau, JRCL, from Caroline Lund, SWP National Office (04-05-76)
"Your Decision Kills Japanese Democracy," quarter-page advertisement in the New York Times signed by 24 Japanese public figures, journalists, artists, etc.
Attachments: Party Suit and Fourth International
    Announcement of News Conference by expelled former members of the SWP (04-03-76)
    Press Release by Hedda Garza and Ernest Liane (04-06-76)
    Press release by Jack Barnes for the Political Committee of the SWP and Ernest Mandel for the United Secretariat (04-06-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 25 (04-09-76)

Progress Report on April 24 March, by Malik Miah (04-09-76)
Letter to National Office from Joel Britton [re: Chicago branch division] (03-31-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 26 (04-16-76)

Report on Mexico to SWP Political Committee, by Barry Sheppard (04-16-76)
"Another Attack by the Tendencia Militante: Assault Against the Liga Socialista (FBL)," Statement of the Liga Socialista (Fracción Bolchevique-Leninista)
"Statement of the Leadership of the Liga Socialista" (04-08-76)

Letter to Joseph Hansen from Ernest Mandel (04-17-76)

Correspondence Regarding Reintegration of Internationalist Tendency Members (04-19-76)

Letter to the Political Committee from John Barzman (04-19-76)
Letter to the Political Committee from John Barzman (04-18-76)
Letter to the United Secretariat from John Barzman (04-18-76)

Letter to Maceo Dixon from Eddie N. Williams, Joint Center for Political Studies, Howard University and the Metropolitant Applied Research Center, Inc., Washington, DC [re: May 5 Meeting on Black Voter Participation] (04-19-76)

Invitees to May 5, 1976 Meeting on Black Voter Participation

Political Committee Meeting No. 27 (04-20-76)

Proposed Plenum Schedule

To All National Committee Members [re: Sahara] (04-20-76)

Cover letter by Caroline Lund
Letter to Joseph Hansen from Gus Horowitz (04-06-76)

To Organizers and National Committee Members (04-21-76)

Cover letter by Caroline Lund, SWP National Office
"Letter From Former LTF Members to the International Executive Committee" (02-76)

To All National Committee Members and Organizers, from Diane Rupp, SWP National Office (04-21-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 28 (04-23-76)

Report on Spring Angola Tours, by Michael Maggi (04-24-76)

"Angola: The Hidden History of Washington's War": Total Sales from February 29 to April 23, 1976, paperback edition
Debts to Viewpoint (Jan. 1 - April 24, 1976)

Material on Mario Muñoz Defense Campaign (04-26-76)

Letter to United States Committee for Justice to Latin American Political Prisoners from Toni Randell for the Partisan Defense Committee (04-26-76)
Endorsement form
"Mario Muñoz Campaign Gathers International Support," article from Workers Vanguard
Mario Muñoz Endorsers' List, from Workers Vanguard
"Mario Muñoz: Miner, Working Class Leader, Hunted Refugee," by the Committee to Defend the Worker and Sailor Prisoners in Chile, from Workers Vanguard (04-30-76)
"Hands Off Mario Muñoz! Chilean Working Class Leader Must Not Die!," leaflet for demonstration at Argentine Consulate General (04-22-76)
"Urgent Appeal For Solidarity to Save the Life of Mario Muñoz," by the Committee for the Defense of Imprisoned Chilean Workers, Soldiers and Sailors

Minutes of Spring 1976 National Committee Plenum (04-29/05-03-76)

Proposed Plenum Schedule
Call for the Twenty-Eighth National Convention of the Socialist Workers Party (05-02-76)

Statistics from Spring 1976 National Committee Plenum (4-29/05-03-76)

Recruitment to Party January 1 - April 1, 1976
YSA Membership Statistics as of April 15, 1976
Change in Total Monthly Sustainer to National Office January 1975 - March 1976
Monthly Per Capita Pledged to National Office December 1974 - March 1976
Monthly Per Capita Sustainer Pledges to National Office: Comparative Branch Standings - August 1974, August 1975, and March 1976
Percent of Sustainer Pledged to National Office: Comparative Branch Standings - June-July 1974. June-July 1975, and March 1976
Progress on Raising Sustainer Pledges Since June-July 1974: Average Weekly Per Capita Pledge to Branch
National Debt Retirement Campaign: Branch Debt April 1, 1976
Branch Performance on Keeping Current with the National Office and Departments During the Last Nine Months of 1975 and the First Three Months of 1976: Branches Current with All Departments
Branch Performance on Keeping Current with the National Office and Departments During the Last Nine Months of 1975 and the First Three Months of 1976: National Office Sustainer
Branch Performance on Keeping Current with the National Office and Departments During the Last Nine Months of 1975 and the First Three Months of 1976: Internal Bulletins
Branch Performance on Keeping Current with the National Office and Departments During the Last Nine Months of 1975 and the First Three Months of 1976: Militant
Branch Performance on Keeping Current with the National Office and Departments During the Last Nine Months of 1975 and the First Three Months of 1976: Pathfinder
1976 National Campaign Committee: Ballot Perspectives and Progress Report (04-23-76)
1976 National Campaign Committee: Materials Distribution
1976 National Campaign Committee: Inquiries Received Jan. 1 - March 30 1976
1976 National Campaign Committee: Campaign Media Statistics (04-23-76)
Contributions to National Campaign from Coupons, Monthly Pledges, Letters, etc. - December 16, 1975 through April 24, 1976
Camejo & Reid Campaign Fund Drive Progress Report, Beginning of Drive (April 9) through April 24
Standings of Local Committees with the National Campaign, April 24, 1976

More from the Spring 1976 National Committee Plenum (4-29/05-03-76)

Organization of the Plenum
Branch Sales and Subscriptions - Spring 1976
Statistics on Party Growth (September 1975 - June 1976)
Statistics on Party Growth (September 1975 - February 1976)
Party Composition

Chicano Draft Resolution (76)

Political Committee Resolution on the Emerging Puerto Rican Struggle in the US and its Perspectives [First Draft] (76)

Political Committee Resolution on the Emerging Puerto Rican Struggle in the US and its Perspectives [Second Draft] (76)

Two Articles from International Socialism [Britain] (05-76)

"Third Note on the USA," by Glenn Wolfe, National Secretary of the International Socialists (US), from International Socialism No. 88 (05-76)
"Two Notes on a Visit to the United States," by Nigel Harris, from International Socialism No. 85

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: National Chicano Forum] (05-08-76)

Cover letter by Olga Rodríguez and Mike Zárate
Copy of Press Release Announcing National Chicano Forum (03-76)

"Proposal for a National Weekly Newspaper [In These Times]," by James Weinstein, from Socialist Revolition (Spring 76?)

To the Political Committee [re: Workers Socialist League] (76-06-09)

Letter to the Political Committee of the Socialist Workers Party from Alan Jones, for the Political Committee of the International Marxist Group [Britain] (76-06-09)
Letter to Alan Jones, IMG Political  Committee, from Barry Sheppard for the Political Committee of the SWP (07-13-76)
Letter to the SWP Political Committee from Alan Jones for the IMG Political Committee (07-22-76)

Letter to the Leadership of the Fourth International, from the Political Committee of the Liga Operaria [Brazil] (06-10-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 39 (07-17-76)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 26 (07-19-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 40 (07-20-76)

To Campaign Directors and Supporters [re: Communist Party slanders] (07-21-76)

Cover letter by Andrea Morrell, National Campaign Director
Open Letter to the Hall-Tyner Campaign Committee (07-76)
"Election Campaign Committee Clarifies Policy Stand," Statement of the Hall-Tyner Election Campaign Committee, from the Daily World (07-15-76)
"Massachusetts Will Never Be the Same," by Matty Berkelhammer, from the Daily World (07-03-76)
"The Anti-Communist Ballot Steal," by Victor Perlo, from World Magazine, supplement to the Daily World and People's World (07-03-76)

To All National Committee Members [re: Jeff Beneke resignation from provisional membership] (07-21-76)

Letter to Arturo Ramirez, Northside Houston SWP, from Jeff Beneke (07-01-76)
Letter to Supporters of the Majority of the Fourth International in the Socialist Workers Party, from Jeff Beneke (07-01-76)

To All Organizers [re: Resignation of Mohammed Karimi (Norman Oliver)] (07-22-76)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, National Office
Letter to SWP National Office from Susan LaMont, Boston City Organizer
Text of Mohammed Karimi's Letter of Resignation
Report Given by Mac Warren to Roxbury [Boston] Branch on Resignation of Mohammed Karimi (05-11-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 41 (07-23-76)

To the Political Bureaus of the Sections and Sympathizing Organizations [of the Fourth International] (07-24-76)

Introductory Note by Walter [Ernest Mandel] for the United Secretariat Bureau
Initial Guidelines for the Pre-World Congress Discussion

Political Committee Meeting No. 42 (07-27-76)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 27 (07-29-76)

Letter to the United Secretariat from Muriel, Nemo & Raphael [French LTF supporters] (07-30-76)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 28 (08-02-76)

Minutes of National Committee Plenum (08-07-76)

"Socialist Workers Party 1976 Convention," Schedule and Information (08-07/14-76)

National Committee Proposals for the Organization of the Convention (08-07-76)

Miscellaneous Statistics (08-76)

1976 National Campaign Committee Materials Distribution
Inquiries Received by National Campaign Committee
Ballot Status Sheet as of August 3, 1976
Progress on $20 National Average Per Capita Goal
Progress on Increasing Monthly Per Capita Sustainer Pledge to National Office Comparative Branch Standings - July 1976 and March 1976
The Militant's Subscription Base - August 1976

Summary of Party Membership: Dec. 1, 1975 - July 1, 1976 (08-76)

Greetings to the 28th Convention of the Socialist Workers Party, from Spark (08-76)

National Committee Meeting Minutes, Young Socialist Alliance, Oberlin, Ohio (08-10/11-76)

"How to Select a Leadership," by James P. Cannon, from "Letters from Prison" (Undated)

Minutes of National Committee Plenum (08-14-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 43 (09-03-76)

Correspondence Among Supporters of the International Majority Tendency in the US (09-03-76)

Cover letter by John Barzman (08-30-76)
Letter to the Political Committee of the SWP from John Barzman (08-19-76)
Letter to 26 supporters of the International Majority Tendency in the SWP from John Barzman (08-19-76)
Letter to John Barzman from Alan Wald and Celia Stodola (09-03-76)

Letter to Jack Barnes from Ernest Mandel (09-03-76)

Letter to Ernest Mandel from Cliff Slaughter for the International Committee of the Fourth International (08-25-76)

To Political Committee Members (09-06-76)

Letter to Alan Jones [John Ross] from John Benson (09-04-76)
Letter to Barry Sheppard from Alan Jones (08-27-76)
Letter to Jack Barnes from Alan Jones (09-06-76)
Letter to Jack Barnes from Alan Jones for the Political Committee of the International Marxist Group [Britain] (09-06-76)

SWP Discussion Bulletin/Los Angeles Local No. 1 (09-76)

The Los Angeles Local Discussion Bulletin, by Rich Finkel, Los Angeles Branch (09-07-76)
Los Angeles Local Tasks and Perspectives, Approved by the Los Angeles Local Executive Committee (09-07-76)

SWP Discussion Bulletin/Los Angeles Local No. 3 (09-76)

Defense of the Latin American Political Prisoners, by Virginia Garza (09-21-76)

Memo on Discussion with Solange, a Member of the Israeli Group Associated with the OCRFI, by Gus Horowitz [?] (09-76)

Two Letters from Alan Jones [John Ross] (09-76)

Letter to Jack Barnes from Alan Jones (09-02-76)
Letter to Dick [Roberts?] from "John" [Alan Jones?] (09-10-76)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 29 (09-08-76)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 30 (09-10-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 44 (09-10-76)

Report on Campaign to End US Involvement in South Africa, by Malik Miah
A Selected Bibliography on Southern Africa

Articles from Rouge [newspaper of the Ligue Communiste Revolutionaire (France)] on the Death of Mao Tse-Tung (09-10-76)

"Mao Tse-Tung in the Chinese Revolution," by D.R., from Rouge (09-10-76)
"Mao is Dead," by Ernest Mandel, from Rouge (09-10-76)

"After the Death of Mao Tse-Tung," from Informations Ouvrieres [newspaper of the Organisation Communiste Internationaliste (France)] (09-15/22-76)

Letter to Ernest Mandel from Jack Barnes (09-16-76)

Letter to Alan Jones [John Ross] from Jack Barnes (09-16-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 45 (09-17-76)

To All Local and Branch Organizers and Trade-Union Direectors, from Frank Lovell, National Trade Union Director [re: USWA] (09-20-76)
To All Organizers and Antiracist Work Directors, by Nan Bailey, YSA National Office [re: Wilmington 10 Defense] (09-21-76)
Local Wilmington 10 Defense Committees
To All Local and Branch Organizers, from Catarino Garza for the Political Committee [re: Defense of Puerto Rican political prisoners] (09-18-76)

Letter to the Unification Congress of the Liga Comunista Internacionalista [Mexico] and the Liga Socialista (Tendencia Militante) [Mexico] from Ed Shaw [re: Rodrigo (Fausto Amador) /Costa Rican OST] (09-18-76)

Documentation on General Baker Jr./Communist Labor Party Campaign for Michigan State House of Representatives (09-18-76)

Letter to the Political Committee from John Hawkins, Detroit Local, SWP (09-18-76)
"Voice Your Choice: Elect General Baker," campaign flyer
"Vote For a Change," CLP campaign flyer
Communist Labor Party Campaign Newsletter (09-06-76)
"CLP Past the Mark"
"March for Jobs, Vote for General Baker," from People's Tribune, Vol. 3, No. 20 (09-15-76)
Socialist Workers Party Detroit Local Internal Discussion Bulletin Vol. 1, No. 1 (09-76)
    Why We Should Not Extend Critical Support to the Campaign of the Communist Labor Party, by Ron Jameson, West Side Branch (08-27-76)
    Why We Should Give Critical Support to the Candidacy of General Baker, Jr., of the Communist Labor Party for State House of Representatives in the Ninth District, by      Tim Craine, West Side Branch (08-31-76)

Correspondence Regarding 09-11/12-76 United Secretariat Meeting (09-19-76)

Letter to Jack Barnes from Ernest Mandel (09-19-76)
Letter to the Organizing Committee for the Reconstruction of the Fourth International from Ernest Mandel for the United Secretariat of the Fourth International [in French] (09-18-76)
Statement of the United Secretariat (09-12-76)
Letter to the United Secretariat from Alan Jones [John Ross] [re: Pablo visit to Britain] (undated)

To All National Committee Members [re: Pierre Lambert visit to US] (09-21-76)

Cover letter by Mary-Alice Waters
Letter to Jack Barnes from Pierre Lambert (07-23-76)
Letter to Pierre Lambert from Jack Barnes (09-18-76)
Letter to John Barzman from Jack Barnes (09-18-76)

To All [YSA] Organizers and Antiracist Work Directors [re: Wilmington 10 Defense Work] (09-21-76)

Letter from Nan Bailey, YSA National Office
Local Wilmington 10 Defense Committees

Letter to Jack Barnes from Duret [Charles André Udry] for the United Secretariat Bureau (09-22-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 46 (09-23-76)

Letter to the Political Committee from Bruce Scheff, Organizer, Near North Branch, Chicago [re: readmission of Mark L.] (09-11-76)
Greetings to the Unification Congress of the Liga Comunista Internacionalista and the Liga Socialista (Tendencia Militante), from Ed Shaw for the Political Committee of the SWP (09-18-76)
Letter to the Political Committee from John Hawkins, Detroit Local, SWP [re: Critical support for General Baker campaign] (09-18-76)
Letter to John Hawkins from Larry Seigle, for the Political Committee (09-27-76)
Socialist Workers Party Detroit Local Internal Discussion Bulletin Vol. 1, No. 1 (09-76)
    Why We Should Not Extend Critical Support to the Campaign of the Communist Labor Party, by Ron Jameson, West Side Branch (08-27-76)
    Why We Should Give Critical Support to the Candidacy of General Baker, Jr., of the Communist Labor Party for State House of Representatives in the Ninth District, by Tim Craine, West Side Branch (08-31-76)
"Voice Your Choice: Elect General Baker," campaign flyer
"Vote For a Change," CLP campaign flyer
Communist Labor Party Campaign Newsletter (09-06-76)
"March for Jobs, Vote for General Baker," from People's Tribune, Vol. 3, No. 20 (09-15-76)
To All Organizers and Antiracist Work Directors, from Nan Bailey, YSA National Office [re: NSCAR Fall activities] (09-28-76)

Letter to Jack Barnes from Alan Jones [John Ross] (09-26-76)

To All [YSA] Organizers and Antiracist Work Directors, from Nan Bailey, YSA National Office [re: NSCAR Fall activities] (09-28-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 47 (10-01-76)

"Read The Militant" flyer/subscription offer
Transcription of radio broadcast by M. Stanton Evans, CBS Radio Network (09-23-76)
"Levi Continues to Weaken Internal Security," article from Human Events (09-25-76)

Documents From the Internal Discussion in the Ligue Communiste Revolutionaire (10-02-76)

Letter to Caroline Lund from Becky [French LTF supporter] (09-23-76)
Discussion of SWP Convention, from CRS Bulletin #47, p. 10
Letter to Caroline Lund from Becky [French LTF supporter] (09-29-76)
Report on International Majority Tendency Meeting, from CRS Bulletin #47, p. 12

Letter to the Political Committee from Brian Shannon [Re: Amadeo Richardson campaign] (10-03-76)

Letter to Caroline Lund from Becky [French LTF supporter] (10-04-76)

"Inadmissable Methods: Once Again, Political Differences are Settled by Blows at an OCI Meeting," from Rouge (10-04-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 48 (10-04-76)

To National Committee Members and Organizers  [re: Crusade for Justice violence] (10-06-76)

Cover letter by Larry Seigle, National Office
"Open Letter From Fred Halstead of the Socialist Workers Party to Rodolfo 'Corky' Gonzales" (10-02-76)
"Declaration Against Violence in the Movement"

Political Committee Meeting No. 49 (10-07-76)

Report on the Communist Party
"An Open Letter to Gus Hall, Presidential Candidate of the Communist Party, from Peter Camejo, Socialist Workers Party Candidate for President," Socialist Workers Campaign Committee leaflet
Letter to the Political Committee from Pearl Chertov and Derrick Morrison, New Orleans Branch [re: Charges against Masheer Fardan] (10-06-76)
Report on the Death Penalty, by Malik Miah (10-07-76)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 34 (10-11-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 50 (10-14-76)

To All Organizers and Women's Liberation Directors, from Cindy Jaquith, SWP Women's Liberation Work Director [re: NOW "Women's State of the Union" protests] (10-18-76)
Report on the NAACP, by Malik Miah (10-14-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 51 (10-22-76)

Letter to the Political Committee from Bob Schwarz, Milwaukee Branch [re: critical support for Michael McGee campaign] (10-19-76)
Letter to Bob Schwarz from Larry Seigle, for the Political Committee (10-25-76)

Report on the Communist Party Campaign Rally in New York, by Mark Friedman, New York Local (10-24-76)

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: Crusade for Justice] (10-27-76)

Cover letter by Olga Rodriguez, National Office
Report on Recent Events in Denver, by Fred Halstead and Olga Rodriguez (10-22-76)
"Dear Fellow Activists," open letter from Maria Serna for the Denver Chicano Liberation Defense Committee (10-08-76)
Letter to Elfego Baca from Rodolfo Corky Gonzales, Chairman, Crusade for Justice (10-08-76)
"An Open Letter to Rodolfo 'Corky' Gonzales from Fred Halstead and Elfego Baca"
"Declaration Against Violence in the Movement"
Signers of the "Declaration Against Violence in the Movement" as of October 26, 1976
"Open Letter of Fred Halstead of the Socialist Workers Party to Rodolfo 'Corky' Gonzales" (10-02-76)

To All [YSA] Organizers and Antiracist Work Directors [re: 3rd National NSCAR Conference] (10-28-76)

Cover letter by Nan Bailey, YSA National Office
Report on NSCAR National Steering Committee Meeting, Oct. 23, by Nan Bailey
"National Day of Student Protests Against US Complicity with Racist Regimes in South Africa, Namibia, and Zimbabwe"
Proposed Schedule for NSCAR Conference

Political Committee Meeting No. 52 (10-28-76)

Report on the NSCAR Conference and Our Tasks, by Malik Miah (10-28-76)
To National Committee Members, Branch Organizers and Recruitment Directors, from Mary-Alice Waters [re: Membership drive] (11-05-76)
Comments on Recruitment:
    Carl Finamore, Oakland
    Jim Burfeind, Louisville

Political Committee Meeting No. 53 (11-04-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 54 (11-06-76)

To Organizers and National Committee Members (11-06-76)

Cover letter by Mary-Alice Waters, National Office
Comparison of Average Weekly Paid Circulation Figures for Radical Press in the US - 1976

Letter to the Political Committee from Hedda Garza for the New York Revolutionary Marxist Organizing Committee [re: Proposed fusion] (11-08-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 55 (11-15-76)

Report on Perspectives for Education Work, by Fred Feldman and Time Wohlforth, National Education Department

To All National Committee Members (11-17-76)

Cover Letter by Larry Seigle, SWP National Office
"Trotskyism and Terrorism," 15-part series entered into the Congressional Record by Congressman Larry McDonald (R-Georgia) (08-30/10-01-76)

To All Organizers and Women's Liberation Directors (11-19-76)

Cover letter by Cindy Jaquith, SWP Women's Liberation Work Director
Report on Perspectives for Women's Liberation Work, by Cindy Jaquith

Political Committee Meeting No. 56 (11-19-76)

Some Guidelines For Our Work in the Next Two Months, by Mary-Alice Waters, adopted by the Political Committee (11-19-76)

Report on the "Conference on the International Situation," New York City, November 20, 1976, by Les Evans (11-23-76)

Newspaper Coverage of the "Conference on the International Situation" (11/12-76)

"Alliance with US Imperialism Bedevils Maoist Conference," from Workers Vanguard (11-26-76)
"International Line Debated in NYC," from The Guardian (12-01-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 55 (11-15-76)

Report on Perspectives for Education Work, by Fred Feldman and Tim Wohlforth, National Education Department

Political Committee Meeting No. 56 (11-19-76)

Some Guidelines for Our Work in the Next Two Months, by Mary-Alice Waters, Report adopted by the Political Committee (11-19-76)

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: Crusade for Justice attacks] (11-19-76)

Cover letter by Olga Rodriguez, SWP National Office
"Against Violence in the Movement!," special Militant supplement

"Against Violence in the Movement!," special Militant supplement (11-19-76)

To All Organizers and Women's Liberation Directors (11-19-76)

Cover letter by Cindy Jaquith, SWP Women's Liberation Work Director
Report on Perspectives for Women's Liberation Work, by Cindy Jaquith

Political Committee Meeting No. 57 (11-24-76)

Report of the Control Commission of the SWP [re: Charges against Musheer Fardan, New Orleans] (11-18-76)
Report to the Political Committee by Pearl Chertov and Derrick Morrison [re: Charges against Musheer Fardan] (11-06-76)
Letter to the Membership of the SWP and YSA from Musheer Aftab Fardan [Statement of resignation] (11-06-76)
Report on the NSCAR Conference and Perspectives for Southern Africa Work, by Malik Miah (11-24-76)

Correspondence with Jim Percy [Australia] (11-25-76)

Letter to Caroline Lund from Jim Percy [re: Communist League fusion] (11-25-76)
Letter to Yip Nin [Hong Kong] from Jim Percy (11-25-76)
Letter to Jim Percy from Yip Nin (11-11-76)
Letter to the United Secretariat from Jim Percy, National Secretary, Socialist Workers Party [Australia] (11-26-76)

"Condemn These Methods of Smear and Slander: An International Statement on the WRP and the OCI," from Workers Action No. 37 [Newspaper of the International-Communist League (Britain)] (11-26/12-01-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 58 (12-02-76)

Plenum Schedule (01-06/09-77)
To National Committee Members, Organizers and Recruitment Directors, from Larry Seigle, National Office [re:Membership drive] (12-06-76)
Comments on Recruitment:
    Melissa Singler, Cincinnati
    Carole Coates, Louisville
    Ann Springer, Adams-Morgan Branch, Washington, DC Local

Correspondence Regarding Israel/Palestine (12-03-76)

Letter to Caroline Lund from Gus Horowitz (12-03-76)
Letter to Gus Horowitz from Mikado [Michel Warshawski] (11-04-76)
Letter to Michel Warshawski from Gus Horowitz (12-02-76)

Report on Meeting with McCarthy '76 and Libertarians re: Ballot Work, by Matilde Zimmerman (12-03-76)

"State Summary of McCarthy Legal Challenges," Press release from McCarthy '76 campaign (11-05-76)

Letter to Caroline Lund from Gus Horowitz [re: Charges against African comrades in Bordeaux] (12-06-76)

Statement of the African Commission of the Bureau of the United Secretariat (09-10-76)

To All [YSA] Organizers and Antiracist Work Directors [re: NSCAR Southern Africa Actions] (12-09-76)

Cover letter by Cathy Sedwick, YSA Antiracist Work Director
Report on 3rd NSCAR Conference and Perspectives for Southern Africa Work, by Malik Miah (11-24-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 59 (12-09-76)

"Resolution on Electoral Tactics," by Alan Jones [John Ross], document for the International Marxist Group [Britain] (12-09-76)

To the Political Committee (12-10-76)

Letter to the SWP Political Committee from Robs, for the Political Bureau of the Ligue Communiste Revolutionaire (12-10-76)
Motion of the Central Committee of the LCR Concerning SWP/OCI Contacts
Letter to the United Secretariat from Robs, for the Political Bureau of the Ligue Communiste Revolutionaire (12-10-76)

Correspondence Concerning the Ligue Communiste Revolutionaire [France] [re: SWP/OCI contacts] (12-10-76)

Letter to the SWP Political Committee from Robs, for the Political Bureau of the Ligue Communiste Revolutionaire (12-10-76)
Motion of the Central Committee of the LCR
Letter to the United Secretariat from Robs, for the Political Bureau of the Ligue Communiste Revolutionaire (12-10-76)
Letter to the Central Committee of the LCR from Jack Barnes, for the Political Committee of the Socialist Workers Party (12-17-76)
Letter to the Political Committee, Socialist Workers Party, from Otto for the Bureau of the United Secretariat (11-17-76)
"Motion of the Central Committee of the LCR, French Section of the Fourth International, Concerning SWP/OCI Contacts"
Motion of the United Secretariat

Political Committee Meeting No. 60 (12-11-76)

Proposal on the Structure and Organization of the Party Leadership, by Mary-Alice Waters, adoptd by the Political Committee (12-11-76)
Proposed Districts
"The Proposed Sixteen States of the United States of America," from The People's Almanac (76)
Cities Where the SWP has Organized Units

Letter to Mary-Alice Waters from Marcelo [Argentina] (12-13-76)

Letters From Alan Jones [John Ross], International Marxist Group [Britain] (12-15-76)

Letter to Jack Barnes from Alan Jones (12-15-76)
Letter to the Political Committee of the SWP from Alan Jones for the Political Committee of the IMG (12-15-76)
Letter to Jack Barnes from Alan Jones (12-14-76)

To All National Committee Members [re: LCR] (12-17-76)

Cover letter by Caroline Lund
Letter to the Political Committee, Socialist Workers Party, from Otto for the Bureau of the United Secretariat (11-17-76)
"Motion of the Central Committee of the LCR, French Section of the Fourth International, Concerning SWP/OCI Contacts"
Motion of the United Secretariat
Letter to the Central Committee of the LCR from Jack Barnes, for the Political Committee of the Socialist Workers Party (12-17-76)

Correspondence Regarding Musheer Farshan Case (12-19-76)

Letter to National Office from B.R. Washington, Detroit (12-19-76)
Letter to B.R. Washington from Jack Barnes (01-01-77)

Letter to Mary-Alice Waters from Becky [French LTF supporter] [re: Internal tendencies in the LCR] (12-20-76)

Report on Fusion of Tendency C and Tendency A

Political Committee Meeting No. 61 (12-22-76)

Letter to the Political Committee from Hedda Garza for the New York Revolutionary Marxist Organizing Committee [re: Proposed fusion] (11-08-76)

Letter to Jack Barnes et. al. from Peter Camejo [re: Spanish Trotskyism] (12-23-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 62 (12-24-76)


Minutes of the Sixteenth National Convention of the Young Socialist Alliance, Chicago, IL (12-31-76/01-02-77)

Messages Received:
    1. From the Revolutionary Marxist Committee
    2. From Tsietsi Mashinini, President of the Soweto, South Africa Students Representative Council
    3. From Serge and Sylvie of the Young Socialists/Ligue des Jeunes Socialistes [Canada]
    4. From the Japanese Communist Youth
    5. From the Liga Internacionalista de los Trabajadores of Puerto Rico
    6. From the Alliance des Jeunes pour le Socialisme of France
    7. From the Socialist Youth Alliance of Australia
    8. From the Revolutionary Communist League of Iceland
    9. From the Ligue Communiste Revolutionaire of France
    10. From the Young Socialists of New Zealand
    11. From the Revolutionary Marxist Group of Canada
    12. From the Groupe Socialiste des Travailleurs du Quebec
    13. From the Revolutionary Communist Youth of China
Schedule of the Sixteenth Young Socialist Alliance National Convention

Political Committee Meeting No. 1 (01-03-77)

Letter to the Executive Committee of the PST [Colombia] from Sylvain [Félix Rivière] for the United Secretariat Bureau (77-01-05)

Correspondence Between the Political Bureau of the Ligue Communiste Revolutionaire [France] and the Political Committee of the Socialist Workers Party (01-06-77)

Cover letter by Robs, for the Political Bureau of the LCR
"Letter From Michel Lequenne to the Political Committee of the Socialist Workers Party" (12-76)

"New 'Left' Pilot Network Activated in USA," from NCLC Security Informational Brief (01-07-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 2 (01-11-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 1 (01-11-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 3 (01-18-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 2 (01-18-77)

Correspondence Between Dave Frankel and Mikado [Michel Warshawski] [Israel] (01-19-77)

Letter to Mikado from Dave Frankel (01-19-77)
Letter to Dave Frankel from Mikado (12-13-76)

To National Committee Members [re: Musheer Fardan Case] (01-20-77)

Cover Letter by Larry Seigle
Letter to the National Office from B.R. Washington, Detroit (12-19-76)
Letter to B.R. Washington from Jack Barnes

To National Committee Members and Organizers [re: Sadlowski Campaign/SDUSA] (01-21-77)

Cover letter by Larry Seigle, National Office
"Media Radical Chic Against the Steelworkers," by Robert Fekety, from New America, Vol. 13, No. 18 (12-76)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 3 (01-24-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 4 (01-25-77)

Letter to the Political Committee from John Barzman [re: SWP National Committee meeting] (01-26-77)

Letter to supporters of the International Majority Tendency from John Barzman (01-26-77)

To All [YSA] Organizers  [re: Conference on Bakke Decision] (01-31-77)

Cover letter by Mike Zárate, YSA National Office
Report on Bakke Conference

To All [YSA] Organizers [re: Defense of YSA Members at Central Michigan University] (02-01-77)

Cover letter by Chuck Petrin, YSA National Office
Sample News Story
Letter from the Committee for Free Speech
Endorsers of the Committee for Free Speech (02-01-77)

Letter to Brian Grogan and John Ross [Britain] from Tim Wohlforth (02-02-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 5 (02-03-77)

Evaluation of Critical Support to General Baker, by John Hawkins, Detroit (02-03-77) w
Report on the Use of the Tactic of Critical Support for the Michael McGee Campaigns, by Bob Schwartz, Milwaukee (12-16-76)

To Organizers and Women's Liberation Directors [re: NOW National Convention] (02-04-77)

Cover letter by Cindy Jaquith, SWP Women's Liberation Director

Political Committee Meeting No. 6 (02-12-77)

District 1 School Board Elections, by Nelson González, New York City (02-18-77)
1977 Proposed Platform for the Por Los Niños/Save the Children Ticket
Report to the Political Committee on Militant Sales Drive, by Harvey McArthur (02-12-77)

To All National Committee Members and National Field Organizers [re: NEA Convention] (02-15-77)

Cover letter by Ed Heisler, Secretary, Trade Union Steering Committee
Letter to all NEA comrades from Ed Heisler (02-15-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 7 (02-16-77)

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: FBI infiltration of women's liberation movement] (02-17-77)

Cover letter by Cindy Jaquith, National Office, and Stacey Seigle, National Campaign Office
Summary of FBI Files on Women's Liberation Movement (02-17-77)

Correspondence Between the Editorial Board of Inprecor and the PST [Argentina] Leadership in Exile (02-17-77)

Letter to Marcela from Walter [Ernest Mandel] for the Editorial Board of Inprecor (02-17-77)
Letter to Walter from Marcela, for the PST leadership in exile (02-27-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 8 (02-18-77)

Report on Southern African Campaign and NSCAR Steering Committee Meetings, by Malik Miah (02-18-77)
To Organizers and Women's Liberation Directors [re: April NOW conference resolution] from Cindy Jaquith, SWP Women's Liberation Director (02-23-77)
Resolution for April NOW Conference

To Organizers, Trade Union Directors and CLUW Members (02-23-77)

Cover letter by Cindy Jaquith, SWP Women's Liberation Director
Report on Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW) National Executive Board Meeting, February 5-6, 1977, Philadelphia
Abortion Resolution Adopted by CLUW National Executive Board, February 5-6, 1977

To the PC and Field Organizers [re: Discussion in the Sattar League] (02-25-77)

Cover letter by Caroline Lund
Declaration of the Permanent Revolution Faction (Struggle Against Split in the Sattar League) (02-07-77)
PC Majority Document
Points of Difference in the Sattar League, by Ahmad Heydari (09-28-76)

Political Committee Meeting No. 9 (02-25-77)

Letter to the Trotskyist Organizing Committee from Mary-Alice Waters for the Political Committee (03-01-77)
Letter to the Political Committee of the SWP from Harry Turner for the Trotskyist Organizing Committee (02-07-77)
"Declaration of the Trotskyist Organizing Committee: Unity to Build the Fourth International"
Letter to Larry Seigle, SWP National Office, from John Studer, San Francisco (01-17-77)
Letter to "Karl, Charlie and Comrades" from Harry Turner (01-05-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 10 (03-03-77)

To Organizers and Women's Liberation Directors [re: April 21-24 NOW National Conference] (03-07-77)

Cover letter by Cindy Jaquith, Women's Liberation Work Director
Resolution submitted by Diane Feeley, ERA Subcommittee Chair, NOW New York
"Resolution on Economic Priority Issues for the Second Decade," submitted by the Labor and Poverty Task Forces
"Proposal for Political Action Committee Feasibility Project"

Report on Young Socialist Sales Campaign, by Brian Williams, adopted by the Young Socialist Alliance National Executive Committee (03-07-77)

February Young Socialist Financial Scoreboard (03-01-77)
February 1977 YS Sales Scoreboard

Political Committee Meeting No. 11 (03-10-77)

New Stage in the Fight Against Campaign Disclosure Laws, by Matilde Zimmerman (03-11-77)
Recent Developments in the Puerto Rican Socialist Party, by Catarino Garza (03-11-77)
Report on National Conference of Puerto Rican Solidarity Committee, by Mike Taber
Letter to Hedda Garza from Mary-Alice Waters for the SWP Political Committee (03-15-77)
Letter to the Political Committee from Hedda Garza for the New York RMOC (11-08-76)
Letter to the United Secretariat from Hedda Garza (01-30-77)
Letter to Los Angeles RMOC and All National Coordinators from Hedda Garza (11-08-76)

To Organizers and Antiracist Work Directors [re: NSCAR] (03-11-77)

Cover letter by Malik Miah, National Office
"An Appeal to Build a United Movement Against U.S. Support to the Racist Regimes in Southern Africa"
Statement by Tsietsi Mashinini and Khotso Seatlholo (02-24-77)
"At Vanessa's Red School," from the Johannesburg Sunday Times (01-30-77)
"South African Liberation Movement Hit," by June Goodwin, from the Christian Science Monitor (01-25-77)
"Help Exiles in Botswana," leaflet from International Defense and Aid and National Student Coalition Against Racism

To the Political Committee (03-12-77)

Letter to Peter Camejo from Carmen, for the Executive Committee of the Liga Comunista [Spain] (03-12-77)
Letter to the Central Committee and Executive Committee of the Liga Comunista from the Political Secretary of Baix Llobregat (02-03-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 9 (03-14-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 12 (03-17-77)

Letter to Michel Lequenne [France] from Caroline Lund for the SWP Political Committee (03-17-77)
Letter to Sam Manuel from Larry Seigle, National Office [re: Critical support for CLP and CPUSA candidates] (03-18-77)
Letter to the Political Committee from Sam Manuel, for the Los Angeles Local Executive Committee (03-10-77)
Letter to SWP National Office from Bill Anderson, Los Angeles [re: CLP campaign rally] (02-16-77)
"Vote Communist: Vote for Luis Rodriquez," CLP campaign leaflet
"Vote for Arnold Lockshin and William C. Taylor," CP campaign leaflet

Letter to the Political Committee, Communist League [Australia] and the Political Committee, Socialist Workers Party [Australia] from the United Secretariat Bureau (03-19-77)

Documents of the Palestinian Communist Group (03-20-77)

Letter to the Political Committee of the SWP from Yigal Schwartz for the Palestinian Communist Group (03-20-77)
Appendix 1: Programmatic Theses
Appendix 2: Letter to the Organisation Communiste Internationaliste [France] from the Palestinian Communist Faction
Appendix 4: Summary of discussions between the Palestinian Communist Faction and the OCI (01-77)
Appendix 5: "No to an Unprincipled Split," by the Palestinian Communist Faction (01-30-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 10 (03-21-77)

Report on the Mujeres Unidas Conference to the NEC, by Andrea Lubrano (03-21-77)

To All Organizers and Circulation Directors from Harvey McArthur, Business Manager [re: Militant sales campaign] (03-21-77)

To the Political Committee and National Field Organizers [re: Spartacist League] (03-23-77)

Cover letter by Larry Seigle
"The American Left Views 'Roots,'" from Workers Vanguard, No. 148 (03-11-77)
"The Spartacist League's Scandalous Chauvinism," from Socialist Voice, No. 3 (Spring 77)

To All [YSA] Organizers from Peter Archer, YSA National Office [re: YSA Organizer] (03-24-77)

To All [YSA] National Committee Members (03-24-77)

Cover letter by Betrsy Farley, YSA National Office
Excerpts from the nominating commission report to the San Francisco Local, presented by David Keepnews, San Francisco State University chapter (01-27-77)

"First Draft Proposals on ICP/Inprecor," by Alan Jones [John Ross] (03-27-77)

To Organizers and Women's Liberation Directors (03-29-77)

Cover letter by Cindy Jaquith, National Office
Report on Women's Liberation Work, by Cindy Jaquith (03-24-77)
"Resolution for Equal Justice for Women and Oppressed Nationalities"

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes, No. 11 (03-30-77)

Letters to Brian Grogan, International Marxist Group [Britain] from Michael Banda, General Secretary, Workers Revolutionary Party [Britain] (04-01-77)

Letter to Brian Grogan from Michael Banda (03-22-77)
Letter to Brian Grogan from Michael Banda (02-15-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 12 (04-04-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 13 (04-11-77)

"Healyism (Rough Draft)," by Nancy Fields and Tim Wohlforth (04-11-77)

Letter to Jack Barnes from Tim Wohlforth

"The Postwar Social Overturns and Marxist Theory," by Tim Wohlforth (04-12-77)

Letter to Jack Barnes from Tim Wohlforth
"Dr. Castro: A Remarkable Talent for Survival in Soviet-Dominated Cuba," by Herbert Marchand, The Times [London] (77)

Minutes of National Committee Plenum (04-14/17-77)

Call for the Twenty-Ninth National Convention of the Socialist Workers Party, by Jack Barnes for the National Committee (04-17-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 18 (04-17-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 19 (04-20-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 14 (04-21-77)

To the Political Committee (04-26-77)

Letter to Mercedes, Tendencia Obrera [Spain] from Peter Camejo (04-26-77)
"Democracy or Bonapartism in Europe?," by Pierre Frank, from Workers International News (06/07-46)
"Problems of the Italian Revolution," by Leon Trotsky (05-14-30), from Writings of Leon Trotsky 1930, Pathfinder Press, 1975
"The Revolution in Spain," by Leon Trotsky (01-24-31), from The Spanish Revolution (1931-39), Pathfinder Press, 1973

To All Comrades [re: Pre-Convention Discussion] (04-27-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 15 (04-27-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 20 (04-28-77)

Letter to the Political Committee from Pat Wright (04-26-77)

To All [YSA] Organizers and Antiracist Directors (04-28-77)

Report on the Third Annual Region Conference of the International Committee Against Racism, by Richard Booth, Madison

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 16 (04-29-77)

Letter to Alan Thornett [Britain] from Tim Wohlforth (05-02-77)

Cover letter to Jack Barnes from Tim Wohlforth

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 17 (05-04-77)

Letter to Members of the IMT Steering Committee from Duret [Charles André Udry], for the IMT Bureau (05-05-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 21 (05-06-77)

Letter to Harry Turner, Trotskyist Organizing Committee, from Mary-Alice Waters for the Political Committee (05-06-77)
Letter to Mary-Alice Waters, Political Committee, Socialist Workers Party, from Harry Turner (03-21-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 1[?] (05-11-77)

Letters from the Revolutionary Marxist Committee [US] (05-77)

Letter to Alan Jones [John Ross], International Marxist Group [Britain] from Eric Olson for the National Committee, RMC (05-11-77)
Letter to Workers Power Group [Britain] from Fred Larson for the National Committee, RMC (05-05-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 20 (05-25-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 24 (05-27-77)

Correspondence Regarding the Liga Comunista [Spain] (05-25-77)

Letter to Jack Barnes from Peter Camejo (05-25-77)
Letter to New York from Caroline Lund (05-25-77)

Communist League (Indian Section of the Fourth International) Internal Information and Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 3 (06-77)

National Question in India, by Sharad Jhaveri (05-15-77)
Discussion Notes on Party Programme: National Question in India, by Sharad Jhaveri (04-24-77)
Discussion Notes on the Programme No. 2, by Sharad Jhaveri (05-26-77)
Discussion Notes on the Programme No. 3: Changes in the Section on Indian Bourgeoisie, by Sharad Jhaveri (05-28-77)
Discussion Notes on Party Programme No. 4: Towards a Methodological Criticism of the Indian Stalinists' Theory of Two Stages of Revolution and Their Programmatic Conception of the Indian Revolution, by Sharad Jhaveri (05-31-77)
Discussion Notes on Party Programme No. 5: Gunnar Mrydal and T. Programme on Agrarian Question , by Sharad Jhaveri (03-30-70)
Discussion Notes on Party Programme No. 6: Discussion Material on Transitional Programme of the Indian Revolution - Leon Trotsky on T. Programme, by Sharad Jhaveri (03-70)
Discussion Notes on Party Programme No. 7: A Note on Transitional Programme on Agrarian Question, by Sharad Jhaveri (03-27-77)
Critical Notes on: Programme of the Communist Party of India (Left) Adopted at Calcutta (11-30-64)
Letter to Com. Rajnarain Arya from Com. Somenra Kumar, Samstipur (05-21-77)
Letter to Com. Magan from S. Kumar
Report from Kerala Unit on Election and Other Activities, by M. Rashid (04-10-77)

To Organizers and Women's Liberation Directors [re: NOW Regional Conferences] (06-01-77)

Cover letter by Willie Mae Reid, SWP National Office
Letter to NOW members from Clare Fraenzel and Rhonda Rutherford (05-26-77)
Calendar of State Meetings
Carter Appointees to New National Women's Year Commission, Bella Abzug, Presiding Officer, from The Woman Activist (04-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 21 (06-02-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 25 (06-03-77)

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: New American Movement] (06-03-77)

Cover letter by Larry Seigle, National Office
The New American Movement in Chicago, by Garrett Brown (05-15-77)

To Organizers and National Committee Members from Larry Seigle, National Office [re: Bulletin supplement] (06-06-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 26 (06-07-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 22 (06-09-77)

To National Committee Members [re: Militant article "One Night in a Tube Plant"] (06-13-77)

Cover letter by Mary-Alice Waters, SWP National Office
Letter to Helen Scheer, Minneapolis, from Frank Lovell (06-01-77)
Letter to Frank Lovell from Helen Scheer (05-26-77)
Letter to Garrett Brown, Chicago, from Andy [?] (05-24-77)
"One Night in a Tube Plant," by Debby Deegan, from The Militant, Vol. 41, No. 19 (05-20-77)

To All Organizers and National Committee Members from Mary-Alice Waters, National Office [re: Gay Rights actions] (06-14-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 23 (06-17-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 24 (06-20-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 25 (06-25-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 28 (06-28-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 29 (07-08-77)

Report on the Sixty-Eighth Convention of the NAACP, by Cathy Sedwick
Report of the Control Commission of the SWP [re: Al Duncan] (07-08-77)
    Appendix (07-05-77)
Control Commission Report (04-20-77)
Letter to the Political Committee from Pat Wright (04-26-77)
Letter to the Political Committee from Al Duncan (05-05-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 30 (07-12-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 31 (07-15-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 26 (07-16-77)

Lettre au Secrétariat Unifié, Commission Arabe, de la Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire (Matzpen-Marxisti) [Israel] (07-18-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 32 (07-19-77)

Minutes of the United Secretariat Meeting (07-21/22-77)

Attachment A: United Secretariat Letter to GOR and LCT [Senegal] (07-22-77)
Attachment B: Letters from the United Secretariat Bureau to the Portuguese PRT and the RCL of Israel
    1. United Secretariat Bureau letter to the Portuguese PRT (06-29-77)
    2. United Secretariat Bureau letter to the RCL of Israel (07-08-77)
Attachment C: Three Statements Concerning Révista de America
    1. Statement by Romero
    2. Statement by Manuel
    3. Statement by Galois and Johnson
Attachment D: Fausto Amador Materials
    1. Letter from Rodrigo to the United Secretariat (06-06-77)
    2. Letter from the United Secretariat to Rodrigo (06-29-77)
    3. Letter from Livio Maitan to Intercontinental Press (07-01-77)
    4. Letter from the United Secretariat Bureau to Joseph Hansen (07-25-77)
    5. Letter from the United Secretariat Bureau to Rodrigo (07-25-77)
    6. Intercontinental Press interview with Fausto Amador, from Intercontinental Press, Vol. 15, No. 24 (06-27-77)
Attachment E: Statement by Claudio on "Socialist Democracy" Document (05-01/02-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 27 (07-22-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 35 (08-01-77)

Minutes of the National Committee Plenum (08-06-77)

Lettre à la Direction de la Liga Socialista Revolucionaria [Panama] de Jean-Pierre Beauvais (08-11-77)

Minutes of the National Committee Plenum (08-13-77)

Notes by Gus Horowitz from the Final Meeting of the Leninist Trotskyist Faction (08-15/17-77)

To Members of the Leninist Trotskyist Faction from Gus Horowitz [re: Faction Dissolution] (08-22-77)

Letter to David Frankel from Dan Donath and Yossi Ben-Akiva [Israel] (08-25-77)

To the Political Committee [re: French LCR Central Committee Meeting] (09-03-77)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from Caroline Lund (09-02-77)
Letter to Gus Horowitz from Caroline Lund (09-03-77)

To the Leninist Trotskyist Faction Coordinators [re: Faction Dissolution] (09-06-77)

To National Committee Members and Organizers [re: Guardian Clubs] (09-08-77)

Cover letter by Larry Seigle, SWP National Office
"Guardian Clubs to be Organized," from The Guradian (09-07-77)
"10 Principles of Club Unity," from The Guradian (09-07-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 36 (09-08-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 31 (09-14-77)

Minutes of the United Secretariat Meeting (09-15/16-77)

Attachment A: Letter from Lutte Ouvrière to the LCR of France (06-22-77)
Attachment B: Letter from Comrade Nemo [Christian Phéline] to the United Secretariat (09-10-77)
Attachment C: United Secretariat Greetings to the PST [Colombia] Congress (09-24-77)
Attachment D: IMG [Britain] Political Committee Resolutions on Ireland (08-31-77)
Attachment E: Correspondence with the Danish Section
    Letter to the United Secretariat from Troels for the Revolutionare Socialisters Forbund (08-19-77)
    Letter to the RSF from Pols for the United Secretariat Bureau (09-26-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 37 (09-16-77)

"New National Tendency Launched," from Freedom Socialist, Vol. 3, No. 2 (Summer 77)
"Los Angeles Conference on Revolutionary Regroupment: Statement of Purpose" (07-77)

To Organizers and National Committee Members from Syd Stapleton [re: Changes in the Socialist Labor Party] (09-19-77)

"Por Qué los Trotskistas Ingresamos al MAS" [re: Venezuelan PST] (09-77?)

Motion Passed by the IMT Bureau (One Abstention) (09-17-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 32 (09-21-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 38 (09-22-77)

To the Political Committee [re: United Secretariat] (09-27-77)

Letter to Gus Horowitz et al from Barry Sheppard (09-23-77)
Letter to Gus Horowitz et al from Caroline Lund (09-23-77)
Letter to Gus Horowitz from Barry Sheppard (09-28-77)
Letter to Gus Horowitz from Barry Sheppard (10-01-77)
Letter to Barry Sheppard and Caroline Lund from Gus Horowitz, SWP National Office (10-01-77)
Motion passed unanimously (with three abstentions) by members of the International Majority Tendency during the meeting of the Central Committee of the Ligue Communiste Revolutionaire [France] (08-26/30-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 33 (09-28-77)

To Organizers and Antiracist Work Directors from Olga Rodríguez, SWP National Office [re: San Antonio National Immigration Conference] (09-29-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 39 (09-29-77)

Correspondence Regarding Protectionism (09-30/10-14-77)

Letter to Dick Roberts from Ernest Mandel (09-30-77)
Letter to Ernest Mandel from Dick Roberts (10-14-77)
Letter to the Political Bureau, Japan Revolutionary Communist League, from Dick Roberts
Letter to Charles-André Udry from Dick Roberts  (10-11-77)

"A la Direccion de la TB," por Lucas, Maca, Manuela, Manolo, Marisa, Pepe V. Ricardo, Tote [Spain] (10-77)

To Organizers and Women's Liberation Directors, from Willie Mae Reid, Women's Liberation Work Director [re: International Women's Year] (10-01-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 34 (10-05-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 40 (10-07-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 35 (10-12-77)

Lettre Politique, Editée par le SI de la TMRI, Supplément au No. 72 de Sous le Drapeau du Socialisme (10-12-77)

Note sur ""L'Eurocommunisme," par Michel Pablo (09-77)
Une Evolution Importante de la "IVème Internationale" (09-77)

"Middle-Class 'Socialists' Join Forces - RMC Dissolves into SWP," from the Torch, Vol. 4, No. 10 (10-15/11-14-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 41 (10-14-77)

To Organizers, Women's Liberation Directors and Trade Union Directors, from Willie Mae Reid for the Political Committee [re: CLUW convention] (10-27-77)

Gus Horowitz Notes on Nelson Blackstock Report to PC on Convention of the Groupe Socialiste des Travailleurs du Québec (10-14-77)

Material Regarding Fausto Amador (06/10-77)

"Servidor de Somoza Dirige Grupillo Trotskista," from Libertad, publication of the Partido Vanguardia Popular [Costa Rica] (06-17-77)
"Antes Bandolero, Hoy Heroe," by Fausto Amador, from Excelsior (06-19-77)
"El Sabado Quedara Inscrito el OST," from Excelsior, San José, Costa Rica (06-22-77)
"Trotskistas No Pueden Negar Nombramiento de Amador por Somoza," from Libertad
Letter to the Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores [Costa Rica] from Andrés and Mariano for the Organizacion Socialista de los Trabajadores [Costa Rica] (06-25-77)
Letter to "Estimados Camaradas" from Andrés, for the OST (06-29-77)
Letter to the leadership of the Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores [Costa Rica] from Livio Maitan (07-01-77)
Letter to Livio Maitan from Joseph Hansen (07-18)
Letter to Joseph Hansen from Livio Maitan (08-02-77)
Translation of phone call from Caroline Lund (10-17-77)

Correspondence with Magan Desai [India] (10-17-77)

Letter to Magan Desai from Gus Horowitz (10-17-77)
Letter to Gus Horowitz from Magan Desai (09-26-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 42 (10-21-77)

Perspectives for Anti-Bakke Work, by Malik Miah (10-21-77)
NCOBD Bulletin Vol. 1, No. 2 (10-03-77)
    Thousands to Rally Oct. 8
    UC's VIP Admissions Exposed
    NCOBD Airs Future Plans
    "Reverse Discrimination": The Facts
"Overturn the Bakke Decision," brochure from the National Committee to Overturn the Bakke Decision
Report on Meeting with the Socialist Labor Party Leadership, by Syd Stapleton (10-21-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 36 (10-22-77)

To All [YSA] National Committee Members [re: YSA Convention Delegate Allocation] (10-24-77)

Cover letter by Chuck Petrin, YSA National Secretary
Call for the Seventeenth National Convention of  the Young Socialist Alliance
Delegate Allocation Formulas

To All [YSA] Organizers and Regional Organizers [re: YSA Preconvention Discussion] (10-25-77)

Cover letter by Betsy Farley, YSA National Office
Suggested Outline for YSA Oral Preconvention Discussion

To the Political Committee [re: Bulletin coverage of the death of Tom Henehan] (10-25-77)

"Martyrs of the Fourth International: Go Forward!," front page of the Bulletin, Vol. 13, No. 79 (10-25-77)
"New York Memorial Meeting for Comrade Tom Henehan, Oct. 22, 1977"
"Comrade David North's Speech to Memorial Meeting: 'You Are Our Comrade Forever'"
"Comrade Michael Banda's Speech to the Memorial Meeting: 'Rededicate Yourselves to the Struggle'"
"Statement of the Workers League Political Committee: SWP Joins In - Press Blackout of Henehan Murder" (10-24-77)
"Statement by the Central Committee of the Workers Revolutionary Party: Tom Henehan - Young Socialist Victim of a Political Murder" (10-18-77)

Correspondence Between George Breitman and Nat London [France] [re: Trotsky publishing project] (10-77)

Letter to Nat London from George Breitman (10-28-77)
Letter to George Breaitman from Nat London (10-19-77)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from Magan Desai [India] (10-27-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 43 (10-28-77)

Gus Horowitz Notes on Sattar League [Iran] Congress (10-29/11-02-77)

United Secretariat Greetings to Sattar League [Iran] Congress (10-29/11-02-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 37 (10-29-77)

Minutes of the United Secretariat Meeting (10-29/31-77)

Attachment A: Nos Relations avec le Groupe Socialiste des Trvalleurs du Quebec: Rapprt du Camarade Corbière au Comité Politique de la LOR [Canada] (09-24-77)
Attachment B: Letter to the PST and the LCR of Colombia from the United Secretariat Bureau (11-24-77)
Attachment C: Letter on Enlarged Bureau Meetings
    Letter to the Political Bureaus of the French LCR, Spanish LCR and IMG [Britain] from Duret [Charles André Udry] for the United Secretariat Bureau (10-17-77)
Attachment D: Correspondence with Lutte Ouvrière [France]
    Letter to Lutte Ouvrière from Charles Michaloux for the United Secretariat (10-04-77)
    Letter to the United Secretariat from Lutte Ouvrière (10-13-77)
Attachment E: Letters to Costa Rica and Nicaragua
    Letter to the Organización Socialista de los Trabajadores [Costa Rica] from Riel [Jean-Pierre Beauvais] for the United Secrtariat Bureau (11-07-77)
    Letter to the Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores [Costa Rica] from Riel [Jean-Pierre Beauvais] for the United Secrtariat Bureau (11-07-77)
    Letter to the Liga Marxista Revolucionaria [Nicaragua] from Riel [Jean-Pierre Beauvais] for the United Secrtariat Bureau (11-07-77)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from Sharad Jhaveri [India] (10-31-77)

To All [YSA] Organizers [re: YWLL National Convention] (10-31-77)

Cover letter by Chuck Petrin, YSA National Office
Report on Young Workers Liberation League National Convention, by Doug Cooper
    Appendix A: "Branch Life - Key to Mass Growth of the League," by Jay Schaffner, National Organizational Secretary, YWLL, from Viewpoints, Pre-convention Discussion Bulletin #1 (08-17-77)
    Appendix B: "The World Anti-Imperialist Youth Movement and the World Federation of Democratic Youth, by Danny Rosenberg, from Viewpoints, Pre-convention Discussion Bulletin #4
"Open Letter to the YWLL" from the Young Socialist Alliance National Executive Committee (10-31-77)

"Complexities of Cuban Foreign Policy," by Edward Gonzalez, from Problems of Communism (11/12-77)

Notes by Caroline Lund on the Meeting of the International Majority Tendency (11-01-77)

To Organizers [re: Comparative circulation figures] (11-03-77)

Cover letter by Mary-Alice Waters, National Office
Comparison of Average Weekly Circulation Figures - 1977

Membership Statistics (11-77)

Summary of Party Membership as of November 3, 1977
Statistics on Party Growth
Statistics on Party Growth (as of October 31, 1977)

Political Committee Meeting No. 44 (11-04-77)

Letter to Thomas Boushier, NW Washington, DC branch, from Gus Horowitz for the Political Committee (11-05-77)
Letter to the National Committee from Thomas Boushier (09-17-77)

Report on the 1977 Conference of the Liga Comunista [Spain] [in Spanish] (11-11-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 45 (11-11-77)

To All Comrades from Larry Seigle for the Political Committee [re: Héctor Marroquín case] (11-15-77)
USLA appeal for Héctor Marroquín, signed by Dr. Armando Guttierrez, Director, Chicano Legal Defense Fund, and José Angel Gutierrez, Judge, Zavala County, Texas
"Appeal for Political Asylum," from USLA
"Thanksgiving Appeal," from USLA
"Estudiante Mexicano Pide Asilo en EU," by Arnold Weissberg, from El Norte, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico (10-29-77)
"Hécto Marroquín Manriquez Pide Asilo Politico en EU," from El Porvenir, Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico (11-02-77)

Proces-Verbal du Comite Politique de la LOR-RWL [Canada], No. 2 (11-11/12-77)

Annexe No. 1: Rapport sur la Question Linguistique de Simone Lachance
Annexe No. 2: Rapport sur le 3e Congres du GSTQ, par Christian Corbière
Annexe No. 3: Resume du Rapport International Presente au Comite Politique et au Bureau Nationale du Quebec, par Carignan (11-77)

Informes [Internal Bulletin of the Liga Comunista (Spain)] No. 19: Actas de la Reunion del CC del 12/13 del Noviembre (11-77)

Informe del IV Congreso de la Liga Comunista, por Ramon (11-11-77)
A la Direccion de la TB, por Lucas, Maca, Manuela, Manolo, Marisa, Pepe V., Ricardo, Tote (10-77)
A la Direccion del TBI, por Lucas, Maca, Manolo, Manuela, Marisa, Pedro, Pepa C., Pepa V., Ricardo, Tote, Xouva, Fernando (10-21-77)
A la Direccion de la LCR (10-24-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 38 (11-12-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 39 (11-16-77)

To the Political Committee [re: International Majority Tendency] (11-16-77)

Cover letter by Natalie Bombaro
"For the Dissolution of the IMT, for the Strengthening of the International," draft resolution for the IMT Steering Committee (11-01-77)
Amendments to "For the Dissolution of the IMT, for the Strengthening of the International," proposed by IMT members of the Internationale Kommunistenbod [Netherlands]
Amendment to the Declaration of Dissolution, submitteed by Mackenzie, Revolutionary Workers League/Ligue Ouvrière Revolutionaire

Political Committee Meeting No. 46 (11-17-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 47 (11-18-77)

Rail Perspectives, by Ed Heisler (11-18-77)
"Collision Course: Railroads Demand Wage Cuts, Attack Union Safety Rules," by Ed Heisler, from The Militant (07-29-77)

Gus Horowitz notes on Jack Barnes "World Movement" report to PC meeting (11-18-77)

"To All Members of the Socialist Workers Party: Workers League Member Attacked," from the Bulletin (11-22-77)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 40 (11-23-77)

Appendix to the English Canadian National Bureau Minutes (11-24-77)

Report on the Chilean Left, by Foco

"Trotsky and the Trotskyites Before the Court of Time and History," by Jesús Orta Ruiz, from Granma, Havana, Cuba (11-27-77)

Two Articles from Socialist Voice [Canada] (11-28-77)

"GSTQ Calls for Independent Quebec," by Danielle Fregault
"Quebecois Want to Control Their Own Destiny - Socialist Group," by Richard Collins

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 41 (11-30-77)

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: Black Recruitment] (11-30-77)

Cover letter by Malik Miah, SWP National Office
Excerpts from September 15 Letter to Wendy Lyons from Jim Burfeind, Louisville (09-15-77)
Letter to Jim Burfeind from Malik Miah (11-12-77)

"Complexities of Cuban Foreign Policy," by Edward Gonzalez, from Problems of Communism [12-77]

Correspondence Regarding the US Tour of Lea Tsemel (12-77)

Letter to Lea Tsemel [Israel] from Peter Seidman
Letter to Viewpoint Speakers Bureau from Massachussetts Committee for Palestinian Human Rights
Letter to the Massachussetts Committee for Palestinian Human Rights from Anne Teasdale for Viewpoint Speakers Bureau (12-12-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 48 (12-01-77)

Letter to the Socialist Workers Party from David McReynolds for the War Resisters League [re: South Africa] (11-09-77)

To All [YSA] Organizers [re: Delegate Representation] (12-05-77)

Cover letter by Chuck Petrin, YSA National Office
NEC Proposal for Composition of Nominating Convention

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 42 (12-07-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 49 (12-09-77)

Miners' Strike and Strike Support Work, by Lew Jones (12-09-77)
US Coalfields and UMWA Districts
UMWA Working Miners, by District, 1976

Gus Horowitz Discussion with Dan Dickeson [re: Japan section] (12-77)

To the Political Committee (12-10-77)

Draft Thesis for the National Conference of the Gruppi Comunisti Rivoluzionari [Italy], approved unanimously by the Political Bureau of the GCR (12-10-77)

Lettre à la Commission Arabe, Bureau du Secrétariat Unifié, de Mikado [Michel Washawski] (12-11-77)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from Caroline Lund [re: Italian Section] (12-10-77)

Material on the Italian Section (12-77)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from Caroline Lund (12-10-77)
Letter to Gus Horowitz from Caroline Lund (12-17-77)
Interview with Antonio Caronia published in Bandiera Rossa No. 20 (12-01-77)
Excerpts from the letter of resignation from the GCR by Comrade Caronia (11-07-77)
"La Lettra di Dimmisioni del Compagno Antonio Caronia dai GCR," from Boletino Interno No. 7 (11-07-77)

[YSA] National Exectutive Committee Meeting Minutes No. 43 (12-12-77)

Minutes of the United Secretariat (12-13/14-77)

Attachment A: Material on Venezuela
    1. Letter to the Membership of the PST, Venezuelan Section of the Fourth International, from Antonio (11-77)
    2. Letter to the United Secretariat Bureau from Antonio (10-26-77)
    3. "A Necessary Piece of Information," by Andres Romero (11-11-77)

[YSA] National Exectutive Committee Meeting Minutes No. 44 (12-14-77)

Two Letters to British Comrades (12-14-77)

Letter to Brian Grogan from Jack Barnes (12-14-77)
Letter to John Ross from Jack Barnes (12-14-77)

Letter to the United Secretariat from Julio, for the Executive Committee of the Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores [Colombia] (12-15-77)

Two Articles from Rouge, Publication of the Ligue Communiste Revolutionaire [France] (12-16-77)

"Lutte Ouvrière Has Held Its Eighth Congress" (12-16-77)
"Trade Union Conference Sponsored by the Spanish LCR: Over 2000 Worker Activists Discuss a Response to Austerity" (12-16-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 50 (12-16-77)

Letter to the Louisville Communist Club from Dennis Rosa, Campaign Director, Debby Tarnopol for Mayor Campaign (10-11-77)
Letter to the Louisville SWP from the Louisville Communist Club (10-31-77)
"Position Statement by Louisville Club of the Communist Party Re: 1977 Race for Mayor of Louisville

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: Socialist Labor Party] (12-17-77)

Cover letter by Syd Stapleton for the Political Committee
Letter to Nathan Karp, Socialist Labor Party, from Jack Barnes, National Secretary, SWP (12-14-77)

[YSA] National Exectutive Committee Meeting Minutes No. 45 (12-17-77)

YSA Convention Schedule

To the Political Committee [re: World Political Resolution] (12-20-77)

Letter to Jack Barnes from Ernest Mandel
"Summary of Draft Theses on the World Situation Since 1968"

Letter from the Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores [Colombia] (12-20-77)

Letter to Perspectiva Mundial from Julio, for the PST Executive Committee (12-20-77)
"Resolution on Fausto Amador," by the Central Committee of the PST (12-09/12-77)
"Resolution on the Pluma Publishing House," by the Central Committee of the PST (12-09/12-77)

Carta a Inprecor de Julio, para el Comité Ejecutivo del PST [Colombia] (12-20-77)

Letter to Nemo [Christian Phéline] from François Massion (12-21-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 51 (12-22-77)

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: Mobilization for Survival] (12-28-77)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, National Office
Report on Mobilization for Survival National Convention, by Arnold Weissberg (12-16-77)
"A Call to Action," leaflet of Mobilization for Survival

Letter to Tim Wohlforth and Nancy Fields from Mark Jenkins [Britain] (12-28-77)

Two Articles from the Daily World (12-77)

"Tremendous Breakthroughs Seen in DW Circulation Campaign," by Pat Barile (12-28-77)
"CP View of Labor's Stake in Defeat of Bakke" (12-16-77)

To the Political Committee and Field Organizers [re: Colombian PST] (12-29-77)

Cover letter by Gus Horowitz
"Declaration of the Proletarian Democracy Tendency and Counterreport on the Party Regime," signed by Gustavo, Gladys, Ricardo, Socorro, Jaime and Ciro

"Resolution du BP sur la Campagne Lesislatives," resolution of the Political Bureau of the Ligue Communiste Revolutionaire [France] (12-30-77)

Notes by Gus Horowitz on the Composition of the Young Socialist Alliance (12-77)


Party Membership Statistics (01-78)

Summary of Party Membership as of January 1, 1978
Number of Full Members Dropped Each Month
Statistics on Party Growth

Report on Greece: Gus Horowitz discussion with a comrade recently returned from Greece (01-78)

Notes by Gus Horowitz on Hong Kong Trotskyism (01-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 1 (01-04-78)

Correspondence with the Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores [Colombia] (01-05-78)

Letter to the Executive Committee of the PST from Sylvain [Félix Rivière], for the United Secretariat Bureau (01-05-78 [mislabeled "77"])
Carta a Inprecor de Julio, para el Comité Ejecutivo del PST (12-20-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 2 (01-05-78)

Letter to the Political Committee from Tim Wohlforth [re: SLP] (01-07-78)

Two Letters to Jack Barnes from Tim Wohlforth (01-07-78)

Letter to Jack Barnes from Tim Wohlforth [re: Literary discussion on Cuba] (01-07-78)
Letter to Jack Barnes from Tim Wohlforth [re: Alan Thornett and Moreno] (01-07-78)

"Resolution Pour le [LCR-France] Comité Central des 7-8 Janvier '78 sur Notre Campagne Legislatives," Présenté par Anna, Felix et Matti (01-07/08-78)

Report on the Quebec Conference of the Ligue Ouvrière Revolutionnaire: January 7-8, 1978, by Chuck Petrin (01-07/08-78)

To the Political Committee (01-08-78)

Cover letter by Natalie Bombaro
Letter to Barry Sheppard and Caroline Lund from Gus Horowitz (01-08-78)
Letter to Jack Barnes, National Secretary, SWP, from Jean-Louis Vandeire, National Secretary, for the National Committee of the Alliance des Jeunes pour le Socialisme [France] (12-17-77)
Report to the Political Committee of the Revolutionary Workers League/Ligue Ouvrière Revolutionaire [Canada] on the Language Question, by Simone Lachance (11-14-77)
Report on the 3rd Congress of the GSTQ, by Corbiere; Appendix to the Political Committee Minutes of the RWL/LOR (11-11/12-78)
Excerpts from an article by Pierre Rousset on the Vietnam-Cambodia conflict, from Rouge (01-02-78)
Letter to Barry Sheppard and Caroline Lund from Gus Horowitz (01-07-78)
Draft for Submission to the International Internal Discussion Bulletin: "For a Change in the Fourth International's Position on Cuba," by François Massion, Ligue Revolutionaire des Travailleurs [Belgium], Andrés, Rodrigo and Sara, Organización Socialista de los Trabajadores [Costa Rica], Scott Cooper and David Keil, Socialist Workers Party [US] (12-18-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 3 (01-09-78)

To Organizers and National Committee Members from Syd Stapleton [re: SLP] (01-09-78)

To the Political Committee (01-09-78)

Cover letter by Pola, for the United Secretariat Bureau
Notes on the Situation of the GCR, Italian Section of the Fourth International
Interview Published in Bandiera Rossa No. 20 [re: Antonio Caronia resignation from the GCR] (12-01-77)
Declaration of the Proletarian Democracy Tendency [PST-Colombia] and Counterreport on the Party Regime, by Socorro Ramirez, Ricardo Sanchez, Gustavo Vivas, Glady Jimeno, Ciro Roldan, Jaime Galarza (12-09-77)
Resolution on the Existence of the Tendency and Sanctions
Platform of the Tendency Formed at the PST Convention

Letter to Michel Warshawski [Israel] from Gus Horowitz [re: Palestine Communist Group/Yossi Ben-Akiva] (01-10-78)

Letter to Barry Sheppard from Dave Frankel [re:Sadat trip to Israel] (01-10-78)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes (01-11-78)

Material on the British Elections (01-11-78)

Cover letter by Stateman, for the United Secretariat Bureau
Note by Pola
Resolution on Socialist Unity [Britain], by J. King, adopted by the National Committee of the International Marxist Group [Britain]

Political Committee Meeting No. 4 (01-12-78)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from Magan Desai [India] (01-12-78)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from Magan Desai [India] (01-12-78)

To All [YSA] Organizers and Regional Organizers (01-13-78)

Cover letter by Suzie Berman
YSA Regional Work, by Betsy Farley

Letter to the United Secretariat and all Sections of the FI from Karl Andresson, for the Political Bureau of the Kommunistiska Arbetarförbundet [Sweden][re: Section's work in the Latin American exile community] (01-14-78)

Letter to Thabo Ntweng, Cleveland Branch, from Jack Barnes [re: Political Committee minutes] (01-16-78)

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: Héctor Marroquín Defense] (01-17-78)

Cover letter by Larry Seigle
Tasks in the Marroquín Defense, by Betsy Farley (01-11-78)
"To Whom It May Concern," [English and Spanish versions], letter by Rodolfo Echeverria, on behalf of the Central Committee of the Partido Comunista Mexicano (12-15-77)
"Dear Friend," signed by Muriel Rukeyser, Gloria Steinem, (Father) Philip Berrigan, Armando Gutiérrez, Noam Chomsky, George Wald, Kate Millett, of behalf of the SLA Justice Committee

From Rouge No. 552 [re: Vietnam and Cambodia] (01-17-78)

Letter to the Editor from Nikita and Sandor
Response by Pierre Rousset

Regarding SWP Relations with the Partido Socialists Puertoriqueña (01-18-78)

Letter to Brenda Brdar, Chicago Branch, from Catarino Garza (01-18-78)
Letter to Catarino Garza, Perspectiva Mundial, from Brenda Brdar (01-10-78)

"Lessons of Party Building," by Tony Richardson, a review of "The Crisis of the French Section (1935-36)," by Leon Trotsky, from Socialist Press (01-18-78)

"Save the Life of Héctor Marroquín!: Campus Appeal for Political Asylum, by the Héctor Marroquín Defense Committee (01-78?)

Correspondencia Sobre el PST-Colombia (01-19-78)

Carta a Joseph Hansen de Jean-Pierre Beauvais [Riel] (01-19-78)
Carta a la Secretaría Unida de Julio para el Comité Ejecutivo del PST-Colombia (12-15-77)

"Iranian Riot Blocked in New York," Statement of Congressman Larry McDonald in the Congressional Record (01-23-78)

Letter to Mikado [Michel Warshawski, Israel] from Stateman, for the United Secretariat Bureau (01-23-78)

To the Political Committee (01-23-78)

Cover letter by Gus Horowitz
Letter to the United Secretariat from Joseph Hansen [re: PST-Colombia] (01-11-78)
Report by Greco to the Central Committee of the Colombian PST (12-12-78)
Letter to Dave Frankel from Mikado [Michel Warshawski] (12-27-77)
Letter to Mikado [Michel Warshawski] from Dave Frankel (01-18-78)
Excerpt from Warshawski article in Rouge (01-16-78)

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: SLP] (01-24-78)

Cover letter by Syd Stapleton for the Political Committee
Letter to Nathan Karp, Socialist Labor Party, from Syd Stapleton (01-19-78)
"Dangers of 'Vanguardism': What is the Role of a Socialist Party," address given by SLP National Secretary Nathan Karp at the Eastern Interstate Thanksgiving Banquet in New York City, November 19, 1977, from The Weekly People (12-31-77)

To the Political Committee [re: National Committee Meeting of the International Marxist Group (Britain)] (01-25-78)

Cover letter by Gus Horowitz
Resolution from the Executive Bureau to the National Committee of the IMG
Socialist Unity, by J. King
Political Resolution for 1978 IMG Conference, for the National Committee (Point #6, "Forces to the Left of the Labour Bureaucracy and the Communist Party") (01-07/08-78)
Tactics and Building a Unified Revolutionary Organization, for the National Committee (01-07/08-78)

To Steel Fraction Heads, Trade Union Directors, and Organizers (01-25-78)

Cover letter by Andy Rose, Trade Union Steering Committee
Resolution on the UMWA Strike
"Steelworkers Discuss 'Bakke'," from The Militant (11-18-77)

To the Political Committee (01-26-78)

Minutes of the January 26, 1978 Meeting of the People's Committee for the Freedom of Southern Africa
Attendees at January 26 Meeting

Political Committee Meeting No. 5 (01-27-78)

Minutes of the United Secretariat Meeting (01-27/29-78)

Attachment A: Letter to the United Secretariat from the Executive Committee of the PST-Colombia (01-25-7
Attachment B: Appeal from Six Members of the Proletarian Democracy Tendency of the PST-Colombia (01-20-78)
Attachment C: Resolution on Fausto Amador Adopted by the Central Committee of the Colombian PST
Attachment D: Letter to the United Secretariat from Antonio

Matériel sur les Élections Françaises (01-28-78)

Lettre a Jack Barnes de Nemo [Christian Phéline] [France] (01-28-78)
Lettre au Bureau Politique de la Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire [France] du Silva, Letourneau, Nemo [Christian Phéline], Seldjouk, Ulysse, Verdi (01-26-78)
Pour la Denonciation de l'Accord LCR-OCT-CCA: Pour une Campaigne de la LCR en Défense de la Unité et de l'Independance Ouvrières, par Da Silva, Justine, Krasno, Letourneau, Nemo [Christian Phéline], Seldjouk, Ulysse, Verdi (01-26-78)

Comment by Gus Horowitz on El Socialista No. 102, 01-18-78, newspaper of the Colombian PST [re: Vietnam and Cambodia] (01-31-78)

Lettre à Gus Horowitz et David Frankel de Michel Warshawski [?] [Israel] (01-31-78)

To All Members [re: Split in Revolutionary Communist Party] (02-01-78)

Cover letter by Larry Seigle for the Secretariat
"RCP Splits!," from Workers Vanguard (01-27-78)
"RCP's 'Secret' Position on China," from Workers Vanguard (01-27-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 6 (02-02-78)

To Organizers and Marroquín Defense Directors (02-03-78)

Cover letter by Roger Rudenstein, SWP National Office and Betsy Farley, YSA National Office
Proposed Marroquín Tour Schedule
Suggestions for Organizing the Marroquín Tour, by Betsey Farley
Héctor Marroquín Defense Committee: Materials Order Form

To the Political Committee (02-78)

"ERA: New Trends, New Developments," by Alva Buxenbaum, from Political Affairs (01-78)
"NY Abortion Teach-In Hits Medicaid Denial," from the Daily World (02-03-78)

Lettre au Secrétariat Unifié de Mikado [Michel Warshawski], pour le Secrétariat de la Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire-Matzpen-Marxisti [Israel] (02-05-78)

To Organizers and Women's Liberation Directors [re: Philadelphia NOW] (02-06-78)

Cover letter by Willie Mae Reid, Women's Liberation Work Director
Letter from Marcia Gallo, Co-Editor, Defending Women's Rights Newsletter (02-01-78)
"An Appeal to the Board," by Irene Osborne, Secretary, Philadelphia NOW; Jean Hassan, State Board Representative, Philadelphia NOW; Ellen Wooters, Secretary for Programs, Philadelphia NOW; Donna Suevo, Philadelphia NOW; Claire Fraenzl, Philadelphia NOW; Rhonda Ritherford, Philadelphia NOW; Betty LeCompte, Philadelphia NOW; Naomi Berman, Philadelphia NOW, co-editor, Philadelphia Newsletter, Sharyn King, Philadelphia NOW; Rashida Abdul Ahad, Philadelphia NOW; Eileen Gersh, Philadelphia NOW
Petition for Non-Exclusion in NOW
"NOW Shuts in Phila; 8 Top Officers Quit," by Marci Shatzman, from The Evening Bulletin (12-02-77)
"Too Much Squabbling: The Feminists Have Problems Here," by Elizabeth Duff, from the Philadelphia Inquirer (12-18-77)
"The Future of NOW: Can Phila. Chapter Overcome Leadership Split?," by Sue Chastain, from the Philadelphia Inquirer (12-20-77)
"Now NOW," letter to the Philadelphia Inquirer from Irene Osborne, Secretary, Philadelphia Chapter, National Organization for Women
"Socialist Feminists: A New Challenge for NOW," letter to the Philadelphia Inquirer from Claire Fraenzl, member, Socialist Workers Party and Philadelphia NOW (01-09-78)
Motion passed by thy Philadelphia Chapter of NOW (01-09-78)
Letter to Philadelphia NOW members from Karen Knudsen, Chair, Interim Steering Committee, Philadelphia NOW (12-08-77)
"Now Chairperson Asks Unity" (12-04-77)

Financial Statistics for the SWP (02-78)

National Average Per Capita Pledge to the Branch[es]/Real Buying Power of Per Capita Pledge to the Branch[es]
Total Branch Back Dept to National Departments
Percent of Branches Keeping Current to All National Departments
Comparison of Take-Home Pay to Pledge for August 1976 and 1977
Branch and Local Standing as of January 31, 1978

Material on Cesar Chavez Visit to Philippines (02-06-78)

Letter to the SWP National Office from Fred Halstead
Form letter by Michael Johnson, United Farm Workers of America, AFL-CIO, Northern California Boycott (11-03-77)
Summary of Remarks by Cesar Chavez, Delano, CA (10-15-77)
Letter to 21 Farm Workers Assistance Committees

"The NAACP - Free at Last," from the Wall Street Journal (02-07-78)

To the Political Committee (02-78)

"Resolution on the Legislative Campaign Adopted by the January 7-8, 1978, Central Committee Meeting of the LCR of France" (01-07/-08-78)
To Sections and Sympathizing Organizations [re:European Elections] from Pola, for the United Secretariat Bureau (02-24-78)
"On the Possible Elections for the European Parliament," from the minutes of the February 5-7, 1977 meeting of the United Secretariat (02-05/07-77)

Political Committee Meeting No. 7 (02-09-78)

To the Political Committee [re: Committee for a Revolutionary Socialist Party] (02-09-78)

Letter to Manuel Aguilar Mora from Larry Seigle for the Political Committee [re: Zaslows' visit to Mexico] (02-09-78)
Letter to the Political Committee from Manuel Aguilar Mora (01-11-78)

Letter to Duncan [?], Pathfinder Press, from Nat London [Paris] [re: French publishing projects] (02-10-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 8 (02-10-78)

To National Committee Members and Organizers Attending the Plenum [re: OCI] (02-13-78)

Cover letter by Gus Horowitz, SWP National Office
Report from the International Commission of the OCI, from Information Note No. 1 [English translation] (01-11-78)
Excerpt from Inprecor (10-27-77)
Letter to the United Secretariat from F. de Massot for the Organizing Committee for the Reconstruction of the Fourth International (04-27-77)
Original French version of Information Note item above (01-11-78)

Letter to International Socialist Review Editors from Dennis Brasky, S. Side Chicago Branch [re: CP influence in Steelworkers union] (02-78)

Correspondence Regarding Libraries (02-14-78)

Letter to Rodolphe Prager from Barbara West, Library of Social History [SWP library] (02-14-78)
Lettre à Barbara West de Rodolphe Prager (01-08-78)

To National Committee Members and Organizers Attending the Plenum [re: World Movement Report] (02-14-78)

Cover letter by Gus Horowitz
A. Documents Concerning the Situation in the Colombian PST:
    1. Resolutions Adopted by the United Secretariat (01-27/29-78)
    2. Platform of the Pro-Bolshevization Tendency Formed at the PST Founding Convention (09-77)
    3. Letter to the Central Committee and Executive Committee of the PST from Jaime Galarza (11-05-77)
    4. Declaration of the Proletarian Democracy Tendency and Counter-Report on the Party Regime (12-09-77)
    5. Resolutions Adopted by the PST Central Committee (12-09/12-77)
    6. Appeal by Socorro Ramirez for a Special Convention of the PST (12-12-77)
    7. Mimeographed Circular Distributed Internationally by the PST (12-20-77)
    8. Motion Adopted by the PST Executive Committee on the Question of a Special Convention (01-05-78)
    9. Internal Bulletin No. 1 of the Proletarian Democracy Tendency (01-13-78)
    10. Appeal to the United Secretariat from Leaders of the PST who Formed the Proletarian Democracy Tendency (01-13-78)
    11. Memorandum for USFI from PDT Supporters (01-78)
B. Materials of the International Bolshevik Tendency
    1. Report by Greco to the Central Committee of the Colombian PST (12-12-77)
    2. Report on "The Situation in the International and Our Tendency," appearing in the Internal Bulletin No. 3 of the Bolshevik Tendency (12-77)

More on the Situation in the Colombian PST (02-14-78)

Introductory note by Gus Horowitz
Letter to the United Secretariat from the Executive Committee of the Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores of Colombia (01-25-78)

Correspondence Regarding Book Publishing (01/02-78)

Letter to Posada from ? [Barcelona] (01-30-78)
Letter to "Comrade" [US?] from ? [Mexico?] (02-15-78)

To the Political Committee (02-15-78)

Cover letter by Natalie Bombaro
Minutes of the United Secretariat Meeting (01-27/29-78)
Attachment D: Letter from Antonio [Tarquin] [Venezuela] to the United Secretariat

Documents from the Kommunistiska Arbetarförbundet [Sweden] (02-15-78)

Letter to the United Secretariat from Otto (02-15-78)
Motions from the Sixth Congress of the KAF

To Organizers and Literature Distribution Directors (02-15-78)

Cover letter by Bob Bresnahan, Pathfinder Business Office
Keeping Current to Pathfinder: Report for the Month of January
Branch Debt to Pathfinder
Best-Selling Books in 1977
Best-Selling Pamphlets in 1977
Books Published in 1977
New Pamphlets in 1977
Books Reprinted in 1977
Books Projected for 1978
Books Scheduled for Reprinting in 1978
Pamphlets Scheduled for Reprinting in 1978
Pathfinder Foreign Rights Work

Political Committee Meeting No. 9 (02-16-78)

Proposed Plenum Schedule (02-23/26-78)
Organization of the Plenum

Evidence of Harassment Against the SWP and YSA [survey] (02-78?)

Letters  to the Organización Socialista de los Trabajadores [Costa Rica] (02-16-78)

Letter to the Equipo de Dirección Política de la Organización Socialista de los Trabajadores from Gus Horowitz (02-15-78)
Letter to the Equipo de Dirección Política de la Organización Socialista de los Trabajadores from Gus Horowitz [re: French Elections] (02-16-78)
"Il Faut Arracher l'Engagement du PCF sur la Question Décisive du Désistement au Second Tour," de Informations Ouvrières No. 824 (11-3/9-77)
"Francia: Una Política Revolucionaria Frente al Divisionismo," de Qué Hacer No. 17 (01-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 10 (02-17-78)

Organization of the Plenum

Lettre au Bureau Politique de la Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire [France] de Morimn (Boris) [re: Démission] (02-18-78)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 5 (02-20-78)

To National Committee Members and Organizers Attending the Plenum [re: Colombian PST] (02-20-78)

Cover letter by Gus Horowitz, SWP National Office
Report to the United Secretariat on the Situation in the Colombian PST, by Jean-Pierre Riel [Beauvais] (01-29-78)

To National Committee Members and Plenum Guests [re: NAACP involvement in Davis Cup protests] (02-23-78)

Cover letter by Maceo Dixon
To [NAACP] State Conferences, Branches, College Division and Youth Council Presidents, from Althea T. L. Simmons, Associate Diector, Branch & Field Services, NAACP (02-23-78)

Minutes of National Committee Plenum (02-23/26-78)

Appendix 1: Letter to Héctor Marroquín
Appendix 2: Letter to the Wilmington 10 Defense Committee
Proposed Plenum Schedule
Organization of the Plenum

Marroquín Defense Materials (02-78)

"Appeal for Political Asylum: Partial List of Those Endorsing the Appeal for Political Asylum of Héctor Marroquín," by the Héctor Marroquín Defense Committee
Revised Marroquín Tour Schedule
Héctor Marroquín Defense Committee: Materials Order Form

Carta a la Secretaría Unida de Kepa y Emilio, por el Comité Ejecutivo de [?] [Venezuela] (02-25-78)

Information on the Frente de la Izquierda Revolucionaria-Partido de Obreros y Campesinos [Peru] (03-78)

Front page of Bandera Socialista No. 1, Journal of the FIR-POC (03-78)
Family Tree of Peruvian Trotskyist Organization

Letter to the United Secretariat from the Secretariat of the Palestine Communist Group [Israel] (03-01-78)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 6 (03-01-78)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 5 (03-04-78)

Resolution Adopted by the Central Committee of the French LCR on the Campaign Between the Two Rounds of Voting (03-05-78)

To All [YSA] Organizers and At-Large Members [re: Split in Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade] (03-06-78)

Cover letter by Betsy Farley
"Counterfeit Crew Unmasked," from The Young Communist (03-78)
"Open Letter to Pipsqueak Avakian: What You Couldn't Organize, You Can't Steal!," from The Young Communist (03-78)
"Arrogant Clique Suffers Defeat: RCYB Consolidates on Correct Line," from Revolution (02-78)

To the Political Committee [re: Chicano/Latino Conference on Immigration] (03-08-78)

Letter to Olga Rodríguez from Peter Camejo (03-08-78)

To All [YSA] Organizers and Women's Liberation Directors (03-08-78)

Cover letter by Cathy Sedwick, YSA Women's Liberation Director
The YSA and Building NOW on Campus, by Cathy Sedwick

Political Committee Meeting No. 11 (03-09-78)

To All Sections and Sympathizing Organizations of the Fourth International, from Roger Rudenstein, Socialist Workers Party National Office, and Betsy Farley, Young Socialist Alliance National Office [re: Héctor Marroquín Defense] (03-10-78)

"International Appeal to Save the Life of Héctor Marroquín," by the Héctor Marroquín Defense Committee

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: Committee for a Revolutionary Socialist Party visit to Mexico] (03-10-78)

Cover letter by Olga Rodríguez
Letter to the SWP Political Committee from Manuel Aguilar Mora (01-11-78 [mislabeled "77"])
Letter to Manuel Aguilar Mora from Larry Seigle for the Political Committee, Socialist Workers Party (02-09-78)
Los Angeles Conference on Revolutionary Regroupment: Statement of Purpose (07-77)

To Local and Branch Organizers and Trade Union Directors [re: All Unions' Movement to Shorten the Workweek] (03-10-78)

Cover letter by Joel Britton, SWP National Office
Letter to unions from Frank Runnels, President, Cadillac Local 22; President, All Unions' Movement to Shorten the Work Week (11-14-77)
Founders' Application
"Labor Meeting Urges Shorter Workweek," by Frank Lovell, from The Militant (12-02-77)

To National Committee Members and Organizers [re: Anti-Nuclear Work] (03-13-78)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness
Letter to Bob Kutchko, Kansas City Branch, from Doug Jenness, National Office (01-26-78)
Excerpts from letter to Doug Jenness from Bob Kutchko (01-01-78)
"Why the Sea is Boiling Hot and Whether Pigs Have Wings,""  by Manny Frishburg, from the Portland [ME] Scribe (11-17/23-77)

To the Political Committee (03-13-78)

Introductory note by Natalie Bombaro
"The London March Ban - Our Response," passed by the Political Committee of the International Marxist Group [Britain] (02-23-78), from Notes to Organizers (02-27-78)

To National Committee Members and Organizers [Re: RCP attack on miners' solidarity rally] (03-14-78)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness for the Political Committee (03-14-78)
"Rally to Support the Miners' Strike," press release by the University of Houston Ad Hoc Committee to Support the Miners' Strike (03-03-78)
"Fact Sheet on Violent Attack Against March 3 Houston Miners' Support Meeting," leaflet by the Committee to Support the Mineworkers Strike
"Support the Coal Miners: Oppose the Sellout - Jam the Hacks!," leaflet by the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade
"UC Confrontation Exposes Supporters of Miller's Latest Sellout,"  leaflet distributed by the RCYB on the U of H campus (03-06-78)
"Statement Against Violence," petition by the Committee to Support the Mineworkers Strike

Letter to Ernest Mandel from Murat Belge, Birikim Yayimcilik Koll.Sti [Birikim Publishing Collective, Turkey] [re: Turkish Socialism] (03-15-78)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 8 (03-15-78)

"Après l'Exclusion de Charles Berg de l'OCI," from Rouge (03-15/22-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 12 (03-16-78)

"Mexico and the US - The Border Issue," by Lorenzo Torrez, from the Daily World (03-18-78)

Letter to Walter [Ernest Mandel] from Bala Tampoe [Sri Lanka] (03-19-78)

Documents Concerning the Fylking Byltingarsinnađra Kommúnista [Iceland] (03-21-78)

Letter to the United Secretariat Bureau from Asgeeir Danielsson and Petur Tyrfingsson (03-21-78)
"From the Fylkingin: Lets's Keep On Fighting Until We have Won a Victory!," leaflet of the FBK
Letter of Resignation from the FBK from Björn Arnórssen (03-16-78)
Letter to the United Secretariat Bureau from Petur Tyrfingsson for the Political Bureau of the FBK (03-20-78)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 9 (03-22-78)

To Organizers and Women's Liberation Work Directors [re: Political Nonexclusion in NOW] (03-23-78)

Cover letter by Willie Mae Reid, Women's Liberation Work Director
Letter to NOW Members Re: Proposed Amendments to NOW National By-Laws, from Adrienne Kaplan, Sue Miess and Linda Stitt, for the Milwaukee Chapter of the National Organization for Women (02-78)
"Resolution on Nonexclusion," adopted by the New Jersey NOW State Conference (05-03-78) and New York State NOW Council Meeting (03-11-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 13 (03-23-78)

To Local and Branch Organizers and Trade Union Directors [re: All Unions' Committee to Shorten the Work Week] (03-23-78)

Cover letter by Joel Britton, SWP National Office
"To Presidents, Recording Secretaries, Financial Secretaries, Plant Chairmen, and Executive Boards of All Local Unions," from Frank Runnels, President, for the Officers, Steering Committee and Founders of the All Unions' Committee to Shorten the Work Week
"A Call to the First National All Unions' Conference to Shorten the Work Week, April 11, 1978, 10:00 am"
"Unemployment and Jobs"
"Who May Attend the April Conference"

"Eurocommunism: A New Stage in the Crisis of Stalinism," draft statement to be submitted by the United Secretariat to the discussion with the OCRFI (03-23-78)

Gus Horowitz notes on Mary-Alice Waters report to the Political Committee on the United Secretariat Meeting (03-78)

Lettres de Riel [Jean-Pierre Beauvais] Concernant l'Amérique Latine (03-78)

Lettre au Secrétariat Unifié de Jean-Pierre Beauvais (03-21-78)
Lettre au Secrétariat Unifié de Jean-Pierre Beauvais (03-08-78)

Report of the Ad Hoc Fact-Finding Commission Established by the United Secretariat to Examine Disciplinary Measures Taken by the Revolutionary Communist Group, Lebanese Section of the Fourth International (03-78)

Materials Related to the Report of the Ad-Hoc Fact-Finding Commission on Disciplinary Actions in the Lebanese RCG (03-78)

Report on the September 1976 Meeting of the Arab Commission
Proposal for the Reorganization of the International Arab Commission
Minutes of the October 9-10, 1976 Meeting of the Arab Commission
Minutes of the November 6, 1976 Meeting of the Arab Commission
Letter to the United Secretariat Bureau from Jon Rothschild (02-08-77)

Letter to the Equipo de Dirección Politica de la Organización Socialista de los Trabajadores [Costa Rica] from Joseph Hansen (03-25-78)

To the United Secretariat Bureau from the Japanese Section [re: "Socialist Democracy and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat"] (03-25-78)

Cover letter by Sakai
"On Socialist Democracy and the Dictatorship of the Proletariat: A Preliminary Contribution on Democracy and the Proletarian Dictatorship," by Sakai (03-23-78)

Rapport [au Secrétariat Unifié] du Voyage au Sénégal en 78 Mars, par Gabriel (03-27-78)

For the Information of Political Committee Members (03-27-78)

Excerpts from minutes of the Political Bureau of the Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores, Mexican Section of the Fourth International (01-12-78)

Letter to Michel Warshawski [Revolutionary Communist League (Israel)] from Gus Horowitz (03-28-78)

Letter to Magan Desai [India] from Gus Horowitz (03-28-78)

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: CRSP and PRT] (03-28-78)

Cover letter by Larry Seigle
Letter to the SWP National Office from Bruce Marcus, Los Angeles Local (03-07-78)
Letter to Bruce Marcus from Olga Rodríguez for the SWP Secretariat (03-24-78)

Material on Britain (03-28-78)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from John Ross (03-28-78)
Letter to the SWP from John Ross for the IMG Political Committee [re: International] (03-28-78)
Letter to John Ross from G. Robertson, Workers Revolutionary Party Arnos Grove, London Branch (03-13-78)

Aux Membres de la CIC (03-30-78)

Lettre de motivation de Claudio [Livio Maitan], pour le Secrétariat Unifié
Lettre au Camarades de la Commission Centrale de Controle de C.D. Estrada (03-24-78)
Lettre au Sandor de C.D. Estrada (03-25-78)
Carta a Camarada Director de Combate [Madrid] de C.D. Estrada (03-24-78)
"Krivine: La Ruptura de la Izquierda es Provisional," por Joan Vintro and Jaume Colomer, de Tele/eXpres (03-08-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 14 (03-31-78)

Minutes of the United Secretariat Meeting (03-31/04-02-78)

Letter to the OST [Costa Rica] from Stateman for the United Secretariat (04-01-78)

Au Bureau Politique de la LCR [France] (04-01-78)

Lettre de Motivation de Krasno et Nemo [Christian Phéline]
"Le Debat Sur le Portugal dans la Section Française 1975-1976"

Note de la Commission Internationale No. 2, publication of the OCI [France] (04-78)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from Magan Desai [India] (04-04-78)

Minutes of the Central Secretariat Meeting, Baroda, India (03-24/26-78)

Letter to Ernest Mandel from Doug Jenness [re: Publishing] (04-04-78)

Letters from India (04-05-78)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from Magan Desai (04-05-78)
Letter to Magan Desai from Vibhati Patel (02-22-78)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 10 (04-05-78)

The Communist Party of New Zealand: A Report to the Meeting of the National Executive of the Socialist Action League [New Zealand], by Keith Locke (04-05-78)

To All Political Committee Members [re: SLP] (04-06-78)

Cover letter by Syd Stapleton
Letter to Sam Klein, Organizer pro tem, Section New York City, Socialist Labor Party, from Nathan Karp, SLP National Secretary [re: SLP/SWP relations] (03-23-78)
Letter to Section New York City, SLP, from Robert E. Massi [re: Charges against James Brinning] (03-15-78)
Letter to delegates to the SLP's 31st National Convention from Nathan Karp, SLP National Secretary (03-28-78)

To Sections and Sympathizing Organizations and Members of the United Secretariat [re: Situation in Sri Lanka] (04-06-78)

Cover letter by Dave Windsor for the Bureau of the United Secretariat
"Joint Trade Union Declaration on the White Paper on Employment Relations"
"Picketing Against White Paper - 2nd March 1978," from Ceylon Mercantile Union circular (02-24-78)
Resolution Adopted Unanimously at General Membership Meeting, Ceylon Mercantile Union (03-01-78)
Letter to the President, Sri Lanka, from Motofumi Makieda, President, the General Council of Trade Unions of Japan (Sohyo) (03-08-78)
Letter to all affiliated unions from Dan Gallin, General Secretary, International Union of Food and Allied Workers Associations, Geneva (10-18-77)
Cable sent to Prime Minister Junius Richard Jayewardene from Dan Gallin, General Secretary, International Union of Food and Allied Workers Associations, Geneva

To All Political Committee Members [re: SLP] (04-07-78)

Cover letter by Syd Stapleton
Letter to [SLP] NEC Members from Nathan Karp, National Secretary (12-13-77)
Letter to [SLP] NEC Members from Nathan Karp (02-08-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 15 (04-07-78)

Letter to Alan Gelfand, Los Angeles, from Larry Seigle (04-07-78)
Letter to the National Committee of the Socialist Workers Party from Alan Gelfand (03-26-78)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from François de Massot [France] (04-07-78)

Item from Informations Ouvrières No. 829 (12-14-77)
"Une Lettre du Bureau Politique de l'OCI au Bureau Politique de la LCR," from Informations Ouvrières No. 835 (01-25/02-01-78)
"Echange de Lettres Entre le BP de l'OCI et le BP de la LCR," From Informations Ouvrières No. 837 (02-08/15-78)

Letter to the United Secretariat from Sakai for the Political Bureau, Japan Revolutionary Communist League (FI) (04-09-78)

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: SLP] (04-10-78)

Cover letter by Syd Stapleton for the Political Committee
Letter to Nathan Karp, National Secretary, Socialist Labor Party, from Syd Stapleton (04-08-78)

To the Political Committee [re: Unemployment] (04-10-78)

Cover letter by Maceo Dixon
Letter to Jack Barnes from Maceo Dixon (02-28-78)

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: Revolutionary Workers Headquarters] (04-11-78)

Cover letter by Betsy Stone, SWP National Office
Information on the Split in the RCP - Status of the Jarvis Faction, by Bill Breihan, Milwaukee Branch (03-24-78)

To All Sections and Sympathizing Organizations (04-11-78)

Cover letter by Stateman, for the United Secretariat Bureau
"Eurocommunism: A New Stage in the Crisis of Stalinism," adopted by the March 31-April 2 meeting of the United Secretariat

Correspondance Concernant l'OST [Costa Rica] (04-12-78)

Lettre à Gus Horowitz de Robs [France] (04-12-78)
Lettre à l'OST de Robs, pour le Bureau Politique dea la LCR [France] (04-12-78)
Lettre au Bureau Politique de l'OST de le Bureau Politique de la LCR [France]

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 11 (04-12-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 16 (04-13-78)

Letter to the United Secretariat from Karl Andersson for the Political Bureau of the Kommunistiska Arbetarförbundet [Sweden] [re: Latin American exile work] (04-14-78)

Rapport sur le Congrès du Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores (Tendencia Democracia Proletaria) [Colombie], 15-16 Avril 1978, par Galois et Riel [Jean-Pierre Beauvais] (04-15/16- 78)

Lettre au Bureau Politique de la Ligue Marxiste Revolutionnaire [Switzerland] de Charles-André Udry (04-17-78)

Letters Concerning "For a Change in the FI's Position on Cuba" (04-78)

Lettre à Gus Horowitz, pour le Bureau National du SWP, de François Massion [Belgique] (04-19-78)
Lettre à Stateman, pour le Secrétariat Unifie, de François Mansion (04-11-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 17 (04-20-78)

"Resolution Politique du Comite Central des CCA (04-08/09-78)," from Commune: Bimensual Communiste pour l'Autogestion [Publication of French Pabloites], No. 17 (04-21/05-11-78)

To Organizers and Antiracist Work Directors [re: All-African Peoples Revolutionary Party] (04-21-78)

Cover letter by Maceo Dixon, SWP National Black Work Director
"Israel Commits Mass Murder of Palestinian & African Peoples - Zionism is Racism...It Must be Destroyed," All-African Peoples Revolutionary Party Educational Brochure Number One

Deux Lettres de Michael Warshawski [Israel] (4-23-78)

Lettre à Gus Horowitz de Mikado [Michel Warshawski] [Israel] (04-23-78)
Lettre à la Commission Arabe Internationale, Bureau du Secrétariat Unifié, de Mikado [Michel Warshawski] [Israel] (04-23-78)

Lettera al Comitato Centrale dei Gruppi Comunisti Rivoluzionari [Italia] di Livio Maitan (04-24-78)

[YSA] National Execvutive Committee Minutes No. 12 (04-26-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 18 (04-27-78)

Letter to the Political Committee from David Keil [re: "For a Change in the FI's Position on Cuba"] (04-27-78)

Letter to the Leninist-Trotskyist Faction International Steering Committee from David Keil (12-20-73)

Letter to Barry Sheppard and Caroline Lund from Jack Barnes (04-28-78)

Membership Statistics (05-78?)

Summary of Party Membership as of May 1, 1978
Number of Full Members Dropped Each Month
Statistics on Party Growth
All Branches Union Membership
Industrial Breakdown by Branch

Correspondence With Tim Wohlforth [re: SWP Position on Cuba] (05-01-78)

Letter to Tim Wohlforth from Larry Seigle for the Political Committee (01-01-78)
Letter to the Political Committee from Tim Wohlforth (03-20-78)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 13 (05-03-78)

Letter to Walter [Ernest Mandel] from Bala Tampoe [Sri Lanka] (05-05-78)

Rapport sur la Colombie des Membres du Secrétariat Unifie Galois et Riel (05-78)

To the Political Committee [re: Colombia] (05-09-78)

Cover letter by Gus Horowitz
"Half a Million Colombians for a Single Candidate Against the System," petition endorsed by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, among others.
"A Clarification Concerning Our Signature on the Appeal of the National Committee [for 500,000 signatures]," from El Socialista No. 111, newspaper of the PST (04-17-78)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 14 (05-10-78)

Letter to the United Secretariat Bureau from Roman [Pierre Rousset] [Hand-written copy] [re: Hong Kong Trotskyists] (05-10-78)

Letter to the United Secretariat Bureau from Roman [Pierre Rousset] [Typed copy] (05-10-78)

Letter to the United Secretariat and All Sections of the Fourth International from Henrik Janbell, Head Manager, and Pablo Rojas, Head Editor, for the Editorial Staff of Combate [Sweden] (05-10-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 19 (05-11-78)

Letter to the [SWP?] Secretariat from GB [George Breitman?] [re: Louis Sinclair] (05-15-78)

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: Financial problems] (05-15-78)

Cover letter by Mary-Alice Waters, National Office
"Dear Comrades," from Mary-Alice Waters, National Office; and Dave Prince, Financial Office (05-15-78)

Letter to Mary-Alice Waters from Russell Johnson, Socialist Action League [New Zealand] [Original letter] [re: "Turn to Industry"] (05-16-78)

[Excerpt from] Letter to Mary-Alice Waters from Russell Johnson, Socialist Action League [New Zealand] (05-16-78)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 15 (05-17-78)

To All [YSA] Organizers and National Committee Members (05-18-78)

Cover letter by Betsy Farley, YSA National Office
Minutes of the Seventeenth National Convention of the Young Socialist Alliance, Detroit, Michigan (12-28-77/01-01-78)
Credentials Report - 17th National YSA Convention

"In Reply to Samuels and Connolly," by Tyson and Alida [re: Latin American work], Late Appendix to [Revolutionary Workers League/Ligue Ouvrière Revolutionnaire (Canada)] Minutes No. 19 (05-18-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 20 (05-18-78)

To Steel Fraction Heads, Trade Union Directors, and Organizers (05-18-78)

Letter by Andy Rose and Joel Britton, SWP National Office
Letter to All Illinois Local Union Recording Secretaries, Sub-District Directors and Staff Representatives, from James Balanoff, Director, United Steelworkers of America District No. 31 [re: Equal Rights Amendment] (04-10-78)
"Rally for the ERA Saturday, April 29, Chicago," leaflet from USWA Local 65
"Far Right has Targeted Labor and Women's Movement: McBride to ADA," from Steel Labor (04-78)
Labor Endorsers of Marroquín's Appeal for Asylum, from the Héctor Marroquín Defense Committee
"Text and Signers of Labor Appeal," from the Héctor Marroquín Defense Committee

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 16 (05-19-78)

To Political Committee Members and National Field Organizers [re: Colombia] (05-19-78)

Cover letter by Natalie Bombaro
Greetings to the Congress of the Proletarian Democracy Tendency of Colombia by Galois, on behalf of the United Secretariat (04-15/16-78)

To the Political Committee (05-22-78)

Cover Letter by Mary-Alice Waters
Some Comments on IP/Inprecor - The First Seven Issues, by John Marston for the meeting of Political Committee of the International Marxist Group [Britain] (02-03-78)
Memorandum on IP/I by Clynes and Marston (05-01-78)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 17 (05-24-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 21 (05-25-78)

Letter to Myra Tanner Weiss, National Steering Committee of the Committee for a Revolutionary Socialist Party [US] from Claudio, for the United Secretariat Bureau (05-25-78)

Información Sobre Panamá (05-78)

Estadía en Panama, por Liova (05-25-78)
Situación Nacional y Nuestras Tareas, del Boletín Interno (04-16-78)
"Comité por la Soberania y la Democracia" (05-08-78)
"Declaración Publica" (04-28-78)

Informe Sobre Nicaragua, por Chico (05-78?)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 18 (05-26-78)

"Dear Comrades," from the United Secretariat Bureau [re: Chilean Liga Comunista] (05-26-78)

Introductory note by Pola, for the United Secretariat Bureau
Letter to the United Secretariat from Lucía, Luisa, Marcelo and Laura, members of the Liga Comunista of Chile who are outside the country (03-28-78)
Letter to Lucía, Luisa, Marcelo and Laura from Sylvain [Félix Rivière], for the United Secretariat Bureau (06-10-78)

To the Political Committee (05-78)

Publishing Plans of the Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores of Mexico
Literature Available from the Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores, Mexican Section of the Fourth International

To National Committee Members (05-31-78)

Cover letter by Gus Horowitz, SWP National Office
"The Lessons of 1968," by Tariq Ali, from Socialist Review [Britain] No. 2 (05-78)
"The Great Dress Rehearsal," by Alain Krivine, from Socialist Review No. 2 (05-78)
"As CP Continues to Flounder: A Plan to Save the Morning Star," by Tariq Ali, from Socialist Challenge [Britain] No. 42 (04-20-78)
"The Blind Alley of Reform," by John Ross, from Socialist Challenge No. 44 (05-04-78)
"Debate on the Morning Star," by Robin Blackburn, from Socialist Challenge No. 46 (05-18-78)
"Debate on the Morning Star," by Paul Fauvet, from Socialist Challenge No. 46 (05-18-78)

Letter to John Ross, IMG [Britain] Political Committee from Mary-Alice Waters for the Political Committee [re: International] (05-31-78)

Front Covers of Bulletin Interieur, French-language internal bulletin of the Ligue Ouvrière Revolutionnaire/Revolutionary Workers League [Canada] (03/06-78)

Front Cover of RWL Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 4, English-language internal bulletin of the Ligue Ouvrière Revolutionnaire/Revolutionary Workers League [Canada] (06-78)

Material Sobre la Escisión Entre Politica Obrera [Argentina] y la CORCI (06-78)

"A las Organizaciones del CORCI: La Cuarta International No es una Estancia (Repuesta Política a Una Agresión Sin Principios)," por Politica Obrera, aprobado en consulta individual por los miembros del CC que se encuentran en libertad (05-30-78)
Carta al Bureau del Secretariado Unificado, Informes Sobre Politica Obrera de D. Marcelo, Paris (06-01-78)

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: Case of Ana Maria Piffaretti] (06-78?)

Cover letter by Caroline Lund, SWP National Office
"Save the Life of Ana Maria Piffaretti - Argentine Feminist and Trade Unionist," by the United States Committee for Justice to Latin American Political Prisoners
"Free Ana Maria Piffaretti," petition

[YSA] National Committee Meeting Minutes - Young Socialist Alliance, New York (06-01/04-78)

Letter to President Jorge Videla, Argentine Embassy, Washington, DC from the Young Socialist Alliance National Committee [re: Latin American political exiles detained in Argentina]

Political Committee Meeting No. 22 (06-02-78)

Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores [Mexico] - Actas de la Reunion #39 del Buro Politico (06-05-78)

Lettre au Secrétariat Unifié de Jean-Pierre [Beauvais] [re: Amérique Latine] (06-05-78)

Letter to the United Secretariat Bureau from Doug Jenness [re: Fylking Byltingarsinnađra Kommúnista(Iceland)] (06-05-78)

Lettre à Gus Horowitz de Jean-Pierre [Beauvais] (06-06-78)

RWL [Canada] Information Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 5 (06-78)

Front page
For the Political Integration of Latin American Trotskyists into the RWL/LOR, by Courtney, Fernando and Foco (EC-Bureau Subcommittee) (04-78)
Fundamentals and Perspectives for the Latin American Work in Canada - A Balance Sheet, by the Latin American Trotskyist Group (02-78)
[Appendices are not included]

"Financial Record Keeping Handbook," prepared by Mary Lou Montauk, Ove Aspoy, Dave Prince, SWP Financial Office (06-78)

Artículos de Noticias de Colombia (06-78)

"La Política Electoral de El Socialista - Una Trayectoria Hacia la Bancarrota," por Ismael Ramirez, de Poder Obrero-Revolución Socialista (06-15-78)
"Declaración Política - Bipartidismo e Izquierda: El Resultado Electoral," por Dirección Nacional, Junio 10 de 1978, de Poder Obrero-Revolución Socialista (06-15-78)
"Hacia el Congreso de Unificación del Marxismo Revolucionario!!," de Poder Obrero-Revolución Socialista (06-15-78)
"Vamos al Congreso de Unificación," de Poder Obrero-Revolución Socialista (06-15-78)
"Fortalezcamos la Prensa Socialista!," de Poder Obrero-Revolución Socialista (06-15-78)
"Mal de Muchos Consuelo de Tontos," de El Socialista No. 118 (06-12-78)

Phone call to Judy [White?] from Rodrigo [Organizacion Socialista de los Trabajadores (Costa Rica)] [re: Release of Plutarco Hernandez] (06-06-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 23 (06-08-78)

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: Committee for a Revolutionary Socialist Party] (06-08-78)

Cover letter by Larry Seigle for the [SWP] Secretariat
Letter to the United Secretariat from Myra Tanner Weiss, for the National Steering Committee of the Committee for a Revolutionary Socialist Party [US] (05-05-78)
Letter to Myra Tanner Weiss from Claudio [Livio Maitan] for the United Secretariat Bureau (05-25-78)

To the Political Committee [re: Vietnam] (06-09-78)

Cover letter by Fred Feldman
"Hanoi Takes a Grip on the South," by Nayan Chanda, from Far Eastern Economic Review (05-26-78)

To Organizers, Campaign Directors, and Circulation Directors [re: Proposal for full employment] (06-12-78)

Cover letter by Nelson Blackstock, Circulation, and Bob Schwarz, National Campaign
Order Form
"The Socialist Workers Party Proposes: An Emergency Bill to Guarantee the Right to a Job for Everyone Who Wants to Work"

Political Committee Meeting No. 24 (06-15-78)

Letter to Political Bureau, Japan Revolutionary Communist League [FI], from Stateman, for the United Secretariat Bureau [re: Sanrizuka airport struggle] (06-16-78)

Northern California Bay Area District Bylaws as Approved by the District Convention of the Northern California Bay Area (06-17-78)

Letter to the United Secretariat Bureau from Lee See, for the Standing Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Party [Hong Kong/China] (06-17-78)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 19 (06-19-78)

Correspondence with the Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores [Mexico] (06-19-78)

Letter to Felipe Garcá Casillas, PRT from Larry Seigle for the Secretariat of the SWP (06-19-78)
Letter to Olga Rodriguez from Felipe Garcá Casillas for the Secretariat of the Political Bureau of the PRT (04-20-78)

Carta a Sebastian, Ligue Marxiste Révolutionnaire [Switzerland], de Sylvain [Félix Rivière], para la Buro del Secretaría Unida (06-19-78)

To Organizers, Campaign Directors, and National Committee Members [re: PRDF suit] (06-19-78)

Cover letter by Roger Rudenstein, SWP National Office
"High Court Rebuffs Bell on FBI Informants' List," from the New York Daily News (06-13-78)
"Bell Loses Stand on FBI Informants," by Morton Mintz, from The Washington Post (06-13-78)
"Last Ditch for the Black Baggers," editorial from The Nation, Volume 226, No. 24 (06-24-78)

Letter to Magan Desai [India] from Gus Horowitz [re: Literature, Ralph Schoenmann] (06-19-78)

Lettre au Secrétariat Unifie des Directions et Cellules des Sections Francophones de la Quatrième Internationale [re: Diffusion de Inprecor] (06-19-78)

"Document de Discussion sur les Syndicats Presente par 'Politica Obrera' d'Argentine," de Bulletin Interieur du Comité d'Organisation pour la Reconstruction de la IVe Internationale (06-20-78)

Letter to Michel Warshawski [Israel] from Gus Horowitz (06-21-78)

Material from United Secretariat Bureau Meeting on "World Political Resolution" (06-24-78)

Letter to Jack Barnes from Caroline Lund (06-21-78)
"Notes sur la Résolution Mondiale," par Charles-André Udry
Letter to Jack Barnes from Caroline Lund (06-22-78)

Information on the Workers League [Israel]  (06-25-78)

Letter to subscribers of Kol Ha'Poel [Workers Voice] from Asher Mor (06-25-78)
"The Road to the Socialist Revolution in Palestine," new program of the Workers League [Israel] (03-04-78)

"International Appeal to Save the Life of Héctor Marroquín," by the Héctor Marroquín Defense Committee (06-78?)

Political Committee Meeting No. 25 (06-28-78)

Two Letters from Australia via Paris (06-28-78)

Letter to Doug Jenness from Nita Keig (06-28-78)
Letter to Doug Jenness from Nita Keig (06-28-78)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 20 (06-30-78)

Gus Horowitz Notes on Report by Chuck Petrin from FI International Youth Meeting (06-30-78)

Cover and Table of Contents, "La Crisis de la Izquierda en Mexico," by Manuel Aguilar Mora (78)

Party Membership Figures (07-78)

Summary of Party Membership as of July 1, 1978
Statistics on Party Growth
Number of Full Members Dropped Each Month
Statistics on Membership Survey
Industrial Breakdown by Branch

Militant Sales Figures (07-78)

Average Weekly Sales of The Militant, 1972-78
Average Weekly Sales During Sales Campaign
Total Party Membership
Average Weekly Sales per Comrade (Calculations Based on Total Party Membership)

To All National Committee Members and Organizers [re: Anti-Nuclear work] (07-01-78)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, National Office
Groups Involved in the Anti-Nuclear Movement

Correspondence Concerning Pierre Broué (07-02-78)

Letter to Mary-Alice Waters from George Breitman (07-02-78)
Letter to George Breitman from Alan Wald (06-28-78)

To Steel Fractions, Trade-Union Directors, and Organizers (07-03-78)

Cover letter by Andy Rose and Joel Britton, SWP National Office
Bill Andrews Opening Statement at Chicago Press Conference (06-16-78)
"Resolution: Ratification of Contracts," passed at USWA Local 1010 union meeting (04-20-78)

Lettre à Gus Horowitz de Mikado [Michel Warshawski] [Israël] (07-03-78)

To the Political Committee and National Field Organizers [re: Colombian PST (Proletarian Democracy Tendency)] (07-04-78)

Cover letter by Gus Horowitz
Report on Colombia by United Secretariat Members Galois and Riel [Jean-Pierre Beauvais] (05-78)
"Half a Million Colombians for a Single Candidate Against the System"
"A Clarification Concerning Our Signature on the Appeal of the National Committee," from El Socialista, publication of the PST (Bolshevik Tendency), No. 111 (04-17-78)

Letter to Karl Andersson, Kommunistiska Arbetarförbundet [Sweden] from Gus Horowitz, SWP National Office [re: International Internal Discussion Bulletin] (07-04-78)

Minutes of the United Secretariat Meeting (07-04/06-78)

Attachment A: Correspondence with the Revolutionary Communist Group of Lebanon
    Letter to the Political Bureau of the Revolutionary Communist Group (03-24-78)
    Letter to the United Secretariat from the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Group, Lebanese Section of the Fourth International (04-02-78)
    Letter to the RCG from the United Secretariat Bureau (04-17-78)
    Letter to the United Secretariat Bureau from Jaber [Gilbert Achcar] for the Executive Bureau of the RCG (06-04-78)
    Letter to the United Secretariat Bureau from the Central Committee of the Revolutionary Communist Group, Lebanese Section of the Fourth International (06-01-78)
    Letter to the Central Committee of the RCG from Stateman, for the United Secretariat (07-11-78)

Information on the New American Movement (07-05-78)

Letter to the National Office from Kipp Dawson, Pittsburgh (07-05-78)
Letter to "Friends of the Pittsburgh New American Movement" from John Haer, Organizational Secretary, Pittsburgh New American Movement (06-19-78)
"Thoughts on the SWP and Electoral Politics," by Joe White
Brochure for NAM convention in Milwaukee, July 19-23, 1978

To the Political Committee [re: Milwaukee Branch Proposed Critical Support for SPUSA Candidate] (07-05-78)

Cover letter by Betsey Stone
Report to the June 11, 1978 Meeting of the Milwaukee Branch on Critical Support to the Socialist Party State Senate Campaign, presented by Alexandra Topping, Campaign Director, for the Executive Committee, Milwaukee Branch (06-11-78)
"Abbreviated Platform of the Socialist for State Senate Committee," by the Socialist for [WI] State Senate Committee (06-03-78)
Letter to the National Office [?] from Wendy Lyons [re: Developments in the SPUSA] (05-30-78)

"Comments on Some Aspects of the 'World Political Resolution,'" by Alan Jones [John Ross] [Britain] (07-06-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 26 (07-06-78)

Letter to Alexandra Topping, Milwaukee Branch, from Bob Schwarz [re: Critical support for Joel Miller, SPUSA candidate] (07-20-78)
Report to the June 11, 1978 Meeting of the Milwaukee Branch on Critical Support to the Socialist Party State Senate Campaign, presented by Alexandra Topping, Campaign Director, for the Executive Committee, Milwaukee Branch (06-11-78)
"Miller for State Senate!," Statement by Adrienne Kaplan and Bill Breihan, SWP candidates for Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin
Letter to the National Office [?] from Wendy Lyons [re: Developments in the SPUSA] (05-30-78)
"Hart: 'Crazies' Run Socialist Party," from the Press-Gazette, Green Bay, WI (05-24-78)

Actas de la Reunion #43 del Buro Politico del Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores [Mexico] (07-06-78)

"Japanese Trotskyist Killed," from Socialist Challenge [Britain] (07-06-78)

To the Political Committee and National Field Organizers (07-07-78)

Cover letter by Gus Horowitz
"Latin America in the Course of the World Revolution," by Etienne Laurent, from La Verite [France] No. 580 (02-78)

To the Political Committee (07-78)

Excerpt from the Theses adopted at the Congress of the Gruppi Comunisti Rivoluzionari [Italy] (07-07/10-78)

"Narita Airport Demonstration - Trotskyist in Japan Murdered by Police," by Kawasaki Mutsogoro, from Socialist Voice [Canada] (07-10-78)

To All Sections and Sympathizing Organizations, from Duret [Charles André Udry] [re: 11th World Congress] (07-11-78)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 21 (07-12-78)

To the Political Committee and National Field Organizers (07-13-78)

Cover letter by Gus Horowitz
Letter to John Blair, International Marxist Group [Britain] Africa Commission, from Ernest Harsch (05-31-78)

Gus Horowitz Notes of Jean-Pierre Beauvais [Riel] Conversation with Nahuel Moreno (07-78?)

Information on the United Secretariat  Ad-Hoc Fact-Finding Commission on the Lebanese Section (07-13-78)

Cover letter by Pola for the United Secretariat Bureau
Remarks about the Report of the Fact-Finding Commission Concerning the Revolutionary Communist Group, Section of the Fourth International in Lebanon, by the Central Committee of the RCG (06-28-78)
Personal Statement by Jaber [Gilbert Achcar] (06-28-78)

To Leaderships of Sections and Sympathizing Organizations and Comrades Heading Up Women's Liberation Work (07-13-78)

Minutes of the Meeting of Women's Liberation Work Directors, Paris, Submitted by Allio for the United Secretariat Bureau (06-17/18-78)

Two Letters from Nathan Karp, Socialist Labor Party (07-13-78)

Letter to Jack Barnes, National Secretary, SWP, from Nathan Karp, National Secretary, Socialist Labor Party [re: Continued relations] (07-13-78)
Letter to Linda Jenness from Nathan Karp [re: Oberlin] (07-12-78)

Letter to the Political Committee from Tim Wohlforth [re: SWP line on Africa] (07-14-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 27 (07-14-78)

"To the Latin American Comrades: Notes on the Bolshevik Tendency," by Hugo Blanco [Peru], article submitted to the International Internal Discussion Bulletin (07-14-78)

National Executive [of the Socialist Action League (New Zealand)] Meeting No. 16 (07-19-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 28 (07-20-78)

To Organizers and Women's Liberation Directors, from Willie-Mae Reid, Women's Liberation Director [re: Post-July 9 activities] (07-21-78)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 22 (07-21-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 29 (07-22-78)

Letter to the Political Committee from Tim Wohlforth [re: SWP line on Africa] (07-14-78)
Letter to Tim Wohlforth from Larry Seigle for the Political Committee (07-22-78)
Where Comrade Wohlforth Goes Wrong, by Dave Frankel and Joseph Hansen (07-26-78)
Statement by Shelley Kramer and Bruce Levine on July 22 Political Committee Letter to Wohlforth (07-26-78)
The Postwar Social Overturns and Marxist Theory, by Tim Wohlforth (04-12-77)
To National Committee Members from Larry Seigle, National Office (07-21-78)

"For an Anti-Imperialist Nuclear Policy," by Roberto Iriarte, from Bandera Socialista [Mexico] No. 72 (07-22-78)

Letter to Mary-Alice Waters, Jack Barnes, Gus Horowitz, Barry Sheppard, Joe Hansen and Doug Jenness from Caroline Lund [re: Discussion with Chinese Trotskyists in North America regarding fusion in Hong Kong] (07-23-78)

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: NEA convention] (07-27-78)

Cover letter by Joel Britton, National Office
Letter to Joel Britton from Edwin Fruit

"Peruvian Trotskyists Call Unity Congress," by Peter Camejo (07-78?)

Carta a Manuel [Aguilar Mora?] de Anne [?] (07-28-78)

"A Letter to the Village Voice," by David North, Workers League National Secretary, from The Bulletin (07-28-78)

Party Membership: Preliminary Report (08-78)

"Spirit of Black Consciousness Lives On," from Socialist Challenge [Britain] (08-04-78)

Minutes of National Committee Plenum (08-04/05-78)

Appendix 1: Northern California Bay Area District Bylaws as Approved by the District Convention of the Northern California Bay Area (06-17-78)

Two Letters on Trotskyist Unification in Israel (08-09-78)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from Yacov Froimovich, Palestine Communist Group [Israel] (08-09-78)
Letter to the United Secretariat Bureau, from Yacov Froimovich, for the Secretariat of the Palestine Communist Group (08-09-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 30 (08-14-78)

Report on Cuba, by Larry Seigle
Report on Cuba, by Shelley Kramer

"Government Tries to Buy-Off SWP Suit," by Richard Goldensohn, from In These Times (08-23/29-78)

To the Political Committee [re: Arrest of Members of Convergência Socialista (Brazil)] (08-25-78)

"DOPS Comunica Prisão de 22 à Justiça Militar," from O Globo [Rio de Janeiro] (08-25-78)
English-language translation of the above article (08-25-78)
Agence France-Presse dispatch from São Paulo (08-28-78)

"Judge Griesa's Historic Contempt Ruling Against Griffin Bell in Socialist Workers Party vs. Attorney General," pamphlet of the Political Rights Defense Fund (09-78?)

"The Communist Party and the Anti-Nuclear Movement," by Gary Small, from Political Affairs (09-78)

Letter to Sara Santiago, Organización Socialista de los Trabajadores [Costa Rica] from David Keil [re: OST convention] (09-03-78)

"Fighting for Class Independence Inside the Zionist State," interview with a member of the Workers League [Israel], from Socialist Press [Britain] (09-06-78)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 23 (09-13-78)

Letter to ? from George Novack [re: Radical Behaviorism] (09-14-78)

To Jack Barnes, Joseph Hansen, B-C [?], Mary-Alice Waters, Doug Jenness, Gus Horowitz (09-15-78)

Cover letter by Larry Seigle
"Summary of the Record with Respect to the Fourth International," submitted by Thomas E. Mosely, Assistant United States Attorney (01-25-77)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from Mike [Kelly?] [re: Convention of the OST (Costa Rica)] (09-19-78)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 24 (09-20-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 31 (09-22-78)

"Iranian Terrorists in the United States," by Hon. Larry McDonald, Georgia, from the Congressional Record (09-23-78)

PRDF News (09-23-78)

Letter to Supporters from Syd Stapleton for the Political Rights Defense Fund (09-23-78)
"Fiddling With the Law: Mr. Bell and Informers," by Adrian W. DeWind and Morris B. Abram, from The Nation (09-02-78)
"Mr. Bell's Poor Example," from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch (07-10-78)
"Bell vs. the Trotskyites: The Case for Equal Justice," by Aryeh Neier. from the Los Angeles Times (07-16-78)
"A 'Bourbon Democrat': The Myopic View from Griffin Bell's Lily-White Ivory Tower," from the Rocky Mountain News, Denver (08-01-78)
"Government Tries to Buy-Off SWP Suit," by Richard Goldensohn, from In These Times (08-23/29-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 32 (09-26-78)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 1 (09-28-78)

Various Documents from the United Secretariat Bureau (09-78)

Letter to Political Bureaus of Sections and Comrades Responsible for Women's Liberation Work, from Allio [Jaqueline Heinen] for the United Secretariat Bureau [re: International campaign on abortion] (09-28-78)
To Comrades from Dave Windsor, for the United Secretariat Bureau [re: Repression in Syria] (09-22-78)
"Halt Repression in Syria"
Carta al Buró de la Secretaría Unida de Eugenio Greco, por la Dirección en la Exterior del Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores de Argentina (09-28-78)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 25 (09-29-78)

Correspondence Regarding GI Membership (09/10-78)

Letter to the Political Committee from Debbie Tarnopol, Organizer, Louisville Branch (09-05-78)
Letter to Debbie Tarnopol from Larry Seigle (10-14-78)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 2 (10-05-78)

Letter to Don Gurewitz from John Hawkins for the Political Bureau [re: Mohammed (Norman) Oliver request to rejoin the SWP] (10-17-78)
Letter to Don Gurewitz, SWP Boston Local, from Mohammed Oliver (08-19-78)
Letter to the SWP National Office from Susan LaMont, Boston City Organizer [re: Mohammed Oliver (Karimi)]
Text of Mohammed Karimi [Norman Oliver] letter of resignation from the SWP
Report Given by Mac Warren to Roxbury Branch on the Resignation of Mohammed Karimi (05-11-76)

To the Political Committee [re: Socialist Party USA] (10-06-78)

Developments in the Socialist Party USA, by Bob Schwarz
"Joel A. Miller State Senate 9th District: Vote Socialist," brochure of the Socialist for [Wisconsin] State Senate Committee
"A Call to Reconstitute the Debs Caucus," by Joel Asa Miller, Socialist Party (Milwaukee) (09-01-78)
"Readings for Revolutionaries I," by the Debs Caucus, SPUSA (09-08-78)

Bandera Socialista Sobre el Pacto Electoral PRT/PCM (10-07-78)

Portada de Bandera Socialista No. 82 (10-07-78)
"Estado de Mexico: Plataforma Electoral PRT-PCM," de Bandera Socialista No. 82 (10-07-78)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 3 (10-11-78)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 4 (10-12-78)

Letter to the National Office from Rose Ogden, Organizer, Miami Branch [re: Christian Evangelical Reformed Church of Miami and Antonio Maceo Brigade] (10-15-78)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 5 (10-16-78)

Letter to the Political Committee from the Boston Branch Executive Committee [re:Massachussetts Property Tax ballot measure] (10-13-78)
"Question 1: Proposed Amendment to the [Massachussetts] Constitution"
"Rebuttal on Property Tax Classification," statement by William Cleary, President, Massachussetts State Labor Council, from WBZ-TV 4/WBZ Radio 1030 (10-03-78)
"Questions and Answers About 100% Valuation and Classification"

To the Political Committee, National Field Organizers and District Organizers (10-18-78)

"Statement from Irwin Silver Concerning his Resignation from the Position of Executive Editor of The Guardian [NYC]" (10-18-78)

Letter to Nathan Karp, Socialist Labor Party, from Linda Jenness (10-18-78)

A Report on Recent Developments in the Japanese Section, by Dan Dickeson (10-19-78)

Appendix 1: Excerpt from interview with Japan Revolutionary Communist League Political Bureau member Jiro Kurosawa, conducted in Tokyo on December 29, 1976, and published in Intercontinenetal Press (02-21-78 & 03-07-78)
Appendix 2: Excerpt from a statement by the JRCL Central Committee, from Sekai Kakumei (04-04-77)
Appendix 3: Excerpt from "The Present Conjuncture of the Political Situation in Japan and the New Framework of the Class Struggle," by Yoshichi Sakai, from Sekai Kakumei No. 544 (10-09-78)
Appendix 4: Excerpt from the article "On the Use of Violence and Violence in General," by Yoshichi Sakai, from Sekai Kakumei No. 232 (04-05-71)
Appendix 5: "Transport Ministry Workers Union Issues Statement, Strongly Denounces Extremist Acts," from Yomiuri Shimbun (09-10-78)
Appendix 6: "The JRCL - Its Maneuvers and Its Real Nature," by Ryusuke Toyoda, Akahata Theoretical Department, from Akahata [Japan Communist Party daily newspaper] (05-29-78)
Appendix 7: "Stop the Showing of 'River Without a Bridge'!," from Sekai Kakumei No. 542 (09-25-78)
Appendix 8: "Run Candidates in the Election," by Koichi Hanabusa, "From Our Readers" column in Sekai Kakumei (05-08-78)
Appendix 9: "Whoever Poisoned the Reservoir Has Nothing to Do With the People's Just Struggle," by Kiichi Sasaki, "From Our Readers" column in Sekai Kakumei No. 531 (07-10-78)
"For a Dialectical Understanding of the Mass Movement: A Criticism of the Article 'Expose the Emergency Powers Proposal (2)'," by Itaru Muraoka, "Discussion" column in Sekai Kakumei No. 542 (09-25-78)

Letter to David Keil from Sara Santiago, Organizacion Socialista de los Trabajadores [Costa Rica] (10-20-78)

Letter to Gus Horowitz or Reba Hansen from Magan Desai [India] (10-20-78)

Two Letters from the Socialist Labor Party (10-20-78)

Letter to Jack Barnes, National Secretary, Socialist Workers Party, from Nathan Karp, National Secretary, for the National Executive Committee of the Socialist Labor Party (10-20-78)
Letter to Jack Lieberman, Socialist Workers Party Miami Branch, from Robert Bills, Assistant to the National Secretary, SLP (10-20-78)

Documents of the Communist League [India] (10-78)

Minutes of the Central Secretariat Meeting of the Communist League [India] (10-21/23-78)
    Appendix I: Political Report-The Political Situation in India and Our Tasks, by Sharad Jhaveri (10-21-78)
    Appendix IV: Resolution on Industrial Relations Bill
Cover of Communist League Internal Information and Discussion Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 3 (07-78)

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: Anti-Nuclear work] (10-23-78)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, National Office
Report on Critical Mass Conference, by Arnold Weissberg (10-16-78)

Letter to the United Secretariat from Sharad Jhavari, Political Secretary, on behalf of the Central Secretariat, Communist League of India [re: World Political Resolution] (10-24-78)

Correspondence with David Keil [re: International Internal Discussion Bulletin] (10-25-78)

Letter to David Keil from Larry Seigle, for the Political Bureau (10-25-78)
Letter to the Political Committee from David Keil, Bronx branch (08-22-78)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 6 (10-26-78)

Letter to the SWP National Office from Nancy Rosenstock, Organizer, Capital District [NY] Branch [re: Proposed critical support for SLP candidate] (10-22-78)
"Vote for Frank Fletcher for Congress, 25th District - Socialist Labor Party on Row 'F'," SLP campaign leaflet

Political Committee Meeting No. 33 (10-27-78)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 7 (10-27-78)

To Organizers [re: Mohammed (Norman) Oliver application to rejoin the SWP] (10-30-78)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, National Office
Letter to the SWP National Office from Mohammed Oliver (10-27-78)

"Aggressive US Labor Party Making Inroads in District," by Paul W. Valentine, from the Washington Post (10-30-78)

To the Political Committee [re: Hedda Garza] (10-30-78)

Upper West Side [NYC] Minutes (10-30-78)
Message to the Upper West Side Branch from Hedda Garza (10-30-78)
Upper West Side Executive Committee Majority Report, by Michael Maggi (10-30-78)

Letter to the Political Committee from Michael Maggi, Upper West Side [NYC] Branch Organizer [re: Hedda Garza] (10-31-78)

Documents on the Latin American Work of the Kommunistiska Arbetarförbundet [Sweden] (10-78)

Report to the United Secretariat on Combate and What Happened with the Proposal to Set Up an International Magazine for L.A. Refugees, by Frej (10-78)
Annex 1: Resumé of a Report by the Daily Leadership of the Swedish Section When the Combate Comrades Left the Section (04-14-78)
Annex 2: Some Notes on a Bureau Proposal to Transform Combate into an International Magazine for Refugee Work Under the Control of the USec
Annex 3: resolution by the KAF Central Committee on the Latin American Refugee Work
Annex 4: Some Notes on the Most Recent Developments - After the Bureau Discussion and the CC Resolution, by Frej and Angström, members of the KAF Political Bureau

Political Bureau Meeting No. 8 (11-03-78)

Letter to The Militant from Tom Spiro, member of the Debs Caucus of the Socialist Party USA (11-03-78)

Letter to the Political Bureau from David Keil [re: Internal discussion] (11-03-78)

Notes by Gus Horowitz on Meeting of European Political Bureaus (11-03/04-78)

Minutes of the United Secretariat Meeting (11-06/09-78)

Attachment A: Letter to the Comrades of the Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores [Peru] from Hugo Blanco (09-78)
Attachment B: Letter to the United Secretariat from the Bolshevik Faction [re: World Conference of the BF] (11-04-78)
Introductory note to Attachment C, by the United Secretariat Bureau (01-15-79)
Attachment C-1: Documents Not Yet Published in French
Attachment C-2: International Documents Published in French
Attachment D: Statement by Comrade Antonio Sa Leal
Letter to Leaderships of Sections and Sympathizing Organizations from Duret [Charles André Udry] and Susan [Connie Harris] for the the United Secretariat Bureau [re: Relations with the OCRFI] (12-10-78)

Notes by Gus Horowitz on United Secretariat Meeting (11-06/09-78)

To the Political Committee [re: Debs Caucus of the Socialist Party USA] (11-07-78)

Cover letter by Bill Breihan, Milwaukee Branch
Letter to Alexandra Topping, Milwaukee SWP, from Bruce Richard, Ann Arbor [SPUSA Debs Caucus] (11-03-78)
Letter to Bruce Richard from Bill Breihan (11-06-78)
Letter 104-B from Sandstone Prison, by James P. Cannon, from "Letters From Prison," pp. 179-181 (10-01-44)
"Joel Miller in Electoral Alliance with Trotskyists," from The Oar [Right-wing SPUSA factional bulletin] No. 5 (09-30-78)
"Building a Mass Socialist Movement in America: Results and Prospects," proposal for discussions between the Ann Arbor YSA and Ann Arbor SPUSA

To the Political Committee, National Field Organizers and District Organizers [re: Debs Caucus of the Socialist Party USA] (11-07-78)

Recent Developments in Our Relations with the Debs Caucus of the Socialist Party USA, by Bill Breihan, Milwaukee Branch
Letter to members of the Debs Caucus from Tony Prince, Organizer, Milwaukee Branch, SWP (10 29-78)
Joel Miller for [WI] State Senate campaign leaflet

Información Sobre el Trotskismo Panameño (11-07-78)

Carta a Susana de Enrique (10-78)

Letter to the SWP National Office from Jon Hillson, Philadelphia Branch [re: Philadelphia Workers Organizing Committee/Organizing Committee for an Ideological Center] (11-08-78)

To Organizers and National Committee Members (11-08-78)

Cover letter by Larry Seigle, SWP National Office
Developments in the Socialist Party USA, by Bob Schwarz
"Joel A. Miller State Senate 9th District: Vote Socialist," brochure of the Socialist for [Wisconsin] State Senate Committee
"A Call to Reconstitute the Debs Caucus," by Joel Asa Miller, Socialist Party (Milwaukee) (09-01-78)
"Readings for Revolutionaries I," by the Debs Caucus, SPUSA (09-08-78)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 9 (11-09-78)

Letter to David Frankel, SWP National Office, from Rob Roper, Phoenix Branch [re: Cuba's Africa policy] (11-10-78)

More on Hedda Garza (11-78)

Letter to the Upper West Side Branch [NYC] from Hedda Garza (11-09-78)
Letter to the Political Committee from Martha G., Lower Manhattan Branch [NYC] (11-13-78)

To Organizers and Women's Liberation Directors (11-13-78)

Cover letter by Wendy Lyons, Women's Liberation Work Director
Evaluation of the NOW Conference and Women's Liberation Perspectives for the SWP, by Wendy Lyons, report adopted by the Political Committee (11-03-78)

To the Political Committee [re: Hedda Garza] (11-14-78)

Letter to Doug Jenness from Ron Wolin (11-14-78)
Ron Wolin's Remarks on Upper West Side [NYC] Branch Floor (10-3-78)
Letter to Doug Jenness from Kurt T. Hill, Brooklyn Branch (11-14-78)

Two Letters from Israel (11-15-78)

Letter to Jim Percy [Australia] from Yacov Froimovich, Palestine Communist Group [Israel] (11-15-78)
Letter to the United Secretariat Bureau from the Secretariats of the Revolutionary Communist League [Israel] and the Palestine Communist Group (10-30-78)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 10 (11-16-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 34 (11-20-78)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 11 (11-20/21-78)

"The $40 Million Contract Against Trotskyism: Workers League Political Committee Statement," from The Bulletin (11-21-78)

Letter to Iowa City Committee for a Revolutionary Socialist Party from Steve Clark (11-22-78)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from Dan Dickeson [re: Correspondence with the Japan Revolutionary Communist League] (11-28-78)

Summary of Correspondence

To National Committee Members and Organizers [re: Committee for a Revolutionary Socialist Party] (11-29-78)

Cover letter by Mary-Alice Waters, SWP National Office
Letter to the United Secretariat from Myra Tanner Weiss, for the National Steering Committee of the Committee for a Revolutionary Socialist Party (05-05-78)
Letter to Myra Tanner Weiss from Claudio [Livio Maitan] for the United Secretariat Bureau (05-25-78)
Letter to the International Executive Committee of the Fourth International from Murry Weiss, for the First National CRSP Conference (10-09-78)
"Theses on the Crisis of the Fourth International," contribution to the Pre-World Conference Discussion from the Committee for a Revolutionary Socialist Party USA, passed at the first annual CRSP Conference, Union, WA (10-09-78)

"Up in Smoke: Four Case Histories of People Whose Lives Have Been Ruined by Unjust Marijuana Laws," from Rolling Stone (11-30-78)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 12 (11-30-78)

Letter to the SWP National Office from Mohammed Oliver (10-27-78)
Letter to Don Gurewitz, Boston Branch, from John Hawkins, SWP National Office (11-06-78)
Letter to Mohammed Oliver from John Hawkins, SWP National Office (11-06-78)

Report on Peru, by Peter Camejo (11-78)

To the Political Committee (12-78)

Letter to Larry Seigle, Political Bureau, from Tim Wohlforth [re: Discussion on Cuba] (12-03-78)
Statement to the National Committee, by Tim Wohlforth (12-03-78)
Letter to Tim Wohlforth from Larry Seigle (12-10-78)

Comparison of Average Weekly Paid Circulation Figures for US Left Newspapers - 1978 (12-78)

Membership Figures (12-78)

Summary of Party Membership as of December 1, 1978
Number of Full Members Dropped Each Month
Statistics on Party Growth
Trade Union Survey
Regular Members of the National Committee Elected at the 29th National Convention, 1977
Alternate Members of the National Committee Elected at the 29th National Convention, 1977
Political Committee Members Elected at the August 1978 Plenum
Control Commission Members Elected at the 29th National Convention, 1977

Carta al Ejecutivo de la Secretaría Unida de la Organización Socialista de los Trabajadores [Bolivia] (12-09-78)

Education for Socialists Bulletins Available (12-05-78)

To the Political Committee (12-05-78)

Letter to Frank Lovell from Farrell Dobbs (12-05-78)
Letter to Farrell Dobbs from Frank Lovell (10-27-78)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 13 (12-05-78)

Observations of Bolivian Groups by Alberto, a member of the Partido Obrero Revolucionario [Lora] (12-06-78)

Political Bureau Meeting No. 14 (12-07-78)

Political Committee Meeting No. 35 (12-07-78)

Carta a Gus Horowitz de Nemesio Terrazas [Bolivia] (12-07-78)

Letter to the Bolshevik Faction from Susan [Connie Harris], for the United Secretariat Bureau (12-08-78)

To National Committee Members and Organizers Attending the Plenum [re: PRT of Mexico] (12-08-78)

Cover letter by Gus Horowitz
"Joint PRT-PCM Campaign," editorial from Bandera Socialista (10-07-78)
Joint PRT-PCM Election Platform: "Common Action Program of the Independent Electoral Coalition (Revolutionary Workers Party/Mexican Communist Party)"
"First Theses on Our Policy in the 1979 Elections," approved by the PRT Central Committee (09-78)

Lettre au Bureau Politique du Partido Socialista Revolucionário [Portugal] de Duret [Charles André Udry] pour le Bureau du Secrétariat Unifié (12-10-78)

"Ex-Agent Sets Off Investigation: Massive FBI 'Cover-Up' Charged," from New Haven Register (12-10-78)

Note by Larry Seigle re: Healyite coverage

Letter to Leaderships of Sections and Sympathizing Organizations from Duret [Charles André Udry] and Susan [Connie Harris] for the the United Secretariat Bureau [re: Relations with the OCRFI] (12-10-78)

Compte-Rendu de la Réunion Tenue le 14 Novembre 1978 Entre une Délégation du Secrétariat Unifié de la IV° Internationale et une Délégation du Comité d'Organisation pour la Reconstruction de la IV° Internationale (11-14-78)
Lettre au Comité d'Organisation pour la Reconstruction de la IV° Internationale de Charles Michaloux pour le Secrétariat Unifié (12-01-78)
Extrait du Compte-Rendu du Bureau Politique de la LCR [France] (12-05-78)

"The Assassination of Malcolm X: Government and FBI Conspiracy?,"by Eric Norden, from Hustler (12-78)

To the Political Committee [re: Hedda Garza] (12-78)

Letter to Linda Jenness, Local Executive Committee, New York City, from Hedda Garza (12-12-78)
Letter to Doug Jenness, Political Committee, from Hedda Garza (12-12-78)
Letter to the National Committee from Hedda Garza (12-13-78)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 33 (12-13-78)

Articles About NOW (12-78)

"The SWP at the NOW National Conference," from National NOW Times (11-78)
"A NOW Member Comments...," by Barbara Timmer, from National NOW Times (11-78)
"Editorial," by Barbara Goldblatt, from NOW-NJ Newsbreaks (12-78)

Minutes of National Committee Plenum (12-16/19-78)

Proposed Plenum Schedule
Chicago-Gary District Bylaws as approved by the District Convention of the Chicago-Gary Area (10-15-78)
New York-Northern New Jersey District Bylaws as approved by the District Convention of New York-Northern New Jersey (11-12-78)

"Preparing the National Convention and Election of the Political Committee," by Jack Barnes, report adopted by the National Committee (12-19-78)

"End the Silence on the Assassination of Tom Henehan," by the Workers League Political Committee, leaflet distributed to the Convention of the Young Socialist Alliance, Pittsburgh, PA (12-27-78)


"Voyage à l'Interieur de l'OCI," from Critique Communiste (01-79)

Letter to New York from Caroline Lund [re: "Socialist Democracy" document] (01-05-79)

Information on the Internal Discussion in the Ligue Communiste Révolutionaire [France] (01-79)

Letter to New York from Caroline Lund (01-07-79)
Letter to New York from Caroline Lund (01-16-79)

Letter to all Members of the International Executive Committee from Susan [Connie Harris] for the United Secretariat Bureau [re: Argentine Desafio group] (01-10-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 1 (01-10-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 1 (01-11-79)

Letter to Alan Gelfand, Los Angeles, from Doug Jenness, National Office (01-05-79)
Letter to the Political Committee from Jack Barnes [Re: Charges against Alan Gelfand] (01-05-79)
Letter to Alan Gelfand from Larry Seigle for the Political Committee (04-07-79)
"Application of Alan Gelfand for Leave to File Brief as Amicus Curiae in Support of Appellee," submitted to the United States Court of Appeals, Second District, by Alan Gelfand
Supporting Documents
"Amicus Curiae Brief of Alan Gelfand in Support of Appellee," submitted to the United States Court of Appeals, Second District, by Alan Gelfand
Letter to Alan Gelfand from Mary Roche, National Office (01-15-79)
"RWL Turns to Industrial Unions," by Richard Fidler and Leon Pellard, from Socialist Voice [Canada] (01-15-79)
"Most Powerful Social Force," by Richard Fidler and Leon Pellard, from Socialist Voice (01-15-79)
Letter to the Political Committee from Judy White [re: Resignation] (12-09-78)

Letter to Tim Wohlforth from Jack Barnes [re: Cuba discussion, Alan Thornett] (01-13-79)

To Organizers and Campaign Committees [re: Consent Decree on Campaign Expenditures] (01-17-79)

Cover letter by Bob Schwartz
United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Civil Action No. 74-1338: Stipulation of Settlement (01-03-79)
United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Civil Action No. 74-1338: Order, Judgement and Decree (01-03-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 2 (01-18-79)

"Joseph Hansen, FBI Informer, Dies at Age 68," from the Bulletin, Vol. 14, No. 108, 345 (01-23-79)

Information on Iranian Supporters of the Fourth International (01-24-79)

Cover letter by Steve Cannon for the International Marxist Group [Britain] National Secretariat
"The Death Agony of the Monarchy and the Tasks of Revolutionary Socialists," editorial from Che Bayad Kard [What Is to Be Done?] No. 1 (01-20-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 3 (01-25-79)

"Vietnam's Invasion of Kampuchea," by Allen Myers, from Direct Action [Australia] (01-25-79)
"Socialists and the Indo-China War," from In These Times [?]
"Cambodia: The Only Question is Who Really Represents the People's Will?,"from Class Struggle [France] (02-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 2 (01-26-79)

"Concerning Slanders Against the Fourth International: We Don't Take 'I don't Know' for an Answer!," by Margaret Guttshall, from Truth (01-26-79)

Letter to Val from Fred Feldman [re: Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia] (01-29-79)

La Lettre d'Informations Ouvrières No. 108 (01-30-79)

Informations Internationals (No. 1)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 3 (01-31-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 4 (02-02-79)

Carta a Jack Barnes de Adolfo Gilly (02-02-79)

Letter to New York from Caroline Lund [re: Congress of the French LCR] (02-04-7 g9)

Letter to New York from Caroline Lund [re: United Secretariat Bureau Meeting] (02-04-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 4 (02-07-79)

"Après le IIIe Congrès de la Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire," de Informations Ouvrières (02-07/15-79)

To Political Bureaus of Sections and Sympathizing Organizations [re: European Elections] (02-07-79)

Cover letter by Duret [Charles André Udry], for the United Secretariat Bureau
"The Fourth International and the European Election," Statement by 11 Organizations Affiliated with the Fourth International

Political Committee Meeting No. 5 (02-08-79)

Puget Sound District Bylaws, as approved by the joint membership meeting of the branches in the Puget Sound District (01-27-79)

Organization Committee Meeting (02-09-79)

Policy on "Active Sympathizers," by Larry Seigle (02-07-79)
Memo by Sally Rees on foreign students (01-31-79)
Letter to Curt Johnson, Portland branch, from Peter Seidman, National Circulation Director [re: National circulation drive] (02-10-79)
Letter from Bev Regarding Sales Drive (01-22-79)
Letter to Bev from Pete Seidman, Circulation Director (01-26-79)
Letter to Doug Jenness from Pete Seidman (02-08-79)

Organization Committee Meeting (02-12-79)

Letter to Catarino Garza from Doug Jenness [re: Elections to branch and delegates] (02-13-79)

Correspondence with David Keil (02-13-79)

Letter to the National Office from David Keil (02-13-79)
Letter to David Keil from Jack Barnes (02-13-79)
Letter to Jack Barnes from David Keil (02-11-79)
"Our Choice in Cuba (Draft)," by David Keil

Letter to Mary-Alice Waters from Byron Ackerman, San Francisco Branch (02-13-79)

"Au Revoir to the Kitchen," by Judith Ezekiel, from Seven Days (09-08-78)

Cuatro Artículos Sobre Irán de El Socialista [Colombia] (02-79)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from José Pérez
"Los Nuevos Pasos de, Khomeini," de El Socialista No. 146 (02-22-79)
"Fuerzas Presentes," de El Socialista No. 146 (02-22-79)
"Viva la  Revolución Iraní!," de El Socialista No. 145 (02-15-79)
"Retrato Politico del Ayatollah Khomeini," de El Socialista No. 145 (02-15-79)

"Iran's February Revolution," from Socialist Challenge [Britain] (02-15-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 6 (02-15-79)

Organization Committee Meeting (02-15-79)

Letter to Curt Johnson, Portland, OR, from Joel Britton [re: Party security policy] (02-16-79)

"Letter From the Editor," from Changes [magazine of the International Socialists (US)] (02-79)

"Déclaration de la LCR au 22e Congrès de l'OCI," from Rouge No. 854 (02-16/22-79)

Information on the Joseph Hansen Publishing Fund (02-17-79)

Letter to Sponsors from Reba Hansen, Treasurer and George Novack, Chairperson (02-17-79)
Letter to Prospective Sponsors from Reba Hansen, Treasurer and George Novack, Chairperson (02-06-79)
"Joseph Hansen, 1910-1979," by George Novack, from Intercontinental Press (01-29-79)
"Joseph Hansen Publishing Fund Announced," from Intercontinental Press (01-29-79)

Report on South America Trip, by Peter Camejo (01/02-78)

Organization Committee Meeting (02-19-79)

To the Political Committee [re: DSOC Convention] (02-20-79)

Letter to Larry Seigle from Olga Rodriguez (02-20-79)
"Socialist Author Predicts He Might Run for President," by Mary Flood, from the Houston Post (02-18-79)
"Don't Run From Carter, Left-Wingers Told Here," from the Houston Post (02-19-79)

To National Committee Members and Organizers (02-21-79)

Report on Peru, by Peter Camejo (11-78)
Report on Africa, by Ernest Harsch (01-25-79)
Report on Africa, by Maceo Dixon (01-25-79)

"Trotskyism and Terrorism: Ireland and Iran," by Hon. Larry McDonald (R-GA), from the Congressional Record (02-21-79)

Deux Articles de Rouge [France] (02-23/03-01-79)

"À l'Occasion de son XXII ͤ  Congrès: l'OCI se Fixe l'Objectif de 10,000 Militants pour le Prochain Congrès," par François Olivier
"17/18 Février à Paris: Première Réunion du Comité Central de la LCR Après son III ͤ  Congrès - Élection d'un Nouveau Bureau Politique," par Gilles Moissac

Political Committee Meeting No. 7 (02-23-79)

Letter to Alan Gelfand from Mary Roche for the Political Committee (02-24-79)
Letter to the Political Committee from Alan Gelfand (01-29-79)

Letter to Fred Murphy, Intercontinental Press, from Mike Kelly [re: Peru] (02-24-79)

Letter to the Editor of The Militant from Robert S. Canter [re: Cuban Trotskyists] (02-25-79)

To the Political Committee and Organization Committe [re: Newport News] (02-26-79)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness
Newport News Report, by Kramer (02-26-79)
Facts and Figures on the Newport News-Norfolk, VA Area, by Harvey MacArthur, Militant Circulation Office
Rough Map of Newport News-Norfolk

"Le Comité Central de l'OCI a Tous le Militants de l'OCI, Aux Militants, au Travailleurs et Jeunes (26 Fevrier 1979)," from La Lettre d'Informations Ouvrières No. 116-117 (02-27-79)

Letter to Newspapers of Sections and Sympathizing Organizations from Stateman, for the United Secretariat Bureau [re: Iran] (02-28-79)

Statement of the Hezbe Kargaran-e Socialis [Iran]

Political Committee Meeting No. 8 (03-01-79)

Notes by Gus Horowitz from PC Meeting on developments in the OCRFI (03-01-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 6 (03-02-79)

Letter to the National Office from David Keil (02-13-79)
Letter to David Keil from Jack Barnes (02-13-79)

"Expose Hansen's FBI Network," from The News Line [Britain] (03-03-79)

Intercontinental Press/Inprecor Distribution at Feb. 22, 1979, after Vol. 17, No. 6 (03-03-79)

"XXIIIe Congrès (Extraordinaire) de l'OCI pour la Reconstruction de la IVe Internationale - 24, 25, 26 et 27 Mai 1979 - Paris: Projet de Rapport Politique Soumis a la Discussion," from La Lettre d'Informations Ouvrières No. 116-117 (03-03-79)

"Informations Internationales (3)," from La Lettre d'Informations Ouvrières No. 118 (03-05-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 7 (03-05-79)

Letter to the National Secretary, International Marxist Group [Britain] from Magan Desai, General Secretary, Communist League [India] (03-06-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 8 (03-06-79)

To the Political Committee and Organization Committee [re: Paula Reimers resignation] (03-06-79)

Letter to Doug Jenness from Jan Gangel, Eastside LA Organizer (03-06-79)
Report to Eastside Los Angeles Branch: On the Resignation from Membership by Paula Reimers (02-24-79)
Statement of Resignation from the SWP by Paula Reimers (02-24-79)

"Major Purge Hits WRP," from Socialist Press [Britain] (03-07-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 9 (03-08-79)

"M. Charle Berg est Exclu de l'OCI (Trotskiste)," from Le Monde [France] (03-08-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 9 (03-09-79)

Internal Developments at The Guardian [New York City] (02/03-79)

Letter to Jack Smith, Managing Editor, The Guardian, from Abe Weisburd [re: Resignation] (03-11-79)
Letter to Jack Smith from Wilfred Burchett [re: Resignation] (02-11-79)
Letter to the Guardian staff from Deborah Weisburd [re: Resignation] (03-10-79)
"An Open Letter to Guardian Staff Members," by Abe Weisburd
Statement by Abe Weisburd regarding Wildred Burchett's and Abe and Deborah Weisburd's resignations from The Guardian
Letter to the Editor, The Guardian, from Wilfred G. Burchett [re: Resignation] (02-12-79)
"Message to Our Readers" [re: Wilfred Burchett Resignation], from The Guardian (02-28-79)
Explanatory note by Abe Weisburd

"Schoenmann Expelled from Iran," from The Bulletin (03-79)

To the PC [re: Ballot initiative on divestment] (03-14-79)

Letter to Lew Jones, Berkeley branch, from Doug Jenness (03-14-79)
"Study Outlines Shift of Berkeley to Laboratory of Radical Politics," from The New York Times (03-12-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 10 (03-15-79)

Letter to Jack Barnes from David Keil [re: Cuba Document] (02-11-79)
Letter to David Keil from Jack Barnes (02-13-79)
Letter to National Office from  David Keil (02-13-79)
Letter to David Keil from Larry Seigle for the Political Committee (03-16-79)

To National Committee Members and Organizers [re: "Active Sympathizers"] (03-15-79)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, National Office
Letter to Larry Seigle from Sally Rees (01-11-79)
Letter to Sally Rees from Larry Seigle (02-07-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 11 (03-19-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 12 (03-20-79)

Letter to Melan and Manuel [Spain] from Susan [Connie Harris], for the United Secretariat Bureau (03-20-79)

Two Articles from the Wall Street Journal (03-79)

"Iran's Oil Workers Assert New Powers; Leftists Gain Foothold, Keep Organizing," by Eric Morgenthaler (03-21-79)
"Disaffection in Iran Grows as Ayatollah Consolidates Victory," by Eric Morgenthaler (03-23-79)

Letter to the United Secretariat Bureau from John Strawson, for the IMG [Britain] Political Bureau (03-22-79)

"Resolution on Intercontinental Press/Inprecor," carried by the IMG Political Bureau (02-23-79)

Trade-Union Coordinating Committee Meeting No. 5 (03-23-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 10 (03-27-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 13 (03-28-79)

"Hansen: His Life Reflected Crisis of the Fourth International," by John Lister, from Socialist Press [Britain] (03-28-79)

To Members of the United Secretariat [re: Iran] (03-29-79)

Cover letter by Stateman and Duret [Charles André Udry]
Draft Resolution on Iran, adopted by the United Secretariat Meeting (03-31/04-04-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 14 (04-05-79)

"Above the Law," editorial from The Nation (04-07-79)

Letter to the Political Committee from José G. Perez, Editor, Perspective Mundial [re: Politica Obrera (Argentina) split with OCRFI] (04-09-79)

Letter to Jack Barnes from Robb Wright [re: SWP Black work] (04-10-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 15 (04-09/11-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 16 (04-12-79)

Pittsburgh-Morgantown District Bylaws, as approved by the joint membership meeting of the branches in the Pittsburgh-Morgantown District (03-25-79)
Control Commission Report [re: Hedda Garza]
Motion Adopted by the National Committee Plenum on Provisional Membership (01-03-76)
Report to the Political Committee on Implementing the National Committee Decision on Provisional Membership (01-16-76)

Front page and table of contents of "La Crisis del Comite de Organizacion por la Reconstruccion de la Cuarta Internacional (CORCI)," published by Ediciones Politica Proletaria [Argentina?] (79?)

Leadership Information (04-79)

Regular Members of the National Committee
Alternate Members of the National Committee
Political Committee Members Elected at the December 1978 Plenum
Control Commission Members Elected at the 29th National Convention, August 1977
Chart Prepared by Nominations Commission for Delegates at the 29th National Convention, August 1977

To the Political Committee [re: Michel Pablo] (04-14-79)

Cover letter by Jack Barnes
Letter to the Editors of Inprecor from Michel Pablo (02-24-79)
Letter to Michel Pablo from Jean-PIerre Beauvais for Inprecor (03-12-79)

Letters Concerning the SWP's Position on Gay Rights (04-79)

Letter to The Militant from Wayne Sunday, Gay Activists Alliance, NYC [re: "The Class-Struggle Road to Winning Gay Rights," by Rich Finkel and Matilde Zimmerman, from The Militant (04-13-79)] (04-16-79)
Letter to The Militant from Joe Callahan, Phoenix [re: "The Class-Struggle Road to Winning Gay Rights"] (04-17-79)
Letter to The Militant from Robert Starkey, Washington, DC [re: "The Class-Struggle Road to Winning Gay Rights"] (04-15-79)
Letter to Gay Rights Director, SWP, from John Ratliff, Minnesota [re: "The Class-Struggle Road to Winning Gay Rights"]

Letter to the Political Committee from José G. Perez, editor, Perspectiva Mundial [re: PST of Panama] (04-16-79)

Correspondence Between the Partido Obrero Revolucionario (Combate) [Bolivia] and Vanguardia Obrera [Bolivia] (04-79)

Letter to Vanguardia Obrera from the National Executive Committee of the POR-Combate (04-17-79)
Letter to the Executive Committee of the POR-Combate from Gregorio Olmos for the Executive Committee of Vanguardia Obrera (04-22-79)

Peter Camejo's Notes on/Summary of the "Declaration and Platform of the Bolshevik Faction" (04-18-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 17 (04-20-79)

Letter to the Political Committee from Tim Wohlforth [re: David Keil] (03-31-79)
Letter to Tim Wohlforth from Larry Seigle [re: David Keil] (04-21-79)
Proposed Plenum Schedule (04-28/05-02-79)
Organization of the Plenum
Call for the Thirtieth National Convention of the Socialist Workers Party, by Jack Barnes for the National Committee (05-02-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 18 (04-26-79)

To All SWP and YSA Organizers [re: National Antinuclear Demonstration] (04-26-79)

Cover letter by Peter Seidman, Circulation Office, and Paul Mailhot, YSA National Office
Map of March Route

Minutes of the National Committee Plenum (04-28/05-02-79)

Call for the Thirtieth National Convention of the Socialist Workers Party, by Jack Barnes for the National Committee (05-02-79)

Statistics on Party Recruitment (04-79?)

Summary of Party Membership as of April 1, 1979
Number of Full Members Dropped Each Month

Pathfinder Press Information (04-79?)

1979 Publishing Schedule
1979 Reprints
Sales - Oct. 1978 thru March 1979
Branch Debt to Pathfinder
"Weber Case" Pamphlet Sales

Education for Socialists Tapes Order Form (04-79?)

Trade Union Survey Results by Branch - March 1979 (04-79?)

Summary of Trade-Union Survey (04-79?)

Financial Information (04-79?)

Branch Debts to National Departments (03-31-79)
Keeping Current to National Departments (03-31-79)
Over $40 Club (03-31-79)
Weekly Per-Capita Sustainer

"Memorandum on the Gay Liberation Movement," reprinted from SWP Discussion Bulletin Vol. 31, No. 3, May 1973 (04-79?)

Letter to Ernest Mandel from George Breitman [re: Founding conference of the SWP] (05-03-79)

Excerpt: PC Minutes, SWP, No. 29 (08-04-38)

"Rapport Presente au Comite Politique du 5 Mai sur le Demanagement du Centre et de Socialist Voice a Montreal,"par Lachance (05-05-79)

YSA National Committee Plenum (05-12/13-79)

Plenum Schedule
Proposed Plenum Rules
Regular National Committee Members, elected January 1, 1979
Alternate National Committee Members
YSA Membership Statistics
Letter to the National Executive Committee from Roger Horowitz, Chicago (04-27-79)
Letter to Roger Horowitz from Margaret Jayko for the National Executive Committee (05-08-79)

Minutes of United Secretariat Meeting (05-27/30-79)

Attachment A: Resolution of the Central Committee of the French LCR on the Moscow Olympic Games
Attachment B: Document Submitted for Vote at the GIM [Germany] Conference, by Members of the Parity Commission: Benjamin, Daniel, Karl, Mecki, Peter, Siegfried, Sonja, Wolf/Mains (06-09/10-79)
Attachment C: Resolution Adopted by the IMG Political Committee [re: Elections] (05-06-79)
Attachment Da: "Carta Abierta a El Socialista," from Combate Socialista [Colombia] (05-25-79)
Attachment Db: "Reforma Laboral o Caricatura de Reforma," from Combate Socialista (08-09-79)
Attachment Dc: Editorial from El Socialista [Colombia] (07-25-78)
Attachment Dd: "Nuestrasa Diferencias Politicas con el PST," from Combate Socialista (02-19-79)
    "¡Solidaridad con el PST!," from Combate Sociialista
Attachment E: Correction to Minutes of United Secretariat Meeting of March 31-April 4, 1979
Attachment Fa: "T1: Gourvernement du NPD et des Syndicats Québeqois...," from Lutte Ouvrière [Québec] (04-12-79)
Attachment Fb: "T3: Pour une Alliance Ouvrière Binationale...," from Lutte Ouvrière (04-12-79)
Attachment Fc: "T4: Les Deux Classes Ouvrières ont Besoin d'une Stratégie Commune...," from Lutte Ouvrière (04-12-79)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from José G. Perez [re: Politica Obrera (Argentina)] (05-29-79)

YSA Membership Statistics (06-79?)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 15 (06-01-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 21 (06-03-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 22 (06-05-79)

To All Organizers [re: One-Day Labor conference for ERA] (06-06-79)

"Call to a Labor-Sponsored Conference in Support of the Equal Rights Amendment"

Hedda Garza Appeal to the United Secretariat (06-07-79)

Letter to the Political Committee from Hedda Garza (06-07-79)
Letter to the United Secretariat from Hedda Garza (05-23-79)
Hedda Garza Response to SWP Control Commission Report

Deux Lettres de Livio Maitan (06-79)

Lettre au Bureau de la Secrétariat Unifié de Claudio [Livio Maitan] (06-25-79)
Encore sur le Fonctionnement du Bureau et des Organismes de Direction  de l'Internationale (Postscriptum Huit Mois Après), par Claudio [Livio Maitan] (06-28-79)

Letter to Pierre Frank from F. Wang [Hong Kong] [re: release of Cheng Chao-Lin and Wu Jing-Ru] (06-29-79)

United Secretariat Meeting (07-02/04-79)

Attachment A: Letter to Leaderships of Sections and Sympathizing Organizations from Duret [Charles-André Udry] and Stateman, for the Majority Caucus of the United Secretariat and Bureau
Attachment B: Letter to to the Secrétariat of the Fraction Marxist-Révolutionnaire, Frankfurt, from Susan [Connie Harris] for the United Secretariat (07-17-79)
Attachment C: "¿Quiénes Deben Conformar el Gobierno,?" de El Socialista [Colombia] No. 159 (06-22-79)
Attachment D: "Los Vivos de la Revolución," por Umberto Valverde, de El Pueblo Opina [Colombia] (06-22-79)
Attachment E: Letter to the United Secretariat from Yaspel, for the Central Secretariat, Communist League of India (03-30-79)
    Letter to Yaspel from Susan [Connie Harris] for the United Secretariat Bureau (05-31-79)
Letter to Sections and Sympathizing Organizations from the United Secretariat [re: OCRFI] (07-03-79)
   Letter to the United Secretariat from the International Bureau of the Organizing Committee for the Reconstruction of the Fourth International (05-28-73)
   Lettre au CORQI du Bureau Politique de la Ligue Communiste Révolutionnaire [France] (05-10-79)
   Lettre au Delégués du XXIII Congrés Extraordinaire du l'Organsation Communiste Internationaliste du le Bureau Politique de la LCR [France]
   Account of Meeting on Peru (04-06-79)
   "Tirer Notre Force de Nos Faiblesses," du Scali [Pierre Broué]
   "Texte du Camarade Lambert"
    Draft Resolution on Ecologism (Excerpts)
    Letter to the United Secretariat from F. de Massot (03-26-79)

Documents from the United Secretariat (07-79)

Letter to Leaderships of Sections and Sympathizing Organizations of the Fourth International from Duret [Charles-André Udry] and Stateman for the Majority Caucus of the United Secretariat and Bureau (07-11-79)
Statement of the Majority Caucus of the United Secretariat and Bureau, signed by Adair [Alan Harris], Alfonso, Allio [Jacqueline Heinen], Bourgueil, Brewster, Celso [Jack Barnes], Claudio [Livio Maitan], Dunder, Duret [Charles-André Udry], Marcel, Maria, Riel [Jean-Pierre Beauvais], Stateman, Susan [Connie Harris], Walter [Ernest Mandel]
Letter to Leaderships of Sections and Sympathizing Organizations of the Fourth International from Duret [Charles-André Udry] and Stateman for the United Secretariat and Bureau (07-11-79)
Motion Adopted on Socialist Democracy Document
Why I Oppose the Formation of the United Secretariat Majority Caucus, by Alan Jones [John Ross]
Motion from the Bureau on Socialist Democracy Document
Motion from the Bureau on Discussion of Ethiopia-Somalia War
Motion from the Bureau on Agenda, Reporters and Voting at World Congress
Call for the Formation of the Majority Tendency
Motions on Nicaragua Point at the United Secretariat, by Dario, Enrique and Antonio
    Motion on the Civil War in Nicaragua
    Motion on the Government and its Program
    Motion on Support by the Workers' States
    Motion on Sending a Delegation of the United Secretariat
    Motion on H. Valverde

Organization Committee Meeting No. 20 (07-05-79)

Information on the Japan Revolutionary Communist League (07-06-79)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from Dan Dickeson [re: JRCL Defense Work and Financial Situation] (07-06-79)
"A Frank Description of Our Party's Predicament, and aqn Appeal for a Huge Summer Fund Drive," from Sekai Kakumei No. 579 (06-11-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 28 (07-09-79)

Membership Statistics (07-79)

Summary of Party Membership as of July 1, 1979
Number of Full Members Dropped Each Month
Statistics on Party Recruitment
Summary of Job Survey
Job Survey by Branch - July 1, 1979

Membership Financial Contributions (07-79)

Weekly Per Capita Sustainer
Over $40 Club
Debts to National Departments
Percent Keeping Current to National Departments

Publishing Statistics (07-79)

Books Printed in 1979
Books Scheduled for Fall 1979
Pamphlets Printed in 1979
Education for Socialists Bulletins Printed in 1979
Education for Socialists Bulletins Reprinted in 1979
Books Reprinted in 1979
Pamphlets Reprinted in 1979
Books Printed in 1978
Pamphlets Printed in 1978
Books Reprinted in 1978
Pamphlets Reprinted in 1978
Branch Debt to Pathfinder
Best Sellers from July 1978-June 1979

Lettre au Secrétariat Unifié de R. Lenoir pour le Bureau du Secrétariat International de la Tendance Marxiste Révolutionnaire Internationale (07-09-79)

"Lettre Ouverte aux Membres de la IVé Internationale," supplément à Sous le Drapeau du Socialisme No. 80

Deux Articles du Le Matin [France] (06/07-79)

"La LCR Accroît son Audience au Sein de l'Extrême-Gauche," par J. Pascal Krop, de Le Matin (06-07-79)
"Reclassements au Sein de l'Extrême-Gauche," par Pascal Krop, de Le Matin (07-10-79)

Note to Jack Barnes from José G. Pérez (07-10-79)

"Cuba is Said to Plan to Free 610 Political Prisoners," from New York Times (07-10-79)

"Can a Socialist Find Asylum in the US?: The Case of Héctor Marroquín...," brochure issued by the Héctor Marroquín Defense Committee (07-79?)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 21 (07-11-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 29 (07-12-79)

"Gay Polémiquons: 'Masques' et 'Gai Pied' s'en Prennent au SWP Américain. Encore Faudrait-il Qu'ils ne Déforment Pas ses Positions por les Besoins d'un Mauvaise Cause," par Philippe Andréa, de Rouge [France] (07-13/20-79)

Documents from the International Marxist Group [Britain] (07-79)

Minutes of the Political Bureau (07-07-79)
Letter to the Political Bureau from Alan Jones [John Ross] (07-09-79)
Letter to the Political Bureau from John Strawson (06-29-79)
Letter to John Strawson from Ellis for the National Secretariat (07-10-79)
Preparation for the IMG Conference, by Cannon for the Political Committee (07-07/08-79)

"Sur Notre Politique Vis Avis du CORQI et la Construction du Parti et de l'Internationale," par Touvais pour le Bureau Politique de la LCR (07-79?)

Couverture de la Circulaire de la Tendance Léniniste-Trotskyste No. 5 (07-13-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 30 (07-14-79)

Letter to Organizers and National Committee Members from Doug Jenness for the Political Committee [re: Voting on resolutions] (07-14-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 23 (07-17-79)

"Alan Gelfand vs. United States Attorney General Griffin Bell, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation William H. Webster, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Stansfield Turner, Director of the National Security Agency Vice Admiral Bobby Inman, Jack Barnes, Larry Seigle, Peter Camejo, David Jerome, Mary Roche, Doug Jenness, Sharon Cabanas, Pearl Chertov, Bruce Marcus, Socialist Workers Party, Case No. 79-02710MRP(T)," United States District Court Central District (07-18-79)

"Linking the Left and Gay Liberation Movements," by David Thorstad, from The Guardian [New York] (07-18-79)

"Pages From SLP History: Revitalization of SLP Begins in 1970s," from the Weekly People (07-21-79)

Letter to Jones [John Ross] and Duret [Charles-André Udry] from Julie Samuels [re: Crisis in the Canadian Section] (07-21-79)

Letter to the Editor of The Militant from David Thorstad (07-22-79)

"Linking the Left and Gay Liberation Movements," by David Thorstad, from The Guardian [New York] (07-18-79)

Report on Discussion with Comrade from Hong Kong RML, by Les Evans [re: Release of Imprisoned Chinese Trotskyists] (07-23-79)

Información Sobre el Trotskismo Venezolano (07-79)

Carta al Secretariado Unido de Ernesto de la Organización Socialista Revolucionaria (07-23-79)
Carta al Comité Ejecutivo del Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores de Pablo, para la dirección de la OSR (06-28-79)

"Where is Fausto Amador?,"from The Bulletin (07-24-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 31 (07-24-79)

Letter to the Socialist Workers Party from Steve Zeltzer for the Socialist League (Democratic Centralist) (07-12-79)
Letter to Steve Zeltzer from Doug Jenness for the Political Committee (07-24-79)
Proposed Organization of the Convention, August 5-11, 1979

Carta a Pedro Zamora de Raúl por la Comisión de Prensa y Propaganda, Partido Obrero Revolucionario-Combate [Bolivia] (07-25-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 32 (07-26-79)

Report on Political Discussions in the New American Movement, by Mark Friedman, San Diego (07-26-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 33 (07-27-79)

Letter to the Political Committee from Roger Horowitz [re: "For a Correct Orientation Toward Revolutionary Youth"] (07-18-79)
Letter to Roger Horowitz from Doug Jenness, for the Political Committee (07-28-79)

Letter to Cristóbal from Andrés (07-27-79)9

Carta a Cristóbal de Andrés (07-27-79)

Letter to Paul Thierney, Toledo Branch, from Livio Maitan [re: Cuba] (07-28-79)

YSA Membership Statistics (07-30-79)

SWP Leadership Statistics (08-79)

Regular Members of the National Committee, August 1979
Alternate Members of the National Committee, August 1979
Political Committee Members Elected at April-May 1979 Plenum
Control Commission Members Elected at the 29th National Convention, 1977

To the National Committee and Organizers (08-01-79)

Introductory note by Shelley Kramer
Why Cuba is a Workers' State, by Shelley Kramer

Political Committee Meeting No. 34 (08-03-79)

Letter to the Political Committee from Rick Berman and Susie Winsten for the Houston branch Executive Committee [re: City Council Elections] (07-27-79)

"Socialist Workers Party: 'Send an Agent to Nicaragua," from The Bulletin (08-03-79)

"Police Claim Vielot's Killers 'Escaped'," from The Bulletin (08-03-79)

Portada del folleto"El Cenrismo de 'Tipo Castrista' en America Latina," por Pablo Rojas (08-79?)

Resolution of the Executive Committee of the Partido Socialista Revolucionario [Colombia], voted Unanimously [re: Attack by PST] (08-04-79)

"Andrew Pulley: Socialist Workers Candidate for President," flyer (79)

"Matilde Zimmerman: Socialist Workers Candidate for Vice-President," flyer (79)

Minutes of National Committee Plenum (08-04-79)

"Workers League Supporter Murdered," from The Bulletin (07-24-79)
"FBI to Keep Lid on Informers," from The Bulletin (07-24-79)

"Socialist Wokers Party 30th National Convention, 1979," Convention Schedule and Brochure (08-04/11-79)

Lettre à George [Breitman?] de Pierre [Frank?] (08-09-79)

"FBI Spies in the FBI: The Strange Group from Carlton College, Minnesota," from The Bulletin (08-10-79)

"Gay Polémiquons (3): Une Lettere de David Thorstadt," de Rouge (08-10/17-79)

Nat Weinstein Remarks on the Political Report at the 1979 Convention (08-79)

Minutes of National Committee Plenum (08-11-79)

Lettre au Bureau du Secrétariat Unifié de Mikado [Michel Warshawski] 08-12-79)

Photos from NewsLine [Britain] (08-23-79) and Barricada [Nicaragua] (08-13-79)

"Declaración del Buró Politico del PRT: Sobre la Salida de R. Hernández y su Ingreso al PCM," de Bandera Socialista (08-13-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 35 (08-13/14-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 36 (08-14-79)

Carta al Secretaríado Unificado de Sara Santiago, Equipo Ejecutivo de Dirección OST [Costa Rica]; Felix, Equipo Ejecutivo de Dirección OST [Costa Rica]; Galène, Comité Central de la LCR [France] [re: Brigada Simón Bolívar] (08-20-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 37 (08-21-79)

Information on the Split in the Hezbe Kargaran-e Socialis [Iran] (08-79)

Statement by the Executive Committee of the HKS, from Kargar (08-16-79)
"Dear Comrades," from Cyrus Paydar, Ahmad Haydari, Parviz Foroughi, Hassan Aram, Hassan Saba, Hossein Taghvi, Elaheh, Parvin Najafi (08-19-79)
Appendix 1: Proposals of the international comrades read over the telephone
Appendix 2: Item from the front page of Che Bayad Kard, by Hormoz Rahimian, HKS National Secretary (08-15-79)
Appendix 3: Footnote of an article on page 9 of Che Bayad Kard (08-15-79)
"Stop the Attacks Against Kurdish People!," statement of the Executive Committee of the HKS (Kargar)

"Chinese Trotskyists Released," by Chinese Trotskyists Overseas, from Socialist Challenge [Britain] (08-23-79)

"El Rostro Estalinista del PRT," por Rodolfo Echeverria M., de Oposición [Periódico del Partido Comunista Mexicano] (08-23/29-79)

"Nicaragua: La Révolution Défie l'Imperialisme," de Rouge [France] (08-24/30-79)

"Dos Líneas en la Solidaridad con Nicaragua en el Trotskismo Colombiano," por Eduardo Medrano, Libardo González, Gustavo Consuegra, Arnulfo Bayona, de Combate Socialista [Colombia] (08-27-79)

"Boletin de Prensa y Radio: Trotskismo Colombiano Desconoce la Brigada Simón Bólívar," por el Comité Ejecutivo Nacional, Partido Socialista Revolucionario [Colombia] (08-79)

Amnesty International Appeal on Behalf of 14 Arrested Iranian Trotskyists (08-28-79)

Letter to George [Breitman?] from Pierre Broué [France] (08-28-79)

Lettre au Secrétariat Unifié de Nikita [Jean Michele Krivine], Robert et le Groupe Trotskyste Vietnamien en France (08-31-79)

Documents on Colombia (08-79)

Introductory Note
Carta a Gus Horowitz de Otto [Colombia] (07-29-79)
Letter to Gus Horowitz from Mike Kelly (07-29-79)
"Contra la Estrategia de la Infamia," declaración del Comité Ejecutivo Nacional del Partido Socialista Revolucionario (07-28-79)
Letter to the United Secretariat from Ricardo Sanchez for the Executive Committee, PSR (07-29-79)

"Ou Va la Direction du SWP?," Déclaration de la Tendance Leniniste-Trotskyste (09-01-79)

"Une Nouvelle Campagne Propagandiste des Etats Unis Contre le Nicaragua," du The Militant, Vol. 43, No. 33 (08-31-79)
"La Faits Concernant la Brigade Simon Bólívar," du The Militant, Vol. 43, No. 33 (08-31-79)
Lettre au Secrétariat Unifié de Sara & Félix (Equipe Exécutive de Direction de l'OST [Costa Rica]), Galène (Comité Central de la LCR [France]) (08-20-79)
Motion Proposée au CC du Moi d'Aout de la LCR [France] par la TLT
Ordre du Jour du XI C.M.

Report by Gus Horowitz of Telephone Call from Caroline Lund in Paris (09-03-79)

Steve Forgione Resignation from the SWP (09-04-79)

Letter to Mike Lux from Steve Forgione (09-04-79)
Letter to the Political Committee from Steve Forgione (09-04-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 20 (09-05-79)

OST [Costa Rica] Internal Information Bulletin (09-79)

Introductory note by the OST leadership
Letter to the United Secretariat from Sara and Félix of the OST (09-06-79)

"Defeat Imperialist Conspiracy Against Iran! Statement by the Workers League Political Committee," from The Bulletin (09-07-79)

Letter to the United Secretariat from the Political Bureau of the Kommunistiska Arbetarförbundet [Sweden] [re: Proletarianization and Party-Building] (09-09-79)

Report on the Release of Chinese Trotskyists, by Les Evans (09-10-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 21 (09-13-79)

"Alan Gelfand vs. United States Attorney General Griffin Bell, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation William H. Webster, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Stansfield Turner, Director of the National Security Agency Vice Admiral Bobby Inman, Jack Barnes, Larry Seigle, Peter Camejo, David Jerome, Mary Roche, Doug Jenness, Sharon Cabanas, Pearl Chertov, Bruce Marcus, Socialist Workers Party, Case No. 79-02710MRP(T)," Motion to Dismiss Presenting Defenses of Failure to State a Claim, Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction and Insufficiency of Process Under Rule 12(b). United States District Court Central District of California (09-14-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 38 (09-14-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 24 (09-17-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 22 (09-18-79)

"The Assassination of R.P. Piyadasa: Statement by the Central Committee of the Workers League," from The Bulletin (09-18-79)

Quatrième Congrès du Groupe Socialiste des Travailleurs du Québec (09-79)

Lettre au LOR/RWL de René Denis pour le Comité Central du GSTQ (09-18-79)
Salutations de la Ligue Ouvrière Revolutionnaire au Quatrième Congrès du Groupe Socialiste des Travailleurs du Québec
Rapport sur le Congès du Groupe Socialiste des Travailleurs, par Lachance (09-16-79)

Letter to Sections and Sympathizing Organizations and IEC Members from Duret [Charles-André Udry] and Stateman for the United Secretariat Bureau [re: Split in HKS (Iran)] (09-19-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 39 (09-19-79)

"For a Change in the Party's Line on the Murder of Tom Henehan," by David Weisman, Lower Manhattan Branch, New York Local (07-18-79)

"After the Fall: How Depression Gave a Boost to Big Labor, Changed Its Strategy," by Robert W. Merry, from Wall Street Journal (09-20-79)

Letter to Leaderships of Sections and Sympathizing Organizations from Alfonso for the United Secretariat Bureau [re: Simón Bólívar Brigade] (09-20-79)

"Whose Consent?,"from Socialist Challenge [Britain] (09-20-79)

Letter to "My Dear Friend" from David Goldberger, American Civil Liberties Union [re: Nazi free speech case in Skokie, IL] (09-20-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 40 (09-21-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 25 (09-21-79)

"Socialism is No Longer a Dirty Word to Labor," from Business Week (09-24-79)

"From the Editors: 'We Are Not Men of Speeches...," from Barricada [Nicaragua] (09-25-79)

To the Political Committee (09-25-79)

Letter to Duret [Charles-André Udry] from David Keil (09-25-79)
Letter to Nemo [Christian Phéline] from David Keil (09-26-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 26 (09-26-79)

Trade Union Coordinating Committee Minutes (09-27-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 41 (09-28-79)

United Secretariat Meeting (09-29/10-04-79)

Attachment A: Counterline Amendments by Jones [John Ross] on Nicaragua
Attachment B: Amendments by Brewster on Nicaragua
Attachment C: Amendments to the World Political Resolution proposed by Celso [Jack Barnes] and Walter [Ernest Mandel]
Attachment D: Amendment to European Resolution by Duret [Charles-André Udry]
Note to Sections and Sympathizing Organizations from the United Secretariat Bureau (10-19-79)

Revolutionary Workers League/Ligue Ouvrière Revolutionnaire [Canada] Industrial Union Colonization (10-79)

A Letter and An Article About Kampuchea (10-79)

"Kampuchea - Neither Fish Nor Fowl," letter by Tariq Ali, from Socialist Challenge [Britain] (10-04-79)
"Kampuchea - How it Happened," by Clive Turnbull, from Socialist Challenge (09-27-79)

Letter to Gus Horowitz from Barry Sheppard (10-01-79)i

Two Letters to the Political Committee from Nat Weinstein (10-01-79)

Letter to the Political Committee from Nat Weinstein, San Francisco (10-01-79)
Letter to the Political Committee from Nat Weinstein [re: Bay Area Tasks & Perspectives, Union work] (09-30-79)

Carta a Sara y Félix del Equipe de Dirección de la OST de Costa Rica y a Galène del CC del LCR, Francia, de Alfonso (10-02-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 27 (10-02-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 23 (10-03-79)

Excerpts from speech by Stéphane Just, Central Committee Member of the Organization Communiste Internationaliste [France], from Informations Ouvrières [France] (10-06/13-79)

Two Articles About the US Labor Party (10-07/08-79)

"US Labor Party: Cult Surrounded by Controversy," by Howard Blum and Paul L. Montgomery, from the New York Times (10-07-79)
"One Man Leads the US Labor Party on Its Erratic Path," by Howard Blum and Paul L. Montgomery, from the New York Times (10-08-79)

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: Trade Union Activity] (10-08-79)

Cover letter by Maceo Dixon, National Office
Letter to Frank Lovell from Rob Roper, Phoenix [re:"Shop-Floor" Issues] (09-14-79)
Letter to Rob Roper from Frank Lovell (09-24-79)
Letter to Rob Roper from Paul Montauk, National Education Department [re: Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Union] (09-25-79)
Letter to Frank Lovell, The Militant, from David Herreshoff [re: Cochran split] (09-18-79)
Letter to David Herreshoff from Frank Lovell (10-02-79)
Letter to Frank Lovell from Libby Moser, Twin Cities [re: Pete Kelley and UAW] (09-28-79)
Letter to Libby Moser from Frank Lovell (10-03-79)
Letter to Peter Seidman, Militant Business Office, from Libby Moser (09-29-79)

To Members of the Political Committee, Fred Feldman, Michael Baumann, José Pérez and Andy Rose (10-09-79)

Cover Letter by Natalie Bombaro
Letter to Fred Feldman from Gabriel [France] (09-22-79)
Amendments to the World Political Resolution proposed by Celso [Jack Barnes] and Walter [Ernest Mandel] (09-79)
"Why the Formation of a Caucus Will Not Clarify Matters: A Few Initial Comments on the State of the FI," by Howard [Tariq Ali], from IMG [Britain] Internal Bulletin
"Some of the Things that are Wrong with the World Political Resolution - and Their Consequences for the Fourth International and the IMG," By Alan Jones [John Ross], from IMG Internal Bulletin
New Section on the OCRFI proposed for the Draft European Resolution, by Charles-André Udry and Ernest Mandel

To Sections and Sympathizing Organizations, IEC and USec Members [re: Simón Bólívar Brigade] (10-09-79)

Cover letter by the United Secretariat Bureau
Memorandum on the Simón Bólívar Brigade

La Lettre d'Informations Ouvrières [France] No. 100/161/162 (10-10-79)

Note d'Information: Crise dans le Secrétariat Unifié
Dans Quel Cadre se Preparait le XI° Congrés Mondial du Secrétariat Unifié Avant l'Explosion de Cette Crise
Le Secrétariat Unifié Face à la Révolution Nicaraguayenne
Les Faits Concernant la Brigade Simón Bólívar, du Militant Vol. 43, No. 33 (08-31-79)
La Réunion du Secrétariat Unifié de Fin Septembre-Début octobre et ses Conclusions
La Motion Adoptée par le Secrétariat Unifie sur la Brigade Simón Bólívar (10-01-79)
Le Resolution Politique Générale
Motion Préalable du TLT sur l'Orientation au Nicaragua
Motion Adoptée par le SU sur l'Activite des Membres de la IVe Internationale au Nicaragua
Motion du Secrétariat Unifié sur la Fraction Bolchevique
Declaration sur la Crise de la IVe Internationale Face a la Revolution Nicaraguayenne

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 24 (10-10-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 28 (10-10-79)

"Building the Party: An Assessment of the Trotskyist Experience," by Michael Urquhart, from Changes [magazine of the International Socialists (US)] (79?)

Letter to the Political Committee from David Keil [re: Leninist-Trotskyist Tendency] (10-10-79)

Lettre à la Direction de la LCR (État Espagnol) de Bourgueil pour le Bureau du Secrétariat Unifié (10-10-79)

Lettre au Bureau Politique de l'OCI et le Bureau de CORQI de Walter [Ernest Mandel] pour le Bureau du Secrétariat Unifié (10-11-79)

"SWP Agents Sacrifice Fausto Amador: New Orders From the State Department," from The Bulletin (10-12-79)

"More Protection for the Agents," from The Bulletin (10-12-79?)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 29 (10-12-79)

Information on the Leninist-Trotskyist Tendency (10-13-79)

Letter to Doug Jenness from Art Young [Canada] (10-13-79)
Circulaire de la Tendance Leniniste-Trotskiste No. 9 (10-01-79)
    Introduction: La Situation dans l'Internationale Après la Reunion du SU du Septembre-Octubre. Une Declaration de la TLT
    Declaration Finale du Camarade Moreno Votée par les Membres de la FB et de la TLT
        Lettre Udry-Camejo au FSLN (Extraits)
        Déclaration Moreno sur l'Ordre du Jour du SU
        Motion Préalable de la TLT sur la Colonne Simón Bólívar (Rejetée à l'Unanimité du SU)
        Motion Préalable de la FB sur la Brigade Simón Bólívar (Rejetée à l'Unanimité)
        Motion Préalable de la TLT sur l'Orientation au Nicaragua (Rejetée à l'Unanimité)
        Motion TLT sur la Répresion
        Motion Adopté par le SU sur la Colonne Simón Bólívar
        Motion du SU sur l'Acitivité des Trotskistes au Nicaragua
        Motion du SU sur F. Amador
        Declaration de F. Amador

Letter to the Socialist Workers Party from the International Marxist Group [Britain] [re: Nicaragua, Simón Bólívar Brigade] (10-14-79)

"2 Years Since the Assassination of Tom Henehan...and Still No Arrests: Statement by the Political Committee of the Workers League," from The Bulletin (10-16-79)

To Members of the Political Committee, Fred Feldman, Michael Baumann, José Perez, Andy Rose [re: Last United Secretariat Meeting] (10-16-79)

Cover letter by Natalie Bombaro
Original Motion Concerning the Simón Bólívar Brigade
Amendment Proposed by Walter [Ernest Mandel] to the Motion Concerning the Simón Bólívar Brigade (withdrawn)
Motion on the Political Activity of Members of the Fourth International in Nicaragua, passed by the United Secretariat
Motion Concerning Fausto Amador, passed by the United Secretariat
Motion on the Bolshevik Faction, passed by the United Secretariat
Motion Concerning Bulletin on the Simón Bólívar Brigade, passed by the United Secretariat
Motion Concerning article in the July 27 issue of El Socialista [Colombia], passed by the United Secretariat
Motion Condemning PST [Colombia] Acts of Disruption and Physical Intimidation, passed by the United Secretariat
Statement read at United Secretariat Meeting by Nahuel Moreno
Amendments to the United Secretariat Resolution "Nicaragua: Revolution on the March," submitted by Alan Jones [John Ross]
Votes on amendments at IMG Pre-World Congress Central Committee Meeting of the IMG [Britain]
"Thirty Days of the Revolution," adopted by the IMG Central Committee (08-30/09-2-79), published in Socialist Challenge [Britain] (09-06-79)
"On the Simón Bólívar Brigade," from Socialist Challenge (08-30-79)
United Secretariat Delegation Statement on Nicaragua Given to the leadership of the FSLN
Position on the Usec Delegation Statement, adopted unanimously by the IMG Political Bureau (09-27-79)
Staement by Duret [Charle-André Udry] and Riel [Jean-Pierre Beauvais]
Motions presented to the September-October United Secretariat meeting by Nemo [Christian Phéline] in the name of the Leninist-Trotskyist Tendency
"The Sandinist Revolution and the Fourth International," by Camilo Gonzalez P. for the PST [Colombia] and the Bolshevik Faction (09-22-79)
Report on the Simon Bólívar Brigade, by the Bolshevik Faction

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 25 (10-16-79)

Trade Union Coordinating Committee Meeting (10-16-79)

New Orleans Tour Report, by Rick (10-05/08-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 30 (10-17-79)

Trade Union Coordinating Committee Meeting (10-18-79)

Report on October 14 National March for Lesbian and Gay Rights, by Peter Seidman (10-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 42 (10-19-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 43 (10-20-79)

Correspondence Regarding the Israeli Section (10-22-79)

Letter to the United Secretariat Bureau from Yacov (10-22-79)
Appendix 1: Letter to Yacov from Mikado [Michel Washawski] (10-04-79)
Appendix 2: Letter to Mikado from Yacov (10-07-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 31 (10-23-79)

Letter to Maceo Dixon from Alan Wald (10-13-79)
"Statement of Support," from the National Committee to Free the Mao Tsetung Defendants
Letter to Alan Wald from Maceo Dixon for the Organization Committee (10-25-79)
Leaflet for Bob Avakian speaking engagement, New York City (10-20-79)

Trade Union Coordinating Committee Meeting (10-24-79)

The Resignation of David Weisman from the SWP (10-24-79)

Letter to Virginia Garza, Wayne Glover, Osborne Hart and Helen Scheer from David Prince for the Control Commission (10-24-79)
Letter to the Political Committee from David Weisman (10-17-79)
Letter to "Comrade" from David Weisman
Letter to David Weisman from Rob Cahalane, National Office (07-26-79)
Certified mail receipt

Letter to the Political Committee from Caroline Fowlkes, Phoenix Branch Organizer [re: Phoenix Municipal Proposition 200] (10-24-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 44 (10-25-79)

Report on 1980 California Election Campaign, by Lew Jones (09-30-79)
Letter to the Political Committee from Nat Weinstein (10-01-79)
Letter to the Political Committee from Nat Weinstein (09-30-79)
Letter to the San Francisco Bay Area District Committee from Jack Barnes for the Political Committee (10-25-79)

Minutes of the Meeting of the Central Secretariat of the Communist League [India] (10-27/28-79)

Appendix 1: Report of Trip to South India. Places visited: Tuticorin, Trivendrum, Calicut and Madras
Appendix 3: Report of Trip to US and Europe
Communist League Internal Information and Discussion Bulletin, Vol. IV, No. 2
    Draft Election Manifesto, presented by the Central Secretariat, to be passed by the Central Committee
Communist League Internal Information and Discussion Bulletin, Vol. IV, No. 2 - Supplement (11-79)
    Supplementary to the Draft Election Manifesto

IMG [Britain] Mailing on the Situation in the Fourth International (10-29-79)

Re: Situation in the Fourth International, by Roman [Pierre Rousset], for the United Secretariat Bureau (10-29-79)
Resolution to the LTT Steering Committee by Strawson and supported by Levi and Sinclair (10-28-79)
Circular by the Bureau of the United Secretariat to All Sections and Sympathizing Organizations (10-30-79)
Statement by Levi, Sinclair and Strawson (10-29-79)

Letter to the Political Committee from David Keil [re: Withdrawal of adherence to the Leninist Trotskyist Tendency] (10-29-79)

Trade Union Coordinating Committee Meeting (10-29-79)

International Marxist Group [Britain] National Briefing (10-29-79)

Socialist Challenge Sales Drive
National Cuts Demonstration/Lobby Wednesday, 28th November
National Anti-Racist Demo Sunday, November 25th
New Members Education Kit
"Abortion - Liberation and Revolution"
Trade Union Fractions
IIDB Debts (05-78/05-79)
Important Note for All Cdes.
Calendar of Events for IMG Members

Letter to Sections and Sympathizing Organization [Re:Situation in the Fourth International] (10-29-79)

Cover letter by Roman [Pierre Rousset] for the Fourth International Bureau
Resolution to LTT International Steering Committee by Strawson and Supported by Levi and Sinclair (10-28-79)
Circular to All Sections and Sympathizing Organizations of the Fourth International (10-30-79)
Statement from Levi, Sinclair and Strawson (10-29-79)

Letter to Sections and Sympathizing Organization from the United Secretariat Bureau [re: Bolshevik Faction and Leninist-Trotskyist Tendency] (10-30-79)

Appendix: Motion Adoptée par le Bureau Politique de la LCR (10-29-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 26 (10-31-79)

Disciplinary Matters in the Houston Branch (10/11-79)

Charges against Nancy B. by Rick Berman (10-20-79)
Charge against Ginny P.by Rick Berman (10-20-79)
Charges against Bob R.by Rick Berman (10-20-79)
Charges against Debbie V. by Rick Berman (10-20-79)
Charges against Jannet B.by Rick Berman (10-20-79)
Letter to Jack Barnes from Debby L. (11-17-79)
Letter to the Houston Branch from Glen F. [Statement of resignation] (11-17-79)
Letter to the Houston Branch from Debby L. [Statement of resignation] (11-17-79)

Letter to Mark Chalkley, Albany, from Fred Feldman [re: Castro and the Non-Aligned Conference] (11-01-89)

Political Committee Meeting No. 45 (11-01-79)

Letter to the Political Committee from Caroline Fowlkes, Phoenix Branch Organizer [re: Phoenix Municipal Proposition 200] (10-24-79)
Baltimore Executive Committee Majority Report on the Proposed Tenant Landlord Relations Amendment, by Yvonne Hayes
    Information on Baltimore Rent Control Campaign
Letter to the Political Committee from Louise Armstrong for the San Francisco Branch [re: State and local ballot propositions] (10-29-79)
    Information on Propositions
Letter to the Political Committee from Steve Bloom, Brooklyn Branch [re: Disciplinary matter] (09-15-79)
Letter to Steve Bloom from Doug Jenness for the Political Committee (11-01-79)
Letter to the Political Committee from Sam Manuel, New York City Local Organizer (09-29-79)

To National Committee Members and Organizers [re: Resignations from the SWP] (11-01-79)

Cover letter by Doug Jenness, National Office
San Francisco Membership Report, by Louise Armstrong, Branch Organizer [re: Resignation of Nancy Fields] (09-79)
Gary [IN] Membership Report [Re: Resignations of Robb W. and Dave C.] (08-79)
Letter to National Office from Margaret Trowe, Seattle Branch Organizer [re: Resignation of Diane C.] (10-05-79)
Salt Lake City Membership Form [re: Resignation of Sterne M.] (09-79)
Los Angeles Membership Report [re: Resignations of Sarah W., Cedric B., Victoria G., Nanette C.] (09-79)
Dallas Membership Report [re: Resignation of Luz G.] (09-79)
Capital District [NY] Membership Report [re: Resignations of Andy J. and Liz M.] (09-79)
Letter to the National Office from Sharon Cabaniss, Miami Branch Organizer [re: Resignation of Stuart R.] (10-01-79)
Twin Cities [MN] Membership Report [re: Resignation of Dan K.] (09-79)
Letter to the National Office from Sharon Cabaniss, Miami Branch Organizer [re: Resignation of Lin D.] (09-17-79)
Letter to the National Office from Sharon Cabaniss, Miami Branch Organizer [re: Resignation of Marilyn M.] (07-17-79)
St. Paul [MN] Membership Report [re Resignations of Rob D., Marc S., Dennis R., Barbara R.] (09-79)
Letter to the National Office from Jay Johnson [re: Resignations of Richard R. and Marta R.] (10-17-79)
Letter to Hal, Lower Manhattan Branch, from Martha G. [re: Resignation] (08-17-79)
Letter to the Political Committee from Steven F. [re: Resignation] (09-04-79)
Letter to the Members of the Denver Branch from Neil D. [re: Resignation] (10-13-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 32 (11-02-79)

Letter to the Political Committee from David Keil [re: Resignation from Leninist-Trotskyist Tendency] (11-02-79)

Trade Union Coordinating Committee Minutes (11-03-79)

Minutes of [IMG] Central Committee Meeting (11-03/04-79)

International Marxist Group [Britain] National Briefing (11-05-79)

Split in the Fourth International
Pre-Conference Discussion Opened by CC
Appeal for the Formation of a Tendency
Appeal for the Formation of a Tendency
Socialist Challenge
Anti-Racist Fraction

Political Committee Meeting No. 46 (11-05-79)

Minutes of [IMG] Special Leadership Meeting (11-06-79)

Notes by Gus Horowitz on Pre-World Congress Voting (11-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 27 (11-07-79)

Trade Union Coordinating Committee Minutes (11-09-79)

To Organizers, Antinuclear Work Directors and Trade-Union Fraction Heads (11-10-79)

Cover letter by John Hawkins, Trade Union Coordinating Committee
Letter to Steve Clark, The Militant, from Robbie Scherr, Los Angeles (10-14-79)
Letter to Robbie Scherr from Doug Jenness, National Office (11-06-79)

Minutes of [IMG] Special Leadership Meeting (11-12-79)

Minutes of [IMG] Special Leadership Meeting (11-14-79)

Outline of Report on Iran by Wendy Lyons Approved by the Political Committee (11-15-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 47 (11-15-79)

Revolutionary Workers League/Ligue Ouvrière Revolutionnaire [Canada] Political Committee Minutes (11-15-79)

Appendix: Statement by Connolly on the motion by Mackenzie at the November 15 PC Meeting
Correction to the Political Committee Minutes of November 8, 1979

Letter to the Political Committee from David Keil [re: Declaration of ideological tendency] (11-16-79)

Revolutionary Workers League/Ligue Ouvrière Revolutionnaire [Canada] Political Committee Minutes (11-17-79)

"Alan Gelfand vs. United States Attorney General Griffin Bell, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation William H. Webster, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Stansfield Turner, Director of the National Security Agency Vice Admiral Bobby Inman, Jack Barnes, Larry Seigle, Peter Camejo, David Jerome, Mary Roche, Doug Jenness, Sharon Cabanas, Pearl Chertov, Bruce Marcus, Socialist Workers Party, Case No. 79-02710MRP(T)," Plaintiff's Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Motions to Dismiss; Affadavit of Alan Gelfand. United States District Court Central District of California (11-19-79)

"Alan Gelfand vs. United States Attorney General Griffin Bell, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation William H. Webster, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Stansfield Turner, Director of the National Security Agency Vice Admiral Bobby Inman, Jack Barnes, Larry Seigle, Peter Camejo, David Jerome, Mary Roche, Doug Jenness, Sharon Cabanas, Pearl Chertov, Bruce Marcus, Socialist Workers Party, Case No. 79-02710MRP(T)," SWP Defendants' Reply to Plaintiff's Opposition to Motion to Dismis. United States District Court Central District of California (11-19-79)

Front Cover of Inprekorr [German-Language Edition] (11-22-79)

[IMG] Political Bureau Minutes (11-23-79)

"Informe y Balance del XI Congreso Mundial de la Cuarta Internacional" [Informe Interno de la Liga Comunista (España)?] (11-23-79)

To Organizers and National Committee Members [re: Resignation of Bob Pearlman] (11-24-79)

Cover letter by Dave Prince, National Office
Letter to the SWP National Office from Anne Chase for the Boston Executive Committee (11-01-79)

International Marxist Group [Britain] National Briefing (11-26-79)

British Leyland
The Turn and the National Centre
Socialist Challenge National Sales Drive
National Branch Organizers Meeting
National Summer School
Revolution Conference: Birmingham 14, 15 December
New Issue of Revolution
IMG National Conference
Tendency Meeting
The Split in the FI: World Congress Report Back

Letter to [IMG] Central Committee Members from Ellis, National Office (11-26-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 33 (11-27-79)

Declaration of  a "Parity Committee" Set up by the OCRFI, the Bolshevik Faction, and the Leninist-Trotskyist Tendency (11-79?)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 28 (11-28-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 48 (11-29-79)

Proposed Agendas for [IMG] Leadership Meetings (11-79?)

[IMG] Political Bureau Minutes (11-30-79)

Bolshevik Faction and Leninist-Trotskyist Tendency Split from the Fourth International (11-79)

Lettre aux Sections et aux Organisations Sympathisantes du Bureau du Secrétariat Unifié [re: Scission de la IV] (11-29-79)
"Statement on Split from the Fourth International by the LTT and the BF," adopted by the Eleventh World Congress (11-17-79)

Letter to the National Office from Mimi Pichey, Twin Cities Branch (12-01-79)

"FBI: 445,000 Arrested in 1978 on Pot Charges," from Twin Cities Reader (11-28-79)

Minutes of the Central Committee of the Communist League [India] (12-01/03-79)

"SWP (USA/CIA) Agents in Iran Exposed: The Ahwaz Operation Terminated," from News Line [Britain] (12-01-79)

[IMG] Political Committee Meeting (12-02-79)

[IMG] National Briefing (12-03-79)

An Exchange on Iran (12-03-79)

Letter to Steve Gabosch, Tacoma, from Dave Frankel (12-03-79)
Letter to Steve Clark, The Militant, from Steve Gabosch (11-17-79)

Announcement of IMG National Women's Caucus, January 12, 1980, London (12-79?)

"División en Nombre de la Unidad: La LOM Llama a un Acto Contra la Revolución Nicaragünse," de Bandera Socialista [Mexico] (12-03-79)

To the Political Committee (12-03-79)

Cover letter by Becky
Internal Report on Recent Events in North Carolina

Trade Union Coordinating Committee Minutes (12-03-79)

Summary by Fred Murphy of an article in O Trabalho [Brazil], weekly newspaper of the Organização Socialista Internacionalista, affliliated with the OCRFI (12-03-79)

Correspondence with Tim Wohlforth [re: Move to Mexico] (12-04-79)

Letter to Tim Wohlforth from Maceo Dixon, National Office (12-04-79)
Letter to the National Office and Bay Area, California District Organizer from Arlene J. Rubinstein, East Bay Branch Organizer (11-09-79)
Letter to the Political Committee from Tim Wohlforth (11-11-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 34 (12-04-79)

Letter to the Political Committee from David Keil, Hal Leyshon and Mike [re: Nicaragua] (12-04-79)

Nicaragua Solidarity Work in Seattle (12-79)

Letter to Seattle SWP from the Coordinating Committee, Seattle Committee for Solidarity with the Nicaraguan People (12-05-79)
Letter to Olga Rodríguez from Gay [?], Seattle Branch (12-10-79)

[YSA] National Executive Committee Minutes No. 29 (12-05-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 49 (12-06-79)

To Organizers and National Committee Members (12-06-79)

Cover letter by Maceo Dixon, National Office
"Khomeini Fanatics Provoke Imperialist Threats: Iran Embassy Crisis," from Workers Vanguard (11-23-79)
"Ayatollah Nuttier than Shah But: Hands Off Iran!," from Workers Vanguard (11-23-79)

"El Mejor Mitin de la Izquierda," de Marka [Peru] (12-06-79)

Southeast Regional Report, by Tom Leonard (12-07-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 34 (12-07-79)

Letter to Arnold Weissberg, The Militant, from Casey Peters [re: California Peace and Freedom Party presidential primary] (12-08-79)

To [YSA] Organizers and Antinuclear Work Directors (12-08-79)

Cover letter by Agnes Chapa, YSA National Office
Letter to Robbie Scherr from Doug Jenness, SWP National Office (11-06-79)

Letter to the Political Committee from Mike Baumann [re: Article in La Brèche (Switzerland)] (12-08-79)

Election Manifesto of the Communist League [India] (12-08-79)

Letter to Gus Horowitz, Intercontinental Press, from Magan Desai, Central Secretariat of the Communist League (12-08-79)
Appendix 1: "Forward to Unity of Working Class Parties. For Workers' and Poor Peasants' Government. Fight Capitalism to Finish Communalism and Authoritarianism: Election Manifesto of the Communist League" (Indian Section of the Fourth International)"
Appendix 2: Statement of the CC on Unrest in the Eastern Regions of India
Appendix 3: Statement of the CC on Productivity Linked Bonus to Railway Workers

The Spartacist League in Chicago (12-79)

Letter to Dave [?] from Mark Severs
"Veils for Women, Rights for Klansmen, a Scab for President & Exclusion for Communists: SWP, You Stink!," leaflet by Chicago Spartacist League (12-08-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 36 (12-11-79)

Memo to Organization Committee from Peter Seidman [re: Fall Circulation Drive] (12-10-79)

Political Committee Meeting No. 50 (12-12-79)

Información Sobre la División en el Grupo "¿Que Hacer?" en la Republica Dominicana (12-14-79)

Lettre d'Accompagnement de Duret [Charles-André Udry] pour le Bureau du Secrétariat Unifié
Carta al Buró del Secretariado Unificado de Andres Navarro (11-28-79)
Carta al Buró del Secretariado Unificado de Andres Navarro (12-03-79)
"Informe en Defensa de la Cuarta Internacional" (12-02-79)
Carta al Buró del Secretariado Unificado de Andres Navarro, José Camilo, Carlos Rodriguez, Clara Mieses, Gladys Pérez

Correspondence with Panamanian Comrades [re: Panama Canal] (12-15-79)

Letter to the Movimiento Socialista Revolucionario from Steve Clark, Intercontinental Press/Inprecor (12-15-79)
Carta a la Dirección Política del SWP [Estados Unidos] y la Secretaríado Unificado de P. Liova para el Movimiento Socialista Revolucionario [Panamá] (07-11-79)
"250,000 Hail End to US Rule Over Canal Zone," by Will Reissner, from Intercontinental Press/Inprecor, Vol. 17 No. 37 (10-15-79)

Organization Committee Meeting No. 37 (12-20-79)

Summary of articles in Informations Ouvrières [France] (12-22-79/01-05-80)